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The quest was not thoroughly thought through

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Warframe is a messed up world, we get that. Ballas is 100% the type to make a pregnant woman into a warframe and deliberately ensure the fetus survives the transformation just to see what happens, we get it. There are human Corpus with enough of a soul to realise that relentlessly firing at a baby who's mother died giving birth is messed up and that they should let the caregiver of said baby pass, completely reasonable. But everything else here is a mess that keeps getting worse the more I dwell on it.

1. Stalker is an edgy mess that did not have the slightest clue what to do outside of try to keep Jade alive which makes some sense, however our Tenno and Ordis are not knowledgeable about child birth and the toll it entails in the slightest. In fact it was rather jarring that our operator just happened to know the infested thing Stalker needed to go get, how did they know that? If it was the right thing at all? The only entity that I would expect to know that is the Helminth which wasn't ever referred to at all. I think it was clever to use our Tenno like an ultrasound scanner but again, they were clueless about the situation at hand they needed someone to point out what's going on? A parent or a doctor, wait there was a parent throughout this whole quest, Hunhow why wasn't he involved in at least guiding the Tenno through what's going on (he already the one who got it through Stalker's skull to seek the Tenno in the first place).

2. The relationship between Soren and Jade is just shoved in our face, no context no setup no reason to be invested. What legem was their union breaking? How did they get found out? How were they separated? What was Soren's punishment because we can infer what Jade got? How in the world did Ballas prevent the baby from dying during the violent transformation that is becoming a warframe? That was a relationship with consequences but the consequences were skipped now here bebe, really?

3. There was a lack of care in how the final escape was handled. It would have made a lot more sense if Stalker's lair was swarmed with only proxies then he meets humans outside, instead enemies were just thrown like it was another ol' warframe mission, so you mean to tell me that a Corpus grunt who's trying to make ends meet or even support a family of their saw Stalker holding a baby up close and thought "yeah imma shoot". If it was Nef, Parvos or Alad then sure I'd believe it, they've already demonstrated complete disregard for empathy. But a regular crewman or tech, a group whom you've taken the time to humanise since the game's inception will just shoot, not kidnap but shoot to kill without question....these are not Grineer they have fully intact brains.

4. Jade deserves postpartum closure. She managed to deliver, it is done; when we reconstruct her the bump should be gone. If you want her womb to be see through to show the jade energy within, fine but no bump, dying due to child birth is painfully tragic slapping the bump back on is just foul DE.

5. Leaving the bump in has disturbing implications. We can just clone baby Jades, we feed baby Jades to Helminth before they're born, void forbid someone buys Jade and does the Second Dream quest with her just to be impaled with a greatsword...which she then has to rip out. You know how Kuva Liches try to break your body in half with their grapple move, yeah they'll do that to Jade and baby. I can live with the fact that this is a game and that a pregnant frontliner is absurd but not improbable in this space, but the absolutely gruesome things a warframe goes through regularly being exerted on a womb now that even I can't stomach.

6. No lore on the Jade Light proper, what was Jade's post after being changed, how is it that she can wield a force exclusively used for executions to heal and revive? This feels more and more rushed the longer I think about it so I'll stop here.

Edited by WindShadow970
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I wont comment on anything else even if i disagree slightly but #4. I don't think Jade could be considered a frame herself without the wartus. That has kind of always been with her for as long as she was a frame. She was the wartus and the wartus was her.  Thats how i interpreted it anyways. 

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I'll spare the petty disagreements but:

1. I'm pretty sure that neither Stalker nor the Operator knew she was still carrying an actual child. All we knew was that a "mystery ailment" was once slowly, now rapidly killing her. The Tenno was trying to save Jade, or at least give her more time. They just didn't realize that the reason she wasn't fighting her death was because it was the only way her child could be born.

4 & 5. I'm pretty sure that the womb is just for show. She did not push a baby out of anything, she dissolved into light and left the baby in her place. Ballas probably made it to drive the point home. there is probably no space fetus in our Jade.

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10 hours ago, KilluaWalker said:

I wont comment on anything else even if i disagree slightly but #4. I don't think Jade could be considered a frame herself without the wartus. That has kind of always been with her for as long as she was a frame. She was the wartus and the wartus was her.  Thats how i interpreted it anyways.

I think in that case you could have a vacant womb with void energy or jade light in place of what was once there. Putting something with form in there doesn't sit right with me after the quest.

7 hours ago, matt11mz said:

1. I'm pretty sure that neither Stalker nor the Operator knew she was still carrying an actual child. All we knew was that a "mystery ailment" was once slowly, now rapidly killing her. The Tenno was trying to save Jade, or at least give her more time. They just didn't realize that the reason she wasn't fighting her death was because it was the only way her child could be born.

Correct they didn't because who in their right mind who expect a warframe to be carrying a child, that being a mystery to them makes sense. However our operator should have exactly what they did with Umbra and explore Jade's past memories to deduce what was happening, that would've been an opportunity to tell Stalker's story though not directly and also show just how advanced Orokin bio-science was and also Ballas' motives for going through with the process of transforming Jade because he definitely knew. It's awesome, f****** up but awesome how Jade's baby didn't die, explore that.

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