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The Lotus Eaters: Known Issues ×

The cone of Shame

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I talked about several, issues, when Jade Shadows was released. These issues involved cone based abilities on several Warframes. Banshee, Baruuk, Citrine, Dagath, Garuda, Kullervo, and Limbo have all been effected by this, and potentially others which I haven't found or noticed. 


Now we are at Lotus Eaters, and they haven't been fixed, nor have I seen DE mention these issues. I have documented these issues. Do with this information what you will.


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  • 3 weeks later...
This issue is a tough one. We are having difficulty finding a consistent method to reproduce it on our end, and appreciate as much info as we can get.
If you are experiencing this bug, could you contact support and send in your setting files and some info on how you play Warframe? (i.e. Controller or KB/M, any unique modifications, etc.)
Support: https://support.warframe.com/
How to get the settings file:
  1. In your file explorer, type: %localappdata%\Warframe\
  2. Copy the EE.cfg and EE.log, attaching them to the support ticket
  3. Open the folder that has a long name (seemingly random numbers and letters) and attach the included settings file to the support ticket
Please mention [DE]Purzzle in your ticket and I'll forward your info to our programