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I'm surprised no one is talking about Dagath's massive FPS hit when using her 3rd ability with augment.


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I am well aware that Dagath has a few other bugs related to her 3rd ability already but this one somehow affected me the most. I started noticing lower FPS in mission when playing her, so I decided to jump into simulacrum and unlock my FPS and see what happens when I use her 3. My FPS instantly went down form ~250 to ~170.  (for context it was the Ballroom Simulacrum)

This is, quite frankly, insane.

The performance hit is really noticeable.

It's just a screen-space shader or whatever, why such a performance loss? On top of that if you pair it with a bug that makes the fog stay even when you're not in the "Spirit Realm" and possibly repeat adding more layers of it then you get a nice combo of lowered FPS AND screen obstruction.

And just to clarify the title of the post, no I don't think the mod itself is the cause, It's the fact that with the mod you are almost permanently exposed to the funny fog which normally happens only when you nearly die and the ability goes off, so I suppose that it wasn't an issue before because you could avoid it by not dying.

It pains me a lot because I just built her, I absolutely love how she plays and with the augment she's very strong but now she's plagued by a plethora of bugs related to the very ability which is now essential on her. Sadge.

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you have to be doing something else, not just using the augment (it might also be time to tune down the sfx b/c its not an issue i'm noticing)

be sure to give her a muted energy color like black, brown, dark green, dark blue, or purple; the default fog could definitely use a toning down but again, I personally have not noticed this issue on xbox or switch (that even before DE gave performance fixes for the latter)


you could also give her energy a lime, hot pink, teal, magenta, or white color and make yourself blind.

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2 hours ago, Leviathis_Krade said:

you have to be doing something else, not just using the augment (it might also be time to tune down the sfx b/c its not an issue i'm noticing)

be sure to give her a muted energy color like black, brown, dark green, dark blue, or purple; the default fog could definitely use a toning down but again, I personally have not noticed this issue on xbox or switch (that even before DE gave performance fixes for the latter)


you could also give her energy a lime, hot pink, teal, magenta, or white color and make yourself blind.

Changing the energy color doesn't do anything and i'm pretty sure that you being on another platform is highly relevant as to why you may not have this issue.

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well check your settings for graphics, you might be using too high of a setting.


or the volumetric fog is still eating RAM (jade's abilities were doing so the first few days she was added) and its wholly beyond your control.


it could also be a minor problem with your computer; the color suggestion was just to alleviate your inability to see (or hinder it more with those latter colors lol)

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46 minutes ago, Leviathis_Krade said:

well check your settings for graphics, you might be using too high of a setting.


or the volumetric fog is still eating RAM (jade's abilities were doing so the first few days she was added) and its wholly beyond your control.


it could also be a minor problem with your computer; the color suggestion was just to alleviate your inability to see (or hinder it more with those latter colors lol)

Volumetric fog off, no difference.
I checked pretty much every setting there is, but no settings affect dagath's screen shader because it's a seperate thing, only the devs can change it.
And no I don't have a PC problem, It just so happens that recently i've had a fresh windows install alongside testing everything including CPU and GPU stress testing. Everything works as it should EXCEPT for Dagath's 3rd ability.

But OK. Just in case i tested something.
I turned everything off in GPU settings and set everything to low.
Now i get a drop from 550 FPS to 300FPS.

Please stop blaming me for something that is not my fault.
It is one way or another the game's fault.

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cool your jets i'm not playing the blame game, its process of elimination.


which is good for you, b/c that means you can still run other games just dandy.


how much of a drop is it with maximized settings for your rig? The 550->300fps dip is pretty significant & I do hope someone on DE's team is looking into this issue.


I'm just offering aide as another fan of this game to mitigate some hair pulling.

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The FPS are normally capped, i only uncapped them for a test, capping them doesn't help.
I have a Ryzen 7 5800x3D with PBO turned on, 3600Mhz RAM, 48GB of it, and a RX 5700 GPU, slightly overclocked.
Drivers are updated, 2K resolution monitor, nothing is overheating, everything works fine.
Safe to say it's not a CPU problem if you realize which CPU it is.
I asked a friend for a test he has a better GPU which is a RX 7900 XTX Sapphire, slightly overclocked, AM5 platform compared to my AM4, so his RAM is faster than mine, 5600Mhz, Ryzen 9 7900 CPU with PBO enabled, 4K resolution monitor and(not like it matters but i'll say it anyway) slighlty higher GPU warframe settings.
His test was the same as mine, with slightly newer AMD drivers, Ballroom Simulacrum uncapped fps, his farmes dropped from 315 to 210 at first, it stabilizes at 230-240 after a brief moment.
I kindly ask you to stop putting blame on my setup, I am slowly losing my sanity replying to this.
EDIT: Fixed a typo.

On 2024-07-05 at 7:31 PM, leachPrime said:

Or choose lower value to cap. I always do that with heavy games. Warframe is CPU heavy. Maybe it's not his Graphic but his CPU having problems.


On 2024-07-05 at 2:53 PM, Fallopia said:

Looks like there is problem with Your setup. Maybe cap your FPS to monitor refresh rate?


Edited by Ragnval
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There is hundreds of PC configurations and what work on one maybe not work on other.

Don't have latest hardware, but looks fine to me. Maybe some Degath's shaders not optimized for AMD? Sadly, the days are gone when game developers collaborated with video card manufacturers to optimize drivers.

Degath's test video.

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