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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

Hating jade shadows

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The amount of green crap chasing me thru each mission is really getting on my nerves and killing my carpal tunnel. Over the top annoying. Literally not enjoying playing since.  Not only do they chase you but seem to have a lot of speed. You cant even cast in elevator with jade without getting hammered in the 2 seconds it takes. I play steel path and have done all the things, This isn't hard, Its dumb.

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I don't know if this will help, but you can kill the Jade beams by shooting their tops.  So if you bring a weapon like the Arca Plasmor you should be able to wipe them out.

I hear there's a bug with how much damage the Jade beams are doing right now, so hopefully they fix that soon.  Until they do, I've been playing as Dante and relying on Overguard to stay up, which hasn't been too difficult with my high efficiency build.  But I feel ya.

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