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Further enemy resistance clarification

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With the enemy elemental resistances and weakness changed, I believe further clarification should be made for special enemies which can be met in several diffetent locations that belong to different factions.

What are their resistances, weakness, and what faction they belong to. For example Acolytes, Void Angels, Jackal, Vor, and more.

To clarify, if I fight Jackal in Duviri's Circuit, will it have the Corpus weakness for Puncture and Magnetic or will it share Duviri enemy weaknesses...whatever those are?

The reason I'm asking is that originally, when fighting Grineer for example, it was ideal (outside of Viral) to mod for Corrosive for normal mobs and Radiation for bosses but I'm not sure how to effectively mod now in case an Acolyte pops up. Based on my understanding and assumption, if I go fight Grineer, I should bring Corrosive and Impact but I should also have a backup weapon with Viral and Puncture in case an Acolyte spawns (assuming they belong to the Orokin faction).

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