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Everything posted by Hypertion

  1. i find it funny because they are complaining about what is actually something you can put on any frame via helminth... Garuda does the "slash proc Explosion" thing better with expedite suffering since she doesnt just combine all the slash proc damage into one hit, but can make a slash proc off of that hit... it ramps up stupidly high and fast and can hit 1mil + with just a few casts.
  2. In previous updates since the frames additon, the Xaku abilities The Lost: Accuse/Deny which alter enemies (turns to friendlies / turns immune to damage + aoe armor strip aura) would not prevent defense mission progression because of enemies affected by these abilities. i just had a mission where both enemies affected by the Accuse and Deny variant were being counted for mission progression preventing mission progression. These abilties were intended to not prevent defense progression as in both cases they prevent normal targeting and in the case of Deny totally prevents a enemy from being killed, potentially forever. DE had made a statement about this to praise when the frame was initally added to the game and subsequantly reworked about this bonus functionality. given that this is the first update i have seen this occur i am in the belief that this is unintended behavior. Given that this allows Xaku to effectively and totally prevent mission progression in certain mission types, i do suggest fixing this bug before troll/griefing saavy players being to exploit this bug in an abusive manner. Sincerely, a player who is used to more official channels of bug reporting.
  3. Eclipse damage buff should be slightly higher than subsumed roar.. as mentioned in the post, roar does abilities and double duty with status effects... Eclipse only does weapon damage and thats assuming you use the damage boost in the first place. Eclipse should be 40% or 50%. beyond this, Nourish is still going to be heavily used. maybe more so as now it provides less viral, while the bonus damage is nice, the extreme amount of weighting to viral in status procs is a hinderance to most builds. you usually want just enough viral procs to keep 10 stacks and using nourish often makes viral the highest priority status effect. by reducing the bonus, you are reducing this negative effect allowing a more efficent status spread.
  4. ya i laughed when i saw it too. still need the Railjack Articula, wanna have a model in my Dorm, but the Vignette was super overdue.
  5. top 5? Nyx Chroma Inaros Caliban Limbo
  6. Nourish having the same damage bonus and energy regen as when grendel wields it is kinda op. the other abilitys in this camp, Eclipse, Roar, all see a weakend version when used by other frames... it makes sense for Nourish to have the same downside.. it will still give extra energy, and it will still give you a free viral bonus to weapons allowing you skip viral in your build. Viral is soo good atm that even a 75% reduction in the viral buff will do effectively nothing to keep people from choosing it. you need the slightest bit of viral procs anyways.
  7. I have done subsumes on basically every frame.. there is almost always some synergy, or interaction that can be exploited. Voruna - her 3 does effectively nothing to benefit her 4th build so i replace that with sickening pulse.. if for some reason i run out of her 4 i use pulse for a quick doubling of existing status she has put out, including slash from her 4. she really doesnt need surviablilty when she is spamming her 2 and 4 due to stuns and status (and iframe with her 2) Frost - I replaced Ice wave with Breech surge.. this combine with his passive augment allows you to get red crits for as high as 1mil on SP grineer by casting surge, Avalanch and then using his bubble to wall smash enemies.. its actually a very strong nuking build. Gauss - Again you can use Pulse to ampifly the DOT from Thermal Sunder, but removing his one does make it harder to maintain battery so its a tradeoff for greater nuking potential Titania - as someone else said, Energized munitions. Replace Lantern, minimum range build, Razor wing Blitz, LOTS of STR and DUR. The faster her pixia fire the more your sitting there waiting for reload, Energized Munitions effectively quadruple her mag size, allowing for longer fire times, and has a shorter duration than RWB so keeping up Munitions also keeps up blitz. Frames i have replaced despite not really needing it due to weird synergies Kullevuro - Replace his one with Breech Surge, Max range, Stack 1 3 4 in an area and the extreme amount of damage sharing is kind of terrifying... you can just sit and watch the fireworks with this. for frames i dont usually replace on, but know of benefical ways to do so Mag - Using Fracturing Crush to replace armor strip on polarize allows you to subsume Polarize.. max range builds benefit hugely with pull, and overall Mag benefits hugely from range more than duration. you can replace Polarize doing this but there are not