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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

ok.. the design of the jade Eximus effect is flat out annoying.

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Suggestion: perhaps make them move slower once the beam is damaging, around half the speed and revert to the "casting" phase if it goes too long being too far from the player. 


It follows as fast as your on ground movement speed, deals enough damage and causes a strong enough fire tick to instantly kill you if you get a fire proc that lasts through the shield gate.

This means, I cannot use many abilities that immobilize me during cast (such as frosts 4) as even if they apply Overguard the dps of the beams will kill.

I cannot run and gun as the beam is about as fast as i am meaning i must eventually jump away and keep jumping away. many abilities may not immobilize but do slow you down while in effect so again.

it genuinely feels like either i bring silence equipped frame or i spend the entire time doing nothing but dealing with constant beams of near instant death following me.


its not hard to avoid them but its EXTREMELY annoying and the amount of time spent dealing with them completely dictates gameplay on the event specifically. i have not done normal content but if these eximus units are a new universal type beyond the event, the way the beams work must change, if not just the damage. honestly the damage isnt as big of a issue to me as the annoyance of them constantly being after you..

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Build-specific gripe:
Imagine me playing TRYING to play as summon Nekros. It's already jump-thru-hoopsy stars-aligned-y to set up, but now there's this sh!t too.
-Step one: kill stuff with kitgun. This is ok. Is it just me, or do green eximuses have MUCH more overguard than the others?
-Step 2: When your kitgun arcane triggers, stand in a small area to get your buff. ...yeah. stand still. in the flippin' green disco.
-Step 2.5: Stack temp powerSTR. Like mercy stab power+, 50 str for 50 energy and the stay-in-here-for-more-power Zenurik bubble. Aside from that last one, this is just adding time.
-Step 3: Summon your mooks. Note: 2 cast-hastening shards and it still takes long enough for the beam to kill you.
-Step 4: Keep your dudes alive so you don't have to to all that again. ...NPCs will not evade the beam and it's just as lethal to them.

General stuff:
-They can #*!%ing off-screen you. 80% of the time, you don't even know where the attack is coming from. Glob help you if there's more than one.
Especially brutal on large wide-area maps. Some dingus greenbean peeks out from behind a corner that's 8 stories above you, looking like all of 3 pixels, instant-casts the searchlight boogaloo, hides.

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