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My issues and Suggestion with Warframe right now


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- Remove Vault over / Auto Climbing. Not just a turn off feature, straight up remove it.

- Fix your Janky Waypoint Marker. In some mission it lags behind and sometimes disappear completely.

- Add Market Boards like in FFXIV so there's no need to constantly chat and go to someone's messy Labyrinth Dojo to trade or use some sketchy External Sites. and also to avoid getting trolled by any Buyers or Sellers.

Edited by rocketraccoon
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  • rocketraccoon changed the title to A suggestion into the Void
40 minutes ago, rocketraccoon said:

- Fix your Janky Waypoint Marker. In some mission it lags behind and sometimes disappear completely.

This has been something that I can tell you from experience -- isn't an issue that can be addressed quickly or easily.  Having seen this transform from working, to not working to the janky mess that it is right now is as good as it's been since it's stopped working.  So unless you have some serious coding suggestions, all we can do is let them try to make it workable...  And when it's not we cross our fingers until such time as it can be fixed as best as they can.  

And this? 

42 minutes ago, rocketraccoon said:

- Add Market Boards like in FFXIV so you don't need to constantly chat and go to someone's messy labyrinth Dojo to trade or use some sketchy External Site. and also to avoid getting trolled by any buyers or sellers.

It has been asked for time and time and time again.  We have an explanation of it back in 2014 - 2015, and since then it's been re-asked and fell on deaf ears. 

Basically the avoidance to it is for gold farmers and bots.  Without a market-board we have less ability to having it become an established like a leech looking to take advantage. 

More info here: 


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  • rocketraccoon changed the title to My issues and Suggestion with Warframe right now
14 minutes ago, MBaldelli said:

So unless you have some serious coding suggestions, all we can do is let them try to make it workable...  And when it's not we cross our fingers until such time as it can be fixed as best as they can.

To be fair, it doesn't need a major overhaul - they could just add a little trail to it and a button that makes it pop up / glow; their AI routines and pathfinding can already navigate all of the tilesets, the issue is mostly that the waypoints snap to tile junctions and/or a specific point of interest when there's an error, rather than leading the player on a trail to the final point. Exposing the underlying pathing logic as a trail pretty much solves this issue with janky / misplaced waypoints, as long as the end point is set correctly (which tbh I've never seen it not be, though I'm sure very rarely it has been).

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46 minutes ago, MBaldelli said:

It has been asked for time and time and time again.  We have an explanation of it back in 2014 - 2015, and since then it's been re-asked and fell on deaf ears. 

Basically the avoidance to it is for gold farmers and bots.  Without a market-board we have less ability to having it become an established like a leech looking to take advantage. 

More info here: 


I don't understand how it would be any different from Warframe Market but ingame. It's not like they can't ban anyone who uses bot or break any rules in a Marketboard.

The Reasons for them not to make a Marketboard are more like excuses to me.

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17 minutes ago, rocketraccoon said:

I don't understand how it would be any different from Warframe Market but ingame. It's not like they can't ban anyone who uses bot or break any rules in a Marketboard.

Warframe Market is self regulated. DE doesn't have to do anything. They don't have to hire someone just to keep track of all the transaction plus underhanded deal that goes wrong. Trade chat just need a better filter for Rivens. 80% of the listing are riven.

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2 minutes ago, ominumi said:

Warframe Market is self regulated. DE doesn't have to do anything. They don't have to hire someone just to keep track of all the transaction plus underhanded deal that goes wrong. Trade chat just need a better filter for Rivens. 80% of the listing are riven.

The way i read it is "They don't want to do that because its a hassle, so too bad. You have to sit tight and spam chat for hours to trade or use outside source which is not our responsiblity."

Did i get that right. Huh?

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52 minutes ago, rocketraccoon said:

The way i read it is "They don't want to do that because its a hassle, so too bad. You have to sit tight and spam chat for hours to trade or use outside source which is not our responsiblity."

Did i get that right. Huh?

No it's Laissez faire. If DE mess with the economy DE has to regulate EVERYTHING down to trading for services. Too much work that can be better spent else where. Economy is a dog eat dog world. People will take advantage of anything for profit. There's no way a governing body can make everyone in that economy happy without pissing someone off.

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1 hour ago, Nekomian said:

To be fair, it doesn't need a major overhaul - they could just add a little trail to it and a button that makes it pop up / glow; their AI routines and pathfinding can already navigate all of the tilesets, the issue is mostly that the waypoints snap to tile junctions and/or a specific point of interest when there's an error, rather than leading the player on a trail to the final point. Exposing the underlying pathing logic as a trail pretty much solves this issue with janky / misplaced waypoints, as long as the end point is set correctly (which tbh I've never seen it not be, though I'm sure very rarely it has been).

