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Stalker Assist Vacuum

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As a new player, playing as the stalker is good because you can participate in steel path missions without the need for end game gear.

Playing as the stalker as a vet has nearly no positives besides the factor of playing as the stalker.

Please give him vacuum so at least we can collect all of the loot.

Because right now, it sucks knowing that playing as the stalker will result in getting less loot.


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stalker runs without companion, hence the no vacuum. 
Since the stalker assist is the same as in duviri (buildwise) i presume it is the same coded entity so adding vacuum to stalker directly would impact duviri stalker. I agree its not fun having to run to your pickups and stand on top of it. You are experiencing the same thing as people running without carrier sentinel before 2016 (the year in which vacuum became available on all sentinels) or 2018 for animal companions (with the mod fetch)

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I played Stalker once for the novelty factor and found myself wondering why I wouldn't rather just play my own frame instead.

You're basically penalised for playing him. No vacuum, no customisation, can't chat, fail on being downed, and also that awful annoying border permanently on your screen. What's the appeal?

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7 minutes ago, Schwitzer said:

I played Stalker once for the novelty factor and found myself wondering why I wouldn't rather just play my own frame instead.

You're basically penalised for playing him. No vacuum, no customisation, can't chat, fail on being downed, and also that awful annoying border permanently on your screen. What's the appeal?

Playing as Stalker puts a 5th person into an existing squad its a novelty thing, something unique, something to have fun with but not be encouraged to play it exclusively / be forced into playing due to it being easier or having better rewards.

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Also the fact his Hate has no ranged move just kinda sucks as well.

What i hope they do, but wont, is have the stalker become better as we progress in the event. The event ephemera could be a perfect progress stage indicator, and the stalker could get better and better with each stage. Maybe with each stage buff one of his weapons to be better? Like for example giving the Hate the range attack from the campaign.

At least i think thats a cool concept. 

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