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Can Overcapacity be a feature that players can use rather than something that's only used when DE makes changes?


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At the moment, when DE makes a change to items/mods (e.g. drain costs, mod polarities or default equipment polarities): it will put your Configs in a state of Overcapacity. -8/60, for example. 

Here's a picture I found online (I didn't think to take a picture before I fixed mine):

r/Warframe - Behold, Negative Capacity. I do not know how I pulled this off. It wasn't negative when I first built it and I didn't put the top two mods in the wrong slots. I can still use it like this too.

Conversely, if players rank-up mods: it unequips that mod from your loadout. If players add a new polarity: it just randomly unequips mods to keep you within capacity, even if all the mods would still fit in another order.

Would it be possible to make Overcapacity a feature that players can utilize to make modding with multiple configs more seamless?

As an example of when this would be useful: let's pretend I want to try-out a new Mirage Prime build. It doesn't fit on my existing Mirage Prime Polarities, but only needs one additional Polarity. Putting an extra Polarity will cause mods to fall off my other Configs. Heck, if your <MR30, it will probably make mods fall off your current config (high MR players, remember that mod capacity scales with rank). I usually try my best to rearrange the mods on each config so that the target slot is "primed" for the forma, but I've gotten the mental maths wrong before - and so I still find it necessary to copy all of my existing Mirage Prime configs into chat so that I can re-apply them once the new forma has been added. I previously took printscreens of each config, but another players advised me on the copy-to-chat method since it's faster and also rearranges the mods to fit the new polarities for you. The alternative to taking precautions is that I have an empty mod slot and I can't remember which mod fell-out, but having to take precautions at all feels like a flaw in the system. 

With all the changes you made recently to the modding UI (e.g. that it tells you which polarity is under a mod) - I think it would be really beneficial if I could just add the Polarity, and for the game to just flag that my config needs attention rather than it suddenly having an empty slot. Change the Mod Fusion warning to say "Upgrading this mod will put three builds into Overcapacity" instead of "This mod will be removed from three [unspecified] configs."

Other players report that DE-imposed Overcapacity will disable mods in order from bottom-right to top-left (so Focus Radon would be disabled in my printscreen above), so perhaps improve how overcapacity is communicated by explicitly red-X-ing those mods? I cannot confirm this information right now, but this kind of mod priority is how element-mixing and sentinels work - so I believe the claim. 

Heck, you could even just allow players to deliberately over-install their mod configs - e.g. allow MR9 players to put a full build on their rank 0 weapon, and slowly work toward un-red-X-ing each slot rather than having to rebuild the entire weapon every time they add a new forma. 

If the game already has UI support for overcapacity and missions already handle overcapacity, is there a good reason that I haven't thought of for why players cannot utilize the feature already?

Edited by 3mptylord
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To @3mptylord : Yes, it has already existed...


During the Solar rail PvP era, the was something pretty much close to what you suggested :

  1. Player build their Warframe "Deck"
  2. Staring the fight with 1-2 first slot active (based on warframe value and the mod value)
  3. The more you progress in the fight, the more slots are activated

With my low value Frost, I did have 4 slots but the Dojo Founder with his "Excalibur Prime" barely could have 1-2 slots at start...


This could permit progress DURING a mission... like when you unlock a new ability.

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1 hour ago, 3mptylord said:

With all the changes you made recently to the modding UI (e.g. that it tells you which polarity is under a mod) - I think it would be really beneficial if I could just add the Polarity, and for the game to just flag that my config needs attention rather than it suddenly having an empty slot. Change the Mod Fusion warning to say "Upgrading this mod will put three builds into Overcapacity" instead of "This mod will be removed from three [unspecified] configs."

I think, as an alternative to this (and the red x-ing mentioned later), it would be neat if it would still show the mod in the config but with a slight transparency; so you know which mod went missing and can adjust accordingly.

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2 hours ago, RLanzinger said:

To @3mptylord : Yes, it has already existed...


During the Solar rail PvP era, the was something pretty much close to what you suggested :

  1. Player build their Warframe "Deck"
  2. Staring the fight with 1-2 first slot active (based on warframe value and the mod value)
  3. The more you progress in the fight, the more slots are activated

With my low value Frost, I did have 4 slots but the Dojo Founder with his "Excalibur Prime" barely could have 1-2 slots at start...


This could permit progress DURING a mission... like when you unlock a new ability.

Do you know why it was removed?

'cause you mentioning PVP just makes me think "the issue" is similar to what happens in other games (like League of Legends) where levelling-up gains you bonuses and triggering that in combat might give you an unfair advantage. But... even in the live game you get full-energy whenever you rank-up, so clearly PVP must've had other solutions (I genuinely think the only PVP I've ever done in Warframe was that snowball fight at Christmas, so I have no clue how it's balanced). 

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To @3mptylord

It was U13 DARK SECTORS : Solar rail conflicts PvP exclusive, no more Solar rail PvP nor more Mods activate upon evolution...

The only residual was

U15 Ability Mod Changes: full explanation thread

  • Abilities are all unlocked as a Warframe is levelled up.
  • Abilities are all ranked up as a Warframe is levelled up.


But check thoses, you'll see what did exist in warframe and what DEV can do when they mean IT !!!


Old system (in english, around 1:40)

Old system (in french, around 12:00)


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On 6/29/2024 at 8:02 AM, LittleLeoniePrime said:

I think, as an alternative to this (and the red x-ing mentioned later), it would be neat if it would still show the mod in the config but with a slight transparency; so you know which mod went missing and can adjust accordingly.

This exactly. Especially for players that are not yet MR30 and a forma drops all their mods past MR level drain capacity. Frustrating. So glad I'm LR2 now...

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