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The new eximus enemy lasers are still killing you fast after your shield goes down.

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That's a thing with Blitz, too. Sometimes, they just do an insane amount of damage, and since we don't have any kind of indication of when shield gating is up or not, we're left clueless of what happened.

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On 2024-06-22 at 2:05 PM, (PSN)Soa_Reapers08 said:

After your shield goes down, the laser kills you in one shot no matter how high your health is. Sometimes it works like it is intended. The rest of the time when your shield goes down your automatically dead. 

There is a reason for this. The beam primarily does heat damage. Heat inherit (player named mechanic) is the cause of you being one shot. Your shields deplete slower in comparison, and when your hp is exposed, it deals the total sum in one go assuming  you don't have high dr, armor, etc. 

The reason it doesn't do the total sum damage against hp is if you're moving, and the laser misses you for a brief moment thus preventing a higher stacked heat effect against you, or players are providing some sort of DR.

21 hours ago, BalaDeSilver said:

That's a thing with Blitz, too. Sometimes, they just do an insane amount of damage, and since we don't have any kind of indication of when shield gating is up or not, we're left clueless of what happened.

If you have access to Vazarin's protective sling, I'd recommend however most people resort to overguard, adaptation, etc. 

There is no indicator of how many heat stacks you've accumulated on yourself unless an ally is looking and tells you. Various ways of telling though. The beam seems to apply 2.5 heat stacks/second if you're standing still. The ingame timer seems to skew this as if you're host it applies 3 stacks/s. As for the amount of damage per stack, only a PC player with their ee.log can track this in real time. 

If you can track this, and it's something absurd like 5x current hp, then it should be submit as a formal bug report in support indicating your log file (as this should not be posted anywhere publicly, it is your personal identifiers).




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On 2024-06-24 at 8:52 AM, MetallicPulse said:

If you have access to Vazarin's protective sling, I'd recommend however most people resort to overguard, adaptation, etc.

I main Zenurik, but I do often have Vazarin on me for the express purpose of reviving people. Part of the problem that makes it hard to track this down is that you have no idea when shield gating is up or not, so I can't reliably sling myself to safety before I'm vulnerable again. It's a strategy I've been implementing on Netracells but when eximus spam comes, it's a lot harder due to the lack of information, since I don't think Protective Sling can remove status procs, you'd need to chain multiple slings onto yourself to keep alive, and it's unreliable at best if you need to do that to an ally as well.

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