really any subsumes that benefit this kind of build, most damage buffing abilities dont last long enough, and she already has CC, survival, armor stripping. she is kind of a perfect frame with max range right out of the box. Octavia - if your using a min range buffing build, your weakest ability is your 4.. being immoble and having a tiny radius you are better replacing it with Nourish, Roar, Eclipse for the same effect but mobile.. even with minimum range her 1 and 2 will be able to get around and kill enemies surprisingly effectively and of course her 3 is goated.. i usually stick with max range tho so i have never actually done this myself. Wukong - various replacements. Replace his cloud on a "counterstrike" build where you use Defy as a Nuke, replace his clone on builds that focus on Iron staff as Clone barely uses it anyways, Replace his Staff on a generalist build if you dont wanna use the Exaulted stick. Personally i replace the cloud most commonly, but usually dont replace anything on him. Frames i feel Genuinely lose something if you do a subsume, but have found intresting builds with subsumes reguardless Lavos - Subsume anything on him and you loose a base element.. Replace his "weakest" ability in vial rush and you lose Viral procs and the ability to leave lingering pools that stack status... honestly his 2 should be called VIRAL rush because of how good it is at stacking Viral.. however, if you build purely to power and range, and ignore efficency then amazingly his 3rd becomes a good option to subsume.. you want to stack Viral and Heat/Gas more than you want shock or corrosive/Magnetic/Radiation and the lack of efficency means he regens very little cooldown on its use, which is already common when enemies are too few or too spread out... so you can Replace his 3rd with Sickening Pulse to double stack the fire procs from his 4 and instantly max out Viral, allowing a 3 4 combo that does a much higher spike of DPS... Citrine - her 4 is great, but not giving its bonus on headshots does put it on a short list... however because of the way the rest of her kit works, she really doesnt benefit from subsumes.. you can do pulse to stack status from her gem, surge for added aoe from enemies targeted by her gem and her 1, but overall she really benefits minimally from anything but just straight boosting her damage or maybe even Pillage for armor strip + survivablilty over the CC of her 4 so ya if im being dead honest... there really isnt anything that i havent tried subsumes on...
  8. hah... a guaranteed shock proc on his 4 would be nice, but im gonna go on a tangent and say that his passive sucks more. it hails from a time before i started playing because even when i started that passive amounted to no more than 1 or 5 more damage when firing a gun. i have never seen a situation where it was useful that you had to go far out of your way to use it... if anything rework that passive on Volt.... make it useful at all... same for the other starting frames too.
  9. at this point Primed Streamline really wouldnt break the meta too much... +45% Efficency would be a nice single mod effect. that said Boreals hatred + Fleeting is max efficency, add Prime Continuity and your probably not going to move off that 3 part combo for max efficency..
  10. Simple suggestions... Make his First abiltiy a stat stick ability. 10% CC, 10% SC, 2.0 CM. make his 3 ability have no duration, make the Summons base their level on the tile level with a STR affected bonus (like +10 lvl at 100% str), require killing a enemy to summon. Hold cast to call to you. Hold cast while first is active to call to you and join in the spin for extra damage. his 1 is intended as a DPS, so let it DPS.. his 3 is intended as a defensive, via Distraction CC and shield regen.. finally, make his passive work like sentient resistances or similar... 90% damage resistance for 30s when his shields break, based on the damage type that broke his shields.. True sentients have health % based triggers for their resistance, so having it based on his shields breaking seems like a good compromise.. most importantly, it MUST NOT OVERWRITE ADAPTATION but work with it. no passive should not stack with mods.
  11. i dont get why they just didnt increase the speed of the puddle allowing you to zip around like a tidal flow that sinks enemies into it... they could have combined Undertow and Tidal Surge into the same ability, with Surge acting as the "dash" for undertow. Just because a implementation of an idea is bad does not mean the idea itself was bad, there was always potential for puddle to be a fast paced and fun option, but it seems like with many abilities people only see how to replace with something else rather than fix the issues.. its like building a entirely new PC because your current one does not have enough ram... ya you could already do that... you could freely send out a tentacle to pull enemies into the puddle.. i even subsumed Pull onto my Hydroid puddle build to pull in groups at once. you had those options already.
