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When using Forma for polarizing weapons or armor, it would be great if players could selectively polarize certain MOD slots in some configurations instead of polarizing all MOD slots uniformly. This way, players can choose to polarize all MOD slots in all configurations or just polarize certain MOD slots in one or a few configurations. For example, the same armor and weapon may have completely different gameplay strategies, requiring very different MOD configurations and possibly different polarized slots. However, uniform polarization of MOD slots may limit the various gameplay strategies on the same armor to some extent. Adding the option to polarize specific MOD slots in the Forma system would increase players' freedom and strategic choices when customizing equipment. This improvement would allow players to optimize their equipment more flexibly based on different gameplay strategies, thereby enhancing the game's playability and depth. If game developers can implement such a feature, players can better explore different tactics and strategies, bringing more variety and challenges to the game. This personalized polarization system can also inspire players' creativity, allowing them to showcase more unique gameplay and equipment combinations in the game. In conclusion, the choice to polarize specific MOD slots would add more depth and tactical elements to the game, enhancing players' freedom and creativity. Hopefully, game developers will consider such improvements, allowing players to experience more diverse and enjoyable gameplay.

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