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The duration on light's judgement is very low

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Currently i have 158% duration and it's giving me 15.75sec on jade's 1, maybe lower the cap form 5 to 3 and double the duration ? i'm not really having fun spamming the ability all time to keep it up 

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I also found this a bit spammy and taking away from actual gameplay. I put her 1 up like a couple times, to have mobs with judgement, so my 2nd doesn't need recasting... I end up recasting Light's Judgement a lot and then my 2nd anyway because everyone nukes my judgemented mobs. 

Her first could extend duration from judgements like her 2nd, or make base duration longer. 

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The duration absolutely needs to be higher, especially since you can't tell how long one of them has left. I keep putting it down, turning around and it's gone.

Considering this also plays with her 4, it feels very annoying to have to keep throwing these down to get Judgement. The range is wayyyyy too small as well. and my range is at 175%

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I understand perfectly why they don't want her 1 to have infinite duration like Wisp's motes, considering that in Jade's case, it deals damage. Having a infinite damage-dealing ability and being able to put down 5 of them would allow Jade to permanently lock down a location, like an objective, and just AFK.

However, I must agree on the duration needing to be higher than it currently is, ideally double or even triple what it is now. Trying to BOTH maintain and keep track of how many 1's you're putting down can become very tedious during combat, especially considering how vital this ability is for Jade's survival. Right now, I'm not so much thinking about where I should place down my 1 so much as just spamming the hell out of the ability just to keep myself alive. Not fun, I promise you that.

EDIT: Fixed typos, damn dyslexia....

Edited by ZiIIion
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4 hours ago, ZiIIion said:

I understand perfectly why they don't want her 1 to have infinite duration like Wisp's motes, considering that in Jade's case, it deals damage. Having a infinite damage-dealing ability and being able to put down 5 of them would allow Jade to permanently lock down a location, like an objective, and just AFK.

However, I must agree on the duration needing to be higher than it currently is, ideally double or even triple what it is now. Trying to keep track of how many 1's you're putting down can become very tedious during combat, especially considering how vital this ability is for Jade's survival. Right now, I'm not so much thinking about where I should place down my 1 so much as I'm just spamming the hell out of just to keep myself alive. Not fun, I promise you that.

The damage it deals is pretty low, though. And it's not like Octavia's Mallet which can reset enemy AI or shock motes which are constantly CCing enemies; they can just walk out of it and aren't affected by any CC/stagger just for being in the zone. Even if you have 5 with max range that won't stop enemies from just shooting the objective while being gently tickled. Jade herself doesn't have the luxury of going AFK since she doesn't have built-in invis (unlike Octavia or Wisp) so throwing down her zones won't stop enemies from shooting her or the objective.

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She already was at three before she released which obviously they felt want enough probably because they knew they wanted to release her not OP like other frames in the past so  the 5 is fine; it gives her a difference than just being another wisp with her three motes, 5 is good considering how low the damage and healing is, so it's easier to catch enemies with more than just three. Since the damage and healing are so low, they can increase the base duration a bit to make the damage and healing last longer and make it feel more efficient like when the other support frames you're placing them around.

Edited by OneOmniverse
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