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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

Jade Volume Slider

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Hey, my feedback. I could do with a volume slider to turn Jade down or off when using her abilities. Finding it quite hard to actually play as her as I can’t hear the actual game in general when in her 4, it’s playing havoc with my tinnitus. 

I already have all music turned off including Octavia. 

As an accessibility setting could you please include a slider. Not asking you to turn it off. I’m asking for the option to turn it off. 


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I also wish we could turn down the humming sound that plays with her 4th ability. I've played with her since yesterday and since I basically always have her 4 on, I feel like I'm starting to hear it in my sleep soon. Even with other sounds happening in the game, the hum of her 4th really overpowers everything else for me and its the only sound my brain focuses on.

Its pretty much my only problem with the frame. So far everything else has been pretty fun.

Edited by Andrax17
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