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24h MR is a pain and a bad game design that not feel rewarding


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A lot of ppl just saying get good because you s*ck and practice to ppl complaining about this game design but no real argued responses seek out.

24hr gating on fail is a pain !

After 1000 of hours on the game I love the REAL gameplay of the game. But the tests make no sense with the game i'm playing Hack'n'slash/beat them all gameplay with parkour. All the skill that make you good in the game do not matter in tests because it's not the same gameplay. You cant use warframe's skills cant use operator, have to be stealthy in a game with 0 point to be stealthy (except very nish gameplay, that some ppl can enjoy as their will why ivara not top tier list if it is the main gameplay loop of the game) etc...

It's just frustrating, yeah I s*ck, I practice and having 0 fun because the game design of tests s*ck as well.
Every time you failed you're just frustrated and having no fun to continue playing warframe, the frustration will make everything s*ck so it's preferable to go play something else.
And when you finally pass through you didn't get the adrenaline or rewarding rush that a good challenge do ! You're "ok, i brute forced it, i got one more weapon slot.. cool, i can play the real game now like before the test".

and waiting 24h hours make you less encline to go to practice again before the test what the point to practice if all that practice fly away because of a 24h wait do it again for no result no thanks.

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The reason this is in place is to prevent people from going to MR1 to MR15 (or more) in one day. Why do we want to prevent that? Because it would lead to people creating new accounts like crazy for one, which leads to problems with trade and clans and stuff. The way it currently is forces a progression of at least a couple of weeks. Whether or not that time frame is ideal is up for debate, but the idea behind it is solid. People are invested in their accounts in WF, and this is part of the reason why.

Secondly, this is part of a long mostly abandoned progession system involving weapons. You'll notice all weapons have a mastery rank associated with them. The idea behind this was similar I believe: prevent people from getting the top end gear instantly. Unfortunately, this is now mostly a relic of the past, and tbh was never implemented very well originally.

Thirdly, the main point of the tests in the first place are to ensure that the player has a solid grasp of a mechanic and is able to execute on it reliably well. If you could instantly retry the test and finish it through spam luck, that would erode the purpose. While some of them are genuinely difficult, the vast majority are not. I don't think it would out of place to request one instant retry, but then that rather erodes the point of the free practice runs, which are unlimited. Also there's a fair point to be made for the fail condition creating a certain gravitas: if it could instantly be retried it would lose much of its weight (whether that weight is real or not). Basically these are an extended tutorial meant to help players through things not covered in the initial intro (they could do a much better job of that, but that's what they do).

Fourthly, the tests don't actually gate much anymore. You can progress through the entire story of WF without getting hardly any MR, so while it's nice to have, it's more cosmetic than anything. The most pressing reason to finish the test is honestly just to clear it off your menu.

And finally I will say on a personal note that I've felt this exact frustration many times, but looking back on it now I'm glad the system was in place. I know that's not much comfort, but look back on the MR tests you've already completed and you can feel a certain pride of accomplishment.

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