  12. Real Armchair developer moment here.... Tho i agree that Nyx is largely a mess overall. The last rework was Reb's work and was widely criticized at the time for doing next to nothing to help her core issues. despite that those changes remain and i feel like DE genuinely think she is in a good place. with that stated, Mind Control: i would love if you could hold cast to fling around a mind controlled enemy, move the worthless AI to where its needed while doing damage on the way.. i dont know if totally removing the mind control aspect is ideal way to go. changing the AI of mind controlled enemies to act like enemies do when they are charmed by a malleted Resonator (blindly following and shooting at all times) would help MCed enemies deal damage.. overall both suggestions are nice.. turning any enemy into a controllable projectile or a stationary constantly firing turret would be a improvement.. could even combine them so you can move said turret, hold down to release control, tap when you already have a controlled enemy to fling them to where you are pointing sort of thing... Psychic Bolts: i personally would like it if bolts would jump to a new target when the current dies... maybe a new augment or just new base function.. so many frames have AOE full armor stripping that a limited one just feels like a waste of a slot most of the time.. being able to chain between armor stripped targets would still not be as good as those AOEs but would be an improvement from needing to spam it. Chaos: i love the augment suggestion, tho frames rarely get 2 augments for abilities. it is thematically fitting and useful tho, so i cannot disapprove of it. Absorb: why cant she move? stalker can, kinda a long time coming to have her able to move while in Absorb.. her aug that lets her use weapons normally while active would still be beneficial if she could move while absorbing normally. i also wanna +1 building absorb charge on proximity to enemies in addition to being hit, as too often enemies just dont do much if any damage to her despite absorb supposedly being a strong provoke... so ya, give her the stalker treatment and let her move, and let her build charge based on proximity to enemies. this would benefit both her Absorb augments as singularity is kinda pointless atm, too weak to effectively gather enemies and doesnt benefit the damage of Absorb.. having absorb mobile and able to gain damage based on proximity would allow Singularity to have benefit over her other augment as you could move around, gathering enemies together while also building damage. overall i like. so overall i like, tho it is a rather extensive rework. in experience extensive reworks are effecitvely unlikely to happen without being almost the focus of half a update.. we usually only ever get one major rework at a time after all. Nyx is definitely in the top 3 of frames that need a major rework, along with Caliban, Inaros imo. So hopefully some day they are willing to look at her again... but tbh i am not putting much hope into it given what happened last time.
  13. unfortunately that's not going to happen as that's part of the render system. Every Volt, Titania, Octavia, even some Mirages and Yarelis have this issue. its just a part of warframe.
  14. they have it so instead of direct level scaling its based on HP of the enemies in your gut, you still have to spit several times to kill equally leveled Corrupted heavy gunners tho. you also have to specifically target high HP enemies to get the most out of it vs before it just depended on the Level of the target. not impossible but enemies are so often clustered together and die so fast anyways that finding high HP enemies is basically pointless, just Vac up whatever you can. his ball is now redundant armor stripping which deals minimal damage. honestly best ability to subsume over which is a shame because its a fun movement system. before the rework, tho.. ya, if you hit armor stripped enemies with his 3 or 4, it was well over 50-100% of even the toughest enemies HP.. really is a shame they moved away from a true level scaling... simply bouncing around in ball form would damage half a tile for respectable damage. except vs armor as there was no strip back then, which balanced it vs grineer. 10% of health of the vomited enemy. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Grendel#Abilities he also didnt need hard to obtain shards or viral setup in the old days, just armor strip from another source.
  15. his old 3, was extremely strong thanks to damage scaling.. you could build for it or Pulverise and the result was a frame that could turn enemies into nukes. honestly without damage scaling on his 3 and 4, neither are really worth using for damage. armor strip and ignore those abilities.
