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A bug when a host leave in the belly of the beast, the elevator will go down

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i just encounter a bug where when the host leave when the elevator come near the top. when the host leave the elevator will go down even if the power is full.

dont know if the host is intentionally being  a troll or not, regardless it is annoying and easily abuse

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This just happened to my group on last run. Before that keep losing host and other peeps keep lagging out and dying over and over. I still haven't seen a Jade piece drop as well.

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On 2024-06-20 at 5:05 AM, Weslor said:

This just happened to my group on last run. Before that keep losing host and other peeps keep lagging out and dying over and over. I still haven't seen a Jade piece drop as well.

Same here. Game became super laggy - couldn't cast abilities or go into Operator and kept getting downed. Then the host left (causing migration) and all the lag went away, however the elevator then started descending. The power / boost still worked, just in the opposite direction. Once the elevator reached the bottom, the Sister spawned at the top and we were able to complete the mission normally.

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Host migration will also soft-lock the mission at "defeat the Sister of Parvos" if killing the sister causes a crash on the host. After the migration, the sister will not spawn, but the objective will not complete and the mission cannot progress to the final escort phase.

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