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Jade Glory on High FPS hit

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I love Jade! I bought her collection and I think she's my new main now.

My favorite is her 4 - Glory on High, it's what I wanted in Hildryn for a long time.

The Glory particles are kinda a huge tank on FPS though. Right now, I'm the only Jade player in most squads, but I can imagine host pcs framerate be going in the single digits if there are 4 Jade players using this skill. Any chance of lowering the particles a bit or improve the performance by making them a single explosion effect or something like that?
For reference, I mod glory for fire rate so that's definitely a factor but keep in mind the FPS tank I'm getting is not the same with other weapons with high fire rate and explosion effects like Acceltra, etc.

EDIT: I should add, the FPS tanks bad when you attack enemies up close, like worse than other weapons.

EDIT 2: Occasionally the particles will stay in place until the rest of the mission particularly against Infested enemies thus tanking the FPS even worse:

This was in a mission with only a single other player, and they were using Mesa so this is definitely my Jade's fault.

Edited by MithrasRevan
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On 2024-06-20 at 1:05 AM, MithrasRevan said:

I love Jade! I bought her collection and I think she's my new main now.

My favorite is her 4 - Glory on High, it's what I wanted in Hildryn for a long time.

The Glory particles are kinda a huge tank on FPS though. Right now, I'm the only Jade player in most squads, but I can imagine host pcs framerate be going in the single digits if there are 4 Jade players using this skill. Any chance of lowering the particles a bit or improve the performance by making them a single explosion effect or something like that?
For reference, I mod glory for fire rate so that's definitely a factor but keep in mind the FPS tank I'm getting is not the same with other weapons with high fire rate and explosion effects like Acceltra, etc.

EDIT: I should add, the FPS tanks bad when you attack enemies up close, like worse than other weapons.

EDIT 2: Occasionally the particles will stay in place until the rest of the mission particularly against Infested enemies thus tanking the FPS even worse:

This was in a mission with only a single other player, and they were using Mesa so this is definitely my Jade's fault.

I religiously only use Alt Fire on Glory and it tanks the FPS even harder

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The biggest issue is the permanently lingering particle effects. If those were removed the processing cost would go way down. We can't really say whether or not the effects need to be toned down for FPS stability until that issue is solved.

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