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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

Jade Shadows Story

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So...story wise? This really was a mess.

Warframes can apparently get pregnant, which opens up so many questions.

Was Jade pregnant before she was turned into a frame? She could have been because Stalker didnt remember, or perhaps stalker LOST the memory of that event due to his own failing mental state?

Or, lets be fair, Ballus was a big enough bastard to continue the procedure on a preggo woman just because he was curious to see the results. 

I really hope it was the latter. 

Continuing along, Stalker could just pop into the tennos ship apparently whenever he damn well felt like, and kill the tenno themselves whenever he wanted? Why didnt he? He just showed up, no missions to acquire tech to break through the security, nothin, just POP and hes in.

And that delivery timing. Was she just cookin that baby for a few hundred years? Do warframes take that long? Did he never check on her body before to see that belly? 

Did HUNHOW, mister family man himself, never notice? He seemed able to detect most everything else that was going on, but not the warframe baby?



The god damn Corpus.

Are the writers high? You expect me to believe that a candidate for the Sisters, the Corpus Elite, a society driven by profit, capitalism taken to its utter extremes, just let a warframe baby, a unique, never before seen asset, AND THE STALKER HIMSELF who is yet another unique asset, whom you have wounded, at your mercy....

And she just lets them go.

No. Just no. 

This story is broken at its core, and honestly its a trend with the story of warframe thats been going on for a long time. 

If you guys need help writing, feel free to hit me up. 


I'll do it for #*!%ing free, and I wont ask for my name to be credited at all. 

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