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  1. That’s a good point, but then again, you could still make it as good as a prime if you put in enough effort.
  2. Additionally, you could choose the base version of limbo. The only downside I can see is not having the cosmetics and lower stats. But you could always build it so it is just as good as the prime version. Having prime gear doesn’t necessarily mean that the base version is useless.
  3. Yeah, it’s pretty unpredictable. However, you could get the parts by trading with other players.
  4. Well, as far as I’m aware, the game’s not going anywhere anytime soon, so have fun doing what you do :)
  5. Yeah, I’m pretty sure many players have had this predicament too(myself included). Hopefully DE implements a solution to this, but the best solution for the time being would be to do long endurance missions with a premade squad, whether that be friends, people from the recruitment chat, dojo members, etc. Communication with the squad before the mission starts can go a long way. Otherwise, you could just run the mission solo. Hope this helps! P. S. Welcome to the forum!
  6. My squad and I just had a 30 minute round of conjunction survival and at the 30 minute mark, our host migrated and everyone was kicked. After returning to the my orbiter, I saw that all my loot was lost. Have any of you experienced this?
  7. Many of the Nightwave items are on a weekly rotation, so the item you are looking for might not be there a certain week, the only thing you can do is buy it for plat(for the heat sword, I’m pretty sure you can)or wait till the weekly reset(for nightwave I pretty sure it’s Sundays 0:00 UTC)and see if it’s there. However, some items are there 24/7, such as Vauban’s parts, potatoes, Kuva, nitaint extract, and a few others I don’t quite remember.
  8. Ok, so we know that Warframes came into being through Dax soldiers being infected with a strand of the Helminth, but then they were kinda placed in the corner to collect dust until the Z kids were discovered when they could control the frames through transference(please correct me if I’m wrong). So my question is, how were the different warframes made? Does each unique warframe have their own unique strand? Or is it entirely dependent on the Dax warrior? My though process for the Dax determining the properties of the Warframe is that the Dax warrior caste is largely inspired by Japanese samurai(I don’t know if DE has ever confirmed it, but come on, it’s pretty obvious something was taken). The samurai had several schools of combat all having different styles and techniques(I have never actually done any research, so don’t hate on me please). I’m thinking that the Dax were also designed in a similar fashion so each “school” would influence the properties of the resulting Warframe. What do you guys think?
  9. Is nobody gonna point out that Qorvex is missing.
  11. Great job, I really like the idea about Vome and Fass actually doing stuff besides blowing the other up and infested archwings and Necramechs.
  12. Hey, Warframe and Warframe relations? I’m down, several warframes already have similar themes so why not?
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