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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

Quest was rushed, but overall left me feel satisfied

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Hey I’ll throw my few cents regarding quest.

First, the negative part - that was pretty short one, no huge context or backstory behind the events, which is a shame, I liked the story overall, it could put so much light on Orokin Empire. Than It really felt a bit rushed.

Now good parts, I really enjoyed the story, for what it was, even it feels a bit disconnected from previous established game lore (how it happens nobody ever mention Jade in Past?), but it still got the right chemistry to me. 

I really liked the moment when the Corpus commander ordered to hold the fire when hearing child’s cry, you can say whatever you want, it’s really something that can very rarely happen during war and it has been strong and heartwarming yet completely innocent and naive moment, but it has its own charm, especially since it had such strong emphasis on woman being empathetic to a child, I doubt someone like Nef Anyo or Alad V… Well Alad would actually order to hold the fire and than bring the child to him for experiments.  

I have no problems with Jade being frame with pregnancy theme (so that’s where second aura forma goes??), it’s actually very unique theme in games and overall not feels too alien to Warframe universe. If you think about it - warframes are chunks of infested flesh, that grows, spreads, dies and overall alive, and everything that is alive can breed; well it does strange to introduce this feature at 10 year of Warframe life, but oh well, why not? That’s still not as bad as plot of some AAA games… 

Overall I’m applauding DE for making this quest so centered around traditional values  and women characters  having traditional women feeling, that’s pretty much an anathema case today and DE have a very huge balls to do something like this. You can cry all you want, but without “traditional” values, heterosexuality, babies and pregnancy etc our whole stupid specie would extinct. Well actually it’s much worse than it in reality, but it comes to political themes and all those snowflakes would have heart attack reading it and I would get banned, so I won’t write further. 


Besides it’s not like DE against all this LGBT stuff, they exactly having healthy attitude regardless supporting everyone’s values. 

Edited by SpiritTeA
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