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Update Failures


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The game crashes after pressing Play on the launcher. I have found that disabling 64-bit mode will bring you to the login screen, but from there it says to check my info and try again.

This has been a problem since the recent Hotfix today.

Same for me and my brother when we try to open the game.. :'(

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Its been 2-3 hrs now still cant log in warframe not responding tried lots of diffrent ways to get on but no joy, i bet we dont even get sorry about the inconviance here is some platnum enjoy we will just get hotfix updated u can play now

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Same for me. Since the hotfix today, press play, pulls up a white window, then immediately closes to the crash reporter. Tried optimizing and verifying my cache and still nothing. can't make it to the log in screen.


^ Perfect description of what's been going on since getting home.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hola alguien me prodria ayudar tengo un problema con las actualizaciones del  juego warframe por favor " erro de actualizacion y repite repite lo mismo ya lo desintale lo descargue varias veces pero siempre lo mimso ayuda

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Every time I try to start up the Warframe Launcher it downloads the files thenPOPS UParrow-10x10.png saying the update failed and will be restarted shortly. This is day 3 that this has happened to me when I try to start up Warframe. I have even tried clicking the small gear cog in the top right corner of the launcher and tried verify and optimize and they both turn into the same result: "Update failed!". I have also tried to fore the update through steam and that has also failed. Can someone please tell me why this is happening and/or how to fix it? 

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I just recently downloaded the game not too long ago, sometime this week. It is 6/25/2015 and I loaded up Warframe and it begun updating the new update. It updated all the way to 100% then now says "Checking for updates..." and just won't ever load. After a couple minutes, the screen tells me the update has failed and to try again later. Is this a pc problem that cannot be fixed or is it something I can? If so, what do i do?

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Update failed!

Some content updates could not be downloaded from our servers. 

Please restart Warframe to try again.

The update will be restarted shortly..


Did anyone ever find a solution to this issue? I've tried to download it on two of my computers and the same thing keeps happening.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys!Checking out if anyone has my problem.So,I don't have any update failures,and I can play regularly,but my launcher never updates.The last time it updated was like last saturday! I usually get updates every day.Here is the question,does my launcher update invisibly(automatically?),or is this a bug;or has DE stopped releasing updates atm,becuz I heard rumours about update 17?

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It said the Update will restart but the prog is no longer responding



I have been having this issue for the past week, works sometimes after a few mins of fiddling around with the launcher .tmp files and verify game files.

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