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PSA: Xbox Series S Launcher Issues on Jade Shadows Release [RESOLVED]


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2 minutes ago, Kane_ASAX said:

Note the word "stages". Can still take ages, because its not like we can apply a hotfix, we cant even go the launcher

I very angry. Me want apology

I also upset but me also know life and vacuum mix very not good 

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To every one crying shut up it won't kill u to wait for them to fix the issue be thankful they even care enough to fix this issue they could have just put it off for another day so how about some of u say thank you to DE for being a great dev and stop whining about it Thank you to the DE team for working hard to fix this issue 

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Только что, (XBOX)Turcojo сказал:

My fellow tenno this is a free game please stop lowering the bar. DE doesn't intentionally box out people with stuff like this. It happens. It's going to be resolved and it's not going to be the end of your life stop begging like children even if you are a child. 

It's bad for business, straight - no money from Xbox players, upset players - less money AND someone even stop playing the game that also means less money... Someone tells about this situation their friends - less new players equal less money

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Just now, unlivingrain said:

To every one crying shut up it won't kill u to wait for them to fix the issue be thankful they even care enough to fix this issue they could have just put it off for another day so how about some of u say thank you to DE for being a great dev and stop whining about it Thank you to the DE team for working hard to fix this issue 

While they left us hanging for 5 hours with no explanation or anything. That an issue like this even possible. I will say thank you if they give me something 

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1 minute ago, KearanFISK said:

It's bad for business, straight - no money from Xbox players, upset players - less money AND someone even stop playing the game that also means less money... Someone tells about this situation their friends - less new players equal less money

Most their playerbase is PC, they could have ignored this issue until tomorrow and lost next to no money, your point is invalid. *Red incorrect buzzer noise*

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1 minute ago, unlivingrain said:

To every one crying shut up it won't kill u to wait for them to fix the issue be thankful they even care enough to fix this issue they could have just put it off for another day so how about some of u say thank you to DE for being a great dev and stop whining about it Thank you to the DE team for working hard to fix this issue 

couldnt have said this any ruder could you? 

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1 minute ago, unlivingrain said:

To every one crying shut up it won't kill u to wait for them to fix the issue be thankful they even care enough to fix this issue they could have just put it off for another day so how about some of u say thank you to DE for being a great dev and stop whining about it Thank you to the DE team for working hard to fix this issue 

DE doesn’t know you lil bro.

Get a helmet for all that riding you doing.

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2 minutes ago, KearanFISK said:

It's bad for business, straight - no money from Xbox players, upset players - less money AND someone even stop playing the game that also means less money... Someone tells about this situation their friends - less new players equal less money

That would be the exact reason a fix is being pushed and not just postponed with a laughing emoji saying haha sucks to sucks series s players laughing emoji laughing emoji devil emoji 

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2 minutes ago, Crimsonchin30 said:

DE doesn’t know you lil bro.

Get a helmet for all that riding you doing.

De ain't know you either, how about you just be nice to each other.

Just now, (XBOX)Turcojo said:

Is now a bad time to say that the people who complain about the wait don't get the free triple forma bundle on the DL?

Lol, I have a million forma, I don't need three more

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2 минуты назад, Sylviesilversong сказал:

Most their playerbase is PC, they could have ignored this issue until tomorrow and lost next to no money, your point is invalid. *Red incorrect buzzer noise*

Lol, money always needed, even from "minority" especially for F2P projects... Do some research and after this type your bravado

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2 minutes ago, Stalkersacolyteprime said:

To many people complaining about them not being able to snap the fingers yea it sucks some of us can’t get in right now but how would you feel if you were on there side your trying you best to fix an issue and people just complain just give them time 

I would at the very least tell a non technical person in the company to tell them what seems to be the issue, while i go at it trying to find the missing semicolon

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1 minute ago, Sylviesilversong said:

I know, I'm just tired of ppl complaining so I'm tryna get them to shut up

Who else? I only replied to you. You stupid or something?

wow, now youre being a complete d**k, the dude replied so aggressively and now you insult me? noted to never talk to you, ever.

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2 minutes ago, Sylviesilversong said:

De ain't know you either, how about you just be nice to each other.

Lol, I have a million forma, I don't need three more

Didn’t you just call some one a little bit*h

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1 минуту назад, Sylviesilversong сказал:

I know, I'm just tired of ppl complaining so I'm tryna get them to shut up

This is human society, there are always someone who cries lot more than reasonable people

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3 minutes ago, Sylviesilversong said:

De ain't know you either, how about you just be nice to each other.

Lol, I have a million forma, I don't need three more

Hopefully you have enough self realization to see who isn’t being nice. But anyways keep glazing away 🍩

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2 minutes ago, KearanFISK said:

Lol, money always needed, even from "minority" especially for F2P projects... Do some research and after this type your bravado

Sony has kinda gone the other way with that idea in recent events with them blocking helldiver's in more countries than it is available in because their information isn't worth "getting hacked" every three years. Dollars only go so far. Public opinion only goes so far. Id recommend expanding your scope of research. I would be willing to cross examine references with you if your interested 

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