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Simulacrum armor reduces damage of sources that should bypass armor.

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Testing in the simulacrum I noticed bladestorm was doing significantly less damage than it should, and after a bit of testing I found that armor is applying the damage reduction to finisher and slash tick damage, which are both designed to bypass armor altogether.

The heavy gunner below has the max armor value, giving it a 90% damage reduction. As you can see by the purple damage numbers, the finisher attack of bladestorm is doing 288 damage.

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Stripping the armor off of that same gunner and activating bladestorm again shows an exact 10x damage increase to 2880 finisher damage.

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Slash tick damage reacted in the same predictable way.

Now, this only applies to simulacrum enemies. Taking this build into a steel path mission and using bladestorm on the first enemy I found resulted in the full 2880 finisher damage being applied despite their armor still being intact.

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Edited by Maniac523
Changed inserted images to links so they can still be viewed.
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We've received additional reports of Slash Status Effects not functioning correctly, and we're actively working to resolve this issue! For added information, this is unintentional, and the bug is seemingly limited to just the Simulacrum currently.  For now, we're working on resolving this with a near-future Hotfix.

Thank you!

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7 hours ago, SoyGiowey said:

Hi, is it just limited to simulacrum? because it feels like slash now barely does damage in game

Grineer had their health increased across the board. This directly impacts the efficiency of slash procs.

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