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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

Lack of Haptic Feedback in Jade's Abilities

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I play on PC, but I was testing how good Jade felt on Controller (I figured she would feel like Titania but better due to her slower movement and lack of magazine capacity issues, and I was right) and I was surprised to find that Jade had 0 haptic feedback (rumble) on any of her abilities or her exalted weapon. Both Titania and Mesa have rumble on their exalted secondaries, and when using Titania's Razorwing Blitz augment it can sometimes feel like the controller is going to tear itself apart with how strong the rumble is, but then Jade just has no rumble whatsoever, not even a slight rumble on ability cast. It somewhat reduced the fun of playing her on a controller in my opinion. I would love to see at least some haptic feedback added to her abilities, especially since she typically remains in her 4 and doesn't use guns/melee very often.

Edited by -AoN-CanoLathra-
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