  16. That's a hilarious shame... back when he was launched he was one of the strongest frames overall. he was only unpopular due to difficulty in getting and the fact you had to work to maintain his energy economy... I get why they capped the number of enemies via Feast, but removing the damage scaling on his now swapped 3 and 4? what was the point in that? both were useful as Damage dealers, not op but felt useful regardless of the level of the enemies you were facing.. now at best they can strip armor and that's barely a complement. I get removing the damage scaling on the AOE on Pulverize as that allowed Grendel to clear rooms simply by bouncing around, but removing it from the direct contact of pulverize as well as being totally gone from Regurgitate, which is now his ULTIMATE. God that's DEpressing. It was backwards decision making like this that made me not play for over 3 years. So I guess all the meat man can do is be a tanky armor stripper now... Yippie, like we dont have enough other frames that do the exact same thing. I guess i shouldn't be surprised.
  17. ya but... Chroma is no longer part of that meta... People just use Volts at this point for better damage. Shock aug and Eclipse atm combined with shields.. Chroma really has no place its "meta" anymore..
  18. Vex Armor and Eclipse have always been "two ways of doing the same thing" both give a Damage boost and a defense boost, Eclipse giving either or, and Vex giving both but less of each. Eclipse gives direct bonuses, straight damage resistance and damage multiplier.. Vex gives indirect bonuses, armor and base damage. overall the bonuses from Eclipse are better but you only can have one. Vex gives both but the overall effects are weaker.. most noticably, Eclipse is subsumable while Vex is specific to chroma.. weirdly there is limitations on what ability Eclipse can replace so you cannot make a chroma that has Vex and Eclipse. So ya.. can we get Vex armor slightly buffed? not just augment but base effect buffed?
  19. Caliban needs to exist. he barely exists. that should be an augment. honestly.. i would like the summons to be leveled purely on global enemy level and not have a time limit... make str just add 5 to the current level and scale that way... 300str = pets 15lvls above the room when summoned... not too over/underpowered at any level of play really. If you didnt need to worry about duration with them you could gain quite a bit of build diversity, but at a minimum pets should scale with enemies like Mind Control or Shadows of the dead, otherwise they are both worthless at high end, and overpowered at low... Come on DE.. this is why you started doing scaling abilities, they dont overdo it or underdo it when done right. Calibans pets is a prime example of when an ability should be scaling. other than that his first needs... well to have damage worth talking about or FAR better energy economy... maybe make it a duration ability, like they did with firewalker... only drain energy if you charge or have it automatically speed up the more damage it does for free.
  20. for various reasons... the least of which is wanting to slide down one. come on, no one is talking about these giant humanoid robots and the stuff we could do! i need more of them!
  21. ahh yes.. at least mirage has a functional build outside her pure weapon builds... unlike chroma she can build for ability nuking via her 4 and Ledger augment... but she is my first prime frame, being the prime that was on prime access when i started.. she has always been a good frame and it sucks that suddenly she is getting a nerf like chroma when i dont really agree with the same nerf on him. 400+ damage is great even if its just mod level damage.. but having it a 4x multiplier is still better... chroma was nerfed because he had a major bug where damage was double dipped, mirage does not have this issue... so i do not understand why such a extreme change.. however i will reconize that Mirages damage boost vastly outpaces other similar boosts... Rhino having up to 160% or so is the closest and his kit is overall not as impressive and Roar itself doesnt also have a Damage reduction option to it. so i dont know if i cannot say its too good... learning its become the goto bonus for Eidolon subsume kinda shocked me, as the last time i tried Mirage in hunts she could not produce extra damage as it was dark bonus the entire time.
  22. i like her... liked Kdrive when it was launched.. have a history of playing games with "hover drift" style controls tho, going back to the old Fzero and wipeout series... i dont like this augment personally. im going to be brutally honest... No one has to like Yareli... no one has to use her.. there is nothing wrong with a frame that only appeals to a smaller part of the playerbase. as long as it can be good its fine and for the most part Yareli is decent. i find it about as easy to move through the Scantum hallways on her Kdrive as i do bullet jumping and rolling the entire time. Get caught up on the occasional tiny decorative thing reguardless of the KDrive mechanics.
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