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Jade's Helminth Ability should keep its Reviving allies trait

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Ophanim Eyes is an interesting take on the Defense Strip genre of abilities, but having it's Helminth Variant remove its only unique trait of Revival at a range makes it mostly redundant within the Helminth ecosystem. I propose you re-instate Ophanim Eye's mechanics in full to the Helmimth variant. Here's why:

There are 3 main aspects of Ophanim Eyes: A slow, a defense reduction, and reviving at range. Of these 3, Reviving allies at range is the only one that is unique, and the other 2 aspects are simply outclassed by other Helminth options, so removing it removes any originality the ability had.

For Slows, we have a myriad of Slowing or Crowd controlling abilities available in the Helminth, such as Slows like Gloom, Ice Wave (with the new augment especially), Chyrinka Pillar, or Warcry. Or, alternatively, we have outright crowd control abilities which are essentially a 100% slow, such as Airburst, Coil Horizon, Condemn, Ensnare, etc. Many of which have additional effects as well such as grouping or shield restore.

When it comes to Defense reduction, we also have many options that simply outclass Ophanim Eyes' ability to strip. At purely base 100% Strength, for comparison's sake, Ophanim Eyes would take 10 seconds to fully strip an enemy or group of enemies. Meanwhile:

- Fire Blast strips 75% almost instantaneously and can be rapidly recast for a full strip in only a few seconds depending on enemy range (due to the wave's travel time), while also affecting every enemy in LoS around you instead of simply those in your Camera view;

- Pillage can strip 25% Armour, and therefore takes 4 casts to reach 100%, while also restoring your own shields. While each cast can take 2 seconds at base, resulting in ~8 seconds for a full strip, this ability can be ended prematurely to recast resulting in a rapid full strip at close range while bolstering your own surviviability, again, in a sphere around you instead of being Camera Reliant;

- Terrify can strip 60% instantaneously in a radius around you, although is capped to 20 enemies per cast at base. With the augment slowing enemies by 60% as well, this is equivalent to 6 full seconds in Ophanims Eyes for the strip, and 4 for the slow, both instantly upon cast.

- Tharros Strike strips 50% instantaneously, can be recast rapidly for a full strip, and heals per enemy struck.

As you can hopefully see (no pun intended), Ophanim Eyes does not bring anything new to the Helminth System, and is, as it currently stands, simply a mediocre combination of Defense Strip and Slow that can be done better by multiple other abilities, or, quite frankly, even a single ability with it's Augment (Terrify). Therefore, the Revival at range aspect of the ability would allow it to stand out amongst the crowd as a unique option for both Enemy control and Support options, even if it is not outstanding at either individually.

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12 hours ago, (PSN)Umbrellie said:

having it's Helminth Variant remove its only unique trait of Revival at a range makes it mostly redundant within the Helminth ecosystem.

I completely agree. I made a post that also severely criticized this poor decision:

The mere fact they did this in the first place kind of makes me unhappy.

In all honesty, I'm against almost every Helminth debuff. It's rude for them to nerf abilities that we sacrificed an entire Warframe to obtain. It makes sense for rare cases like Nourish, where Grendel needs enemies in his stomach in order to get health from them, so it is well within reason to remove the health bonus from the Helminth, due to the fact that other Warframes can't EAT enemies. But in cases like Protea's Dispensary, when they cut it's base duration, is nothing but plain rudeness. And don't even get me started on abilities like Ivara's Quiver, where they take away core functions.

It's messed up.


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