12 years old code with how much updates since it was released to close beta in 2012.  With the code and engine being routinely updated, cleaned up, deleted and added to...  doesn't have to be a major overhaul...  

I think first I should point out understanding the hazards of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaghetti_code 

Then I will parrot what I said originally: 

So unless you have some serious coding suggestions -- and by coding suggestions I mean actually coding section, sort of like this and not this armchair analysis you're offering.  You know, like this is (I know it's a UE5 sample, not for the proprietary language for Evolution but this was originally the point I was making): 


...all we can do is let them try to make it workable...  And when it's not we cross our fingers until such time as it can be fixed as best as they can.

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1 hour ago, ominumi said:

No it's Laissez faire. If DE mess with the economy DE has to regulate EVERYTHING down to trading for services. Too much work that can be better spent else where. Economy is a dog eat dog world. People will take advantage of anything for profit. There's no way a governing body can make everyone in that economy happy without pissing someone off.

Tell me how would adding a Marketboard mess with the economy and not improve it?

1 hour ago, ominumi said:

Too much work that can be better spent else where.

are you serious?

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56 minutes ago, MBaldelli said:

12 years old code with how much updates since it was released to close beta in 2012.  With the code and engine being routinely updated, cleaned up, deleted and added to...  doesn't have to be a major overhaul...  

I think first I should point out understanding the hazards of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaghetti_code 

Then I will parrot what I said originally: 

So unless you have some serious coding suggestions -- and by coding suggestions I mean actually coding section, sort of like this and not this armchair analysis you're offering.  You know, like this is (I know it's a UE5 sample, not for the proprietary language for Evolution but this was originally the point I was making): 


...all we can do is let them try to make it workable...  And when it's not we cross our fingers until such time as it can be fixed as best as they can.

I just hope they fix it because it is a massive problem sometimes. I don't really care how to be honest. maybe make the map generation more linear and smaller i dunno.

I had the most problem with it in Assassination and Capture mission which i don't think loses anything if the map is smaller or more linear.

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22 minutes ago, MBaldelli said:

So unless you have some serious coding suggestions -- and by coding suggestions I mean actually coding section, sort of like this and not this armchair analysis you're offering.

No one but the devs themselves are going to be able to offer anything but suggestions - the code base is private and the evolution engine proprietary (even if it was probably originally based on unreal engine). Also what you provided is not "code" itself but just a console showing some patching of libraries and binaries; while part of the coding / programming process, that's not really demonstrating logic routines follow that might affect waypoints. In order to give anything more comprehensive we'd need to look at that (in this example C++ code), which is not happening (since it's private code). It wouldn't really help to provide code examples either because we're not receiving a holistic view of how everything interacts within' the scope of the engine - something could work in isolation just fine, but not in the project as a whole.

It's not particularly up to the players to decide how to implement a function or deal with spaghetti code from a 12+ year old code base; that's on devs to sort out. Feature suggestions and recommendations are all players can reliably provide, which I did by suggesting they use their existing basis and add trails to it. Many other games with waypoints already do this, and I'd find it hard to believe their pathfinding systems wouldn't be able to support this with some alteration.

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5 hours ago, rocketraccoon said:


Tell me how would adding a Marketboard mess with the economy and not improve it?

Marketboard are just vending machines. DE does NOT want the economy to become a place to dump in plat just to get stuff. DE wants player to involve other actual flesh person with trading. So when a transaction happen, Tenno knows there's another person at the receiving end.


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7 hours ago, ominumi said:

Marketboard are just vending machines. DE does NOT want the economy to become a place to dump in plat just to get stuff. DE wants player to involve other actual flesh person with trading. So when a transaction happen, Tenno knows there's another person at the receiving end.


The problem i have with the way trading is right now is that i have alot of stuff i want to turn into plat, and it will probably takes alot of time like days in-game and constantly chat spamming to get notice. I would like to see another options in-game at least so i don't waste alot of time just sits in my ship or dojo and not playing the game.

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8 hours ago, rocketraccoon said:

The problem i have with the way trading is right now is that i have alot of stuff i want to turn into plat, and it will probably takes alot of time like days in-game and constantly chat spamming to get notice. I would like to see another options in-game at least so i don't waste alot of time just sits in my ship or dojo and not playing the game.

Understandable. For 10 year warframe players have to suffer the same thing. I've said this many times to whisper in trade chat, "I'm not desperate. I can wait for a better deal. Are you desperate to make the deal happen?" Turns out people are desperate to make deals happen. So I take more advantage. Most of the time.

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