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Interesting Quest

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Just wanted to write that I enjoyed the quest.  I can see why it can be off-putting for some, but Warframe is rated M, Warframe has constantly tried to be disturbing, and there was a warning, so...  Maybe we can all work on our tolerance?  Besides, I personally thought it was quite tastefully done -- could have been much, much worse.

Just a few complaints, though:

  1. I found that whole "Stalker spinning Hate and walking directly at a gatling gun" sequence really hard to believe.  This is a psychopathic, teleporting space ninja we are talking about here.  And he cannot even duck to the side and hide behind cover to avoid this incredibly linear weapon?
  2. Same with Xeto just letting Stalker go at the end.  At least show Parvos demoting her and putting her into debt-hell or something for putting feelings above profit.  Well, maybe this can be referenced in a later update.
  3. Only Sirius and Orion?  Where's Damien?!  The kid is clearly the anti-christ, so shouldn't he get a name more befitting of his station?  😂
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