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Please make the Mercy Kill context action color customizable.

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I see that the Mercy kill prompt is now red to distinguish it from finishers, which is fine. The only issue I have is red is kind of hard for me to see in action especially in infested missions or anywhere there is a lot going on, the lighting is redish, or there is gas from weapons. I would be very grateful if this was made to be customizable. This way i can change it to a color that suits my eyes better. I have tried the colorblind mode which doesn't help me. I would love to be able to change it to a brighter color like bright yellow the dark red is not working for me. I'm dealing with it, but missing quite a few Mercy kills. And Mercy kills are important as I Iike to use [out of sight] [blood for ammo] & [blood for energy] and when using for example [valkyr prime],  Mercy kills can help refill my energy when in her 4th from the [blood for energy] mod in conjunction with arcane energize. And I can stay in [valkyr prime]s 4th a while longer. I understand what DE was trying to do so players can tell the difference between Mercy kills and finisher kills. But for people like myself dark red doesn't work. I need a bright color that pops out at me and white was perfect but, maybe that is the point is to make Mercy kills harder to use? Idk. For some people this is probably no big deal but for me I really can't see the prompt lol. 

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