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what the frick about equinox

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i just saw jade ability, she have very good ability she can can do many thing what we need but i don't give a S#&$, i don't want op warframe i want de to take care about old frame to make game keep fun with nice balance and variety not leave many weapon and warframe behide. i don't want to be meta slave(i don't care for what kmf said he said for himself he actaully pro i mean to actaully slave) because high level mission (im not talking about steel path starchart) too hard for "normal" weapon and a point that make me very mad is jade second ability is buff ability strenght she can buff for high limit then equinox limit that only 50% and many equinox ability are fricking useless and i hope to don't see some one say "she have four ability she have sleep abiliy" shut yo mouth, every one know many frame can do equinox job batter why de don't just delete equinox from warframe if de gonna do this and their are many still frame suck, im not a guy who just use underrate warframe just 10 mission im try them many time many mission because i like variety but de de keep making bullS#&$ warframe, at least they try to make other elemental good as well to don't make this game become visalslashframe but that not enough for me

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6 hours ago, THANWA_tlg said:

i don't want op warframe i want de to take care about old frame to make game keep fun with nice balance and variety not leave many weapon and warframe behide.

while the vast majority of your post is clearly written in an... impassioned state, I do agree with this premise; I am more interested in reworks to old frames than any new frames, primarily because we have so many warframes already, and also because I want to see what they do differently that makes them viable and addresses their problems. sadly thoguh, this is something that DE are always playing catch-up on. they're doing a bit better now than previously, but there is still a lot of frames that need love; Caliban, Nyx, and indeed Equinox are but a few. there's also Trinity, Valkyr, Chroma etc.

6 hours ago, THANWA_tlg said:

because high level mission (im not talking about steel path starchart)

if it's not steel path, it's not really high level though.. granted, SP has modifiers active but normal content only starts at level 100+ on one node on Lua, and otherwise requires significant ramp-up time to reach. I've never really struggled with Equinox outside of Steel path, so maybe, just maybe, it's your builds?.

all any of us can really do is hope that Pablo and his team decides to take a look at Equinox. they've apparently worked wonders with Ember (yet to try her post-tweaks) and I liked the inaros and Hydroid reworks a lot, so I have full confidence that Equinox can not only be salvaged, but made more powerful. 


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