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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

Jade feedback

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After having played the frame for a bit and gotten a feel for it ill toss my initial feedback on her without using any helminth etc.


Works fine, no complaints here.

Light's Judgement:
Needs more duration, right now it feels like you need to cast these non stop to be able to actually make use of them. As others have suggested i suggest its duration is doubled and the maximum amount is limited to three. I'd love a hold cast option on this to attach a mote to yourself for the healing, these things being on the ground and relatively small does not work well with flying around.

Symphony of Mercy:
Overall this ability is really good. The shield regeneration is however much weaker than i expected as it seems to just stop randomly. Either its not working properly or its applying something like shield recharge while allowing the normal regeneration to build into overshields.

Ophanim Eyes:
Works nicely, no complaints. It does the job of stripping armor nicely once you build for power strength.

Glory on High:
It would be nice if the damage reduction scaled with strength to a cap rather than being locked to 50%. I'd also like this thing to control using the archwing controls rather than the ground movement controls. The damage output is reasonably good, but falls off pretty hard at higher levels/steel path.


Overall ill say she is a decent enough frame but with issues. The main one for me being that she is quite fragile with few options to really mitigate it. Even with the shield regeneration going i had some trouble surviving in the archon hunt i did the main test run on. She does pair /extremely/ well with a wisp as she can provide a bunch of power strength while gaining massive benefits from the health regeneration and fire rate.


I do hope there will be a toggle for the pregnancy crap as its cringe to hell and back in my opinion.

Damage - 7/10
Buffs/Debuffs - 9/10
Survivability - 4/10

Edited by Vahenir
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