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HUD Mod Pop-Ups change

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First of all, the feature to not be bombarded by a thousand common mods as a popup is a blessing and I can't be happier about it.

But there is a bit of an old issue with new mods. So lets say I picked up a mod for the first time, it pops up as it should with the "new" text on it. All fine and good... until I pick it up again in the next mission. It still pops up with the same "new" text, even though the exact same mod is in my inventory already. As far as I know the only way to make it remember that this mod is not new is to restart the game. I'm pretty sure this still happens and it would be very nice if that issue is fixed in the foreseeable future.


But what I would really like is the customization for said popups. What I mean is: let us decide what we want to see there. For example I don't care for Riven Slivers, or Cubic Diods, or Carbides, or any railjack resource, or Stella, all of which are shown as a popup. And since I don't care I would very much like for those to not popup all the time. Having the option to show/hide resources/drops in a popup akin to what we have for ability press inversion would be a welcomed QoL addition.

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