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I dislike the new resistances/status/armor rework.


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6 minutes ago, kuciol said:

Its literally how the game is designed. Everything in game forces you to kill more, faster, finish mission quicker. All the options you get are designed to help you with that. Thats how the game works!

You know who else pushes this narrative, to a degree that even the game can’t keep up?

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And where did i state even once that you need god knows how much? You still can customize your gameplay! You argue that the change of resistance of 1 god damn unit somehow destroyed your gameplay. You lie that you had some obstacles to overcome when everyone knows its bs. You make more and more nonsensical arguments and try to say how I play even when you dont know sh.it about it. You know you are wrong but you are to far in that hole to admit it. You know the game is not tactical, you know the old resistances were convoluted for no reason. How i know this? Because the only argument you have against is"not true, you are stupid".

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3 minutes ago, kuciol said:

And where did i state even once that you need god knows how much? You still can customize your gameplay! You argue that the change of resistance of 1 god damn unit somehow destroyed your gameplay. You lie that you had some obstacles to overcome when everyone knows its bs. You make more and more nonsensical arguments and try to say how I play even when you dont know sh.it about it. You know you are wrong but you are to far in that hole to admit it. You know the game is not tactical, you know the old resistances were convoluted for no reason. How i know this? Because the only argument you have against is"not true, you are stupid".

Resistance of one god damn unit? Convoluted for no reason? “You’ve got to grind faster and more efficiently” not being a representative phrase of what you do and how you play?

Boy I wish I could show you what I’m talking about; even if it doesn’t shut you up since you seem to know so much better, at least it’d undermine the leg you’re standing on

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1. Yes it was convoluted for no reason, and yes 1 unit. For example heavy gunners are changed to corosive instead of radiation. Now they are the same. Huge deal.

2. We were talking about builds when i said about efficiency. Thats the point of making them, you try to make them good. Do you run capture mission in 40 minutes because you need to be tactical? Dont be silly.

3. There are plenty of vids on YouTube. You wont do sh.it anyway, your claims are just ridiculous. I bet your overcoming hardships consisted of pressing E a few times.

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1 minute ago, kuciol said:

1. Yes it was convoluted for no reason, and yes 1 unit. For example heavy gunners are changed to corosive instead of radiation. Now they are the same. Huge deal.

2. We were talking about builds when i said about efficiency. Thats the point of making them, you try to make them good. Do you run capture mission in 40 minutes because you need to be tactical? Dont be silly.

3. There are plenty of vids on YouTube. You wont do sh.it anyway, your claims are just ridiculous. I bet your overcoming hardships consisted of pressing E a few times.

And here’s where I remember that you aren’t even trying.

It wasn’t one enemy, the fact that they’re now the same is the problem. You’re hyperboling all over the place when in rare cases missions I’ve done were accidentally sub-5 minutes, but still had dynamic fighting. And I don’t know what youtube videos you’re talking about, but you’re an… well, I honestly have no idea what you’re thinking when I’ve been arguing that having one solution to all the problems is not what I want, which means doing your thing of standing there smashing E should be punished if not straight up less effective.

This is the part where I’m under the impression that you think you’re such an amazing theorycrafter that you either forgot or never knew the point of practical field testing. And I cannot get over how little you know while you act like you know so much, I see it in your hyperbole, I see it in your assumptions, I see it in the fundamental way you approach the game and what you think it’s supposed to play like

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There is so many vids on YouTube that you easily could find one showcasing what you want. Im not and never claimed to be "amazing theory crafter", its just your poor attempt at discrediting what i said. Your practical field testing was just going into a mission and seeing if enemies died fast enough. You are the only one here claiming to be better than everyone else even when proven wrong by simple math. You had dynamic fights just for sports, they were not needed and you can still have them as nothing changed in that regard. Instead of swapping to radiation for some enemies you will swap to magnetic for eximus. Same thing really. If you used any form of defense strip enemies were already the same within mission, so what changed? Honestly you ignore any logical argument made in this topic. I think i wasted enough time on you. Keep crying while i will have a blast with my explosive+gas lesion on lavos. 

