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Permanent Stalker Mode


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With the Lore Implications of Jade Shadows arguably removing Stalker from our adversary list. (Making him Protector Stalker)

(Yes from a gameplay Standpoint he still hunts us Tenno. This is obviously to prevent players from being locked out of acquiring: Hate, Dread, Despair, Broken War, War, and Smoke Ephemera.) 

Can Stalker Mode PLEASE stay?

Perhaps we can get a placeable Beacon or "Switch to Stalker" option for the Orbiter that allows players to assist squads as The Stalker. 

Keep the current risks/drawbacks associated with playing as him.

IE: 1 Life, can't be revived if downed, can't be customized/equipped with the player's equipment, no Operator, no group chat.

Make completing Jade Shadows a requirement to both: Play Stalker Mode and be open to Stalker Mode

Add a Stalker Mode On/Off toggle. (For players/squads who do not wish to have Stalkers join their squads.)

I ask this because...

For the first time in Warframe history, I am enjoying Public Matchmaking. I like being able to swoop in as Stalker and turn a mission around (there have been a surprising amount of Ascension missions I've joined as Stalker where playing as him made a SIGNIFICANT difference/was the difference between a mission fail and a mission success.), aid other players, and then vanish without a trace, an unsung hero/ally. 

No one to talk to me, no one to know who I am. Just there and gone. 

I LOVE this mode. Would be amazing to see it expanded into other missions (excluding Eidolons, Orbs, Deep/Elite Archimedia for obvious reasons).

The Rogue-Lite threat of death makes it such a thrill to play as. 

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4 hours ago, Waeleto said:

Why not just make the stalker a fully playable warframe (ik i'll never stop talking about this) 

I would like that too.

However, it's obvious (after 10+years) Stalker is going to be a slow burn unlock. 

We probably will have 2 or 3 more quests around him before he becomes fully unlockable. 

Until then I'd like to play as him more in the meantime. As after this event ends he'll all but disappear.

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5 hours ago, Waeleto said:

Why not just make the stalker a fully playable warframe (ik i'll never stop talking about this) 

To be fair, it would only really work if stalker died(which is the case with many warframes such as Limbo, Gara, Jade, etc. Though we never got confirmation if Dante is dead, but still)which is sorta hard to imagine.

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8 hours ago, (PSN)CUInc said:

To be fair, it would only really work if stalker died(which is the case with many warframes such as Limbo, Gara, Jade, etc. Though we never got confirmation if Dante is dead, but still)which is sorta hard to imagine.

The Origin Dante is lost in the Void. According to Drusis, when Dante searched the labs, he found 'The Book's in which The Indifference's (MITW) voice began to rend his mend, so Dante wishing to prevent possession, willingly succumbed to the book, hoping to die. 

But the book teleported him into the endless nether of the void, where The Indifference's voice still hounds his every waking moment. 


He's basically dead. As, if we do find him, he'd be stark raving mad and void touched beyond hope of repair. 


I say the void cause he was sent to 'Stars Unknown' where the 'wrong tongued voice' eternally hounds him. 

So he could be in Tau, but he's basically being tortured by The Indifference. So...

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