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Eclipse Feedback Megathread


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2 hours ago, [DE]Juice said:

Hello Tenno!

As you may have seen in Devstream #176, we are looking at ways to change Mirage’s Eclipse ability (and related Helminth ability). To briefly recap the Devstream, we see consistent functionality issues with Eclipse in various in-game environments, as well as situations where Eclipse is unreliable.


First, Eclipse does not function correctly in every area of the game. In Open Zone content, it always acts as though it is in maximum light, even when it is nighttime. In Albrecht’s Laboratories, it always acts as though it is night, preventing Tenno from using the light portion of the ability. Here's what that looks like in practice:

Eclipse in Open World - Always Light

Eclipse in Albrecht's Laboratories - Always Dark


Second, Eclipse’s reliability is due to the boost being reliant on the area’s lighting, which means taking a step to the side could cut Eclipse’s boost in half. This can make it difficult to properly utilize shadow’s damage reduction. Here's an example of what we're talking about - even a few steps may switch Eclipse from dark to light.


We’re coming to you for your feedback because we see a few paths forward, and we would like your input on our current ideations for Eclipse.

  • We can fix the locations it doesn’t work correctly in (like Albrecht’s Laboratories and Open Zone areas) but leave everything else the same - including its unpredictability when moving. This would require extensive work to fix as it ties into our new lighting system but would allow Eclipse to work in these areas and any future environments.
  • We can change Eclipse to work more reliably, but may need to reduce its effectiveness when used as a Helminth ability by reducing its power, duration, or other factors.
    • Eclipse is already the 2nd most popular Helminth ability, so removing its main barrier to entry (reliability) would mean a rebalance is in order. This effectiveness reduction would not affect the ability for Mirage, only when applied from the Helminth.
  • We can redesign the ability, so it works on the same general theme but functionally is different. For example, it could spawn beams of light nearby - standing in them provides the light boost, while standing out of them provides the shadow boost.
  • Suggestions! We are open to unique suggestions from Tenno on this as well!

Please leave your feedback below. We’ll be reading it from the shadows (but also sometimes from the light)!

Thank you Tenno!


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6 minutes ago, Ati3HUN said:

But there are other options. Simple toggle is so braindead, basically ironskin because everyone will use the damage boost.

I meant roar not ironskin.

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My 2 cents:
Do NOT be afraid of making changes for the good of balancing!
Regardless if you nerf it, change it entirely or whatever, just strive for balance.
People may complain now that they will lose their shiny toy, but when they have TEN SHINY TOYS VIABLE then they'll be happy.
So, if anyone asks me (and no one did), change it. If you get it wrong, change it again. But always try to go for the better choices, not the safest ones.

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Like pretty much everyone, I'm voting Tap/Hold. Keep it marked as a "damage boost" on Helminth, maybe have it as a channel for the duration, with 2/3rds strength on other frames. It doesn't need to be more complicated than that. The appeal of the ability is in its simplicity and reliability (in certain specific use cases, I.E. Eidolons), and so, improving its reliability and keeping it simple will do more for the health of the ability going forward.
I understand that it's a very popular Helminth ability, but again, only a minority of players make use of the Helminth in the first place. That portion of players is naturally going to trend towards the most effective options for patching perceived gaps in a frame's kit, like survivability, energy economy, or armor stripping. If the Eclipse rework has too much of an impact on the Helminth version's usability, it's just going to contribute to Nourish's dominance, in lieu of other Helminth abilities being brought up to the same level in one way or another.

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