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Jade light eximus and being body blocked by my own summons.

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I play caliban and his summons body blocking me so dmg beam is catching up with me. It's the worst in small corridors like infested ship where we need to go through things spots like vents.

It's annoying and frustrating to just get killed by my 'survival' ability.

I don't think this is just caliban problem. Being body block or your bullets are block by your summons or abilities was always a problem.

Frost's snow globe no longer block bullets since last update, so maybe it finally time for summoned allies to not body block you or your bullets.

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2 hours ago, Jaicin said:

As the only other caliban player in existence, don't expect DE to make any changes based on or for him anytime soon. Suffering is our lot.

But his 2 and 4 are as good as his 1 and 3 are bad. 😅

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