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Non-Mercy Finishers Indirectly Nerfed vs. SP Enemies

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With the changes to armor scaling and the bonus provided to enemy health on SP, finishers of all sorts received an (unintended?) indirect nerf to their effectiveness.

One of the main benefits of finishers has always been that they bypassed armor, but since enemy armor now caps at 90% reduction coupled to the 250% health increase on Steel Path, heavy targets (i.e. ones you might want to dispatch quickly) now require multiple finishers to be applied before they go down or become opened to a Mercy at higher levels, while paradoxically being in the paradigm of rapidly dying to whatever flavor of other weapon/ability nuking you happen to have.

In essence I feel like this nerf was an unintended one, as it feels like it punishes players for trying to do something other than AoE map clear nuking.

[Yes I'm aware finishers aren't the most efficient means of taking down enemies regardless of any impediments to doing so, but you don't get to dictate my play style or my definition of fun.]

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