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Accessibility option "Fire Manual Trigger Weapons Continuously" is fantastic!

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Yesterday I was able to try out a whole bunch of new weapons that I had left behind because their need for repeated trigger presses was more than my arthritic hands could do.  The Phenmor, the Laetum, the Hema, Akarius Prime, Lex Prime Incarnon, a variety of Burstons...it was really great to feel like I could use these weapons, increasing the amount of possibilities my Arsenal offers.  And there are plenty of weapons that I never even built because I knew I wouldn't use them due to their trigger setting.  I'm looking forward to browsing through my weapon parts and trying out even more weapons.

Thank you very much for this option; it's really great to be able to play in spite of my disability!

We've got auto-melee and auto-fire, so now the only thing left would be an option to automatically cast certain Warframe abilities like Atlas's punch and Khora's whip.  I know that may be less straightforward, but I hope you'll consider it! ^^

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After having played a Dark Verse spam Dante quite a bit, I could not agree more about some kind of repeat/auto-cast setting. Its the only time I have ever felt wrist pain playing a build that needs to cast spam to kill and I've played Khora a fair amount too

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