Edited by kuciol
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11 minutes ago, kuciol said:

There is so many vids on YouTube that you easily could find one showcasing what you want. Im not and never claimed to be "amazing theory crafter", its just your poor attempt at discrediting what i said. Your practical field testing was just going into a mission and seeing if enemies died fast enough. You are the only one here claiming to be better than everyone else even when proven wrong by simple math. You had dynamic fights just for sports, they were not needed and you can still have them as nothing changed in that regard. Instead of swapping to radiation for some enemies you will swap to magnetic for eximus. Same thing really. If you used any form of defense strip enemies were already the same within mission, so what changed? Honestly you ignore any logical argument made in this topic. I think i wasted enough time on you. Keep crying while i will have a blast with my explosive+gas lesion on lavos. 

Again with this “It’s the same thing now”. It’s not! Why would you know anything about it enough to make such claims either, when you never went looking for it?

And what youtube videos? What am I searching for in the youtube search bar? If you give me that, at least I’ll be able to see what you’re imagining it looks like and tell you what is or isn’t different

And why would I not have the same fun with exactly what you’re using in the old system? What was stopping either you or I?

Edited by Merkranire
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26 minutes ago, kuciol said:

You were the one who wished to "show me". I simply pointed out that YouTube exists and you can. But honestly im done saying the same thing over and over again. If you dont get it at this point you never will.

I wish to show you, and the things that appear on Youtube are typically and decidedly not what I want to show you, being as they’re more along the lines of what your gameplay is like. So if you’ve got an alternative search option that reveals an alternative side to this game that better represents what I’m talking about, lay it on me

You assumed you knew better, made hyperbolic claims about what you think it would look like, and ultimately presented an option to get us on the same page, and then you don’t follow through with it while claiming it’s apparently what I’m trying to show you. So you know what I’m thinking?

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3 minutes ago, kuciol said:

Yet again pointless rant with nothing to show.

You apparently know so much, so how about you show me what you know.

The old system’s gone, the ways to prove what it could do and be are limited to old documentation which I never bothered with, Youtube seems the most logical choice to turn to because your maths and theorycrafting are woefully inadequate proofs, and I’m at a loss for what to search for while you seem to know exactly what to search for

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I'd be curious to know how many people found it that much of a difference in this regard. It's quite possible I'm missing something massive here, but when reading through the changes it still hasn't really addressed that.. well.. some statuses just kinda suck.

Like, I'm not going to build for magnetic as a damage type with status. If I'm using it, I'm going raw power, because the status is just kinda pants. Sometimes I like to test things by taking in a frame that is absolutely hampered by a type of enemy, so I really have to test out a weapon. I did this on Gara on steel path Jupiter survival (just for nice middle of the road), because those nullifiers are a killer for her.

Building for any sort of status with magnetic was objectively worse for me on Gara than just getting a load of slash procs with viral. Magnetic just did not deal with things the way I needed to and I was getting massive amounts of enemies piling up. Like it wasn't even keeping nullifiers at bay. One big proc of ole viral slash? Nullifiers dealt with. Could have gone for days like that.

If I'm building for status, I'm still building for the effect of that status. It doesn't matter that magnetic does more damage to corpus, the raw damage isn't just what I'm looking at. For me, it hasn't made that much of a difference, just adjusting what statuses I use in some situations, changing raw damage in others. But even much of that hasn't changed, on the raw damage side.

So I'm just wondering if now that the dust has settled, that many people find it that different?

Edited by RootyTootyAimAnShooty
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19 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

You apparently know so much, so how about you show me what you know.

The old system’s gone, the ways to prove what it could do and be are limited to old documentation which I never bothered with, Youtube seems the most logical choice to turn to because your maths and theorycrafting are woefully inadequate proofs, and I’m at a loss for what to search for while you seem to know exactly what to search for

No i dont, you were the one that wanted to "show me" so you must be the one to know. Math was not mine btw. I dont have any more will to prove to you that old system was not needed in any way. You are frankly to arrogant to waste more time on you. You attack the person not the argument. Thats childish.

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12 minutes ago, RootyTootyAimAnShooty said:

I'd be curious to know how many people found it that much of a difference in this regard. It's quite possible I'm missing something massive here, but when reading through the changes it still hasn't really addressed that.. well.. some statuses just kinda suck.

Like, I'm not going to build for magnetic as a damage type with status. If I'm using it, I'm going raw power, because the status is just kinda pants. Sometimes I like to test things by taking in a frame that is absolutely hampered by a type of enemy, so I really have to test out a weapon. I did this on Gara on steel path Jupiter survival (just for nice middle of the road), because those nullifiers are a killer for her.

Building for any sort of status with magnetic was objectively worse for me on Gara than just getting a load of slash procs with viral. Magnetic just did not deal with things the way I needed to and I was getting massive amounts of enemies piling up. Like it wasn't even keeping nullifiers at bay. One big proc of ole viral slash? Nullifiers dealt with. Could have gone for days like that.

If I'm building for status, I'm still building for the effect of that status. It doesn't matter that magnetic does more damage to corpus, the raw damage isn't just what I'm looking at. For me, it hasn't made that much of a difference, just adjusting what statuses I use in some situations, changing raw damage in others. But even much of that hasn't changed, on the raw damage side.

So I'm just wondering if now that the dust has settled, that many people find it that different?

I’m pretty sure it’s been stated multiple times across multiple topics that there’s just not a lot of difference. Which makes the simplifying all the more pointless

And that comes as so unsurprising; like, I think people are more enamoured with the idea of using more options, but then when they run into a scenario where there’s something better for easier grind or they just built in a way that easier grind was already a thing, they’re faced with the prospect of an option that simply isn’t as effective as another for easy grind, and even if they try something different the novelty will wear off and then they’re back to whatever few options they were already using. The armour change had more of an impact than the damage type change, and the armour was already out of wack so what people are experiencing now is the ability to ignore the damage types with more options because they technically should have been able to ignore the old system anyways

5 minutes ago, kuciol said:

No i dont, you were the one that wanted to "show me" so you must be the one to know. Math was not mine btw. I dont have any more will to prove to you that old system was not needed in any way. You are frankly to arrogant to waste more time on you. You attack the person not the argument. Thats childish.

Welp, you’ll just have to take my word that I knew something you didn’t

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Just now, kuciol said:

No you didnt. I still remember all resistances and i know for a fact they didnt matter at all. Not only me. On the other hand you are to full of yourself to even notice that.

I mean, I know why they didn’t matter to you. You don’t know why they mattered to me, or indeed, what effect they had on players.

See, I don’t know whether you want me to treat you like you know something, or whether you want me to treat you like you don’t know something

You introduced some blast-based build with Lavos, and I’m wondering what was stopping you from using it before. Must not have been the damage type system because it didn’t matter, must not have been the game because most of the game’s content could be so easily overpowered.

So what was holding you back?

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1 minute ago, RootyTootyAimAnShooty said:

Fair enough. Glad to know I'm not the only one feeling that.

Oh, let me qualify; it didn’t change for those who didn’t care in the first place. Which… I don’t know why I felt like I needed to qualify that

Even the idea of it being more understandable for newbies barely applies; the interface and clarity change is good, would have loved it for the old system, but whether newbies engage with the system is a different matter when they can just limit their options to whatever higher-level content asks for and then just not do that content

3 minutes ago, kuciol said:

I do know what effect they had on players. I play the game you know and i see it every day. 

Blast was bad dmg type, thats all there is to it. It had no upsides, now it does.

You mean through the change to the status effect and enemy armour? Something outside the scope of the damage type itself and the system surrounding it?

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Just now, kuciol said:

And enemy resistances on top. Heavy units are no longer resistant to it.

Oh. But I thought…

Huh. I guess that clued me into not bringing blast damage to bear against that enemy unless I felt like the status effect itself was worth it or circumstances surrounding the fight caused that to be my best course of action.

Which, of course, was considerations all that fell to the wayside if you built high enough anyways, and since you… built high enough, I’m guessing it wasn’t stopping you for like, most of the game. Oh, unless you were smacking the super-armoured enemies, which are now a lot less super-armoured, so the armour change sorted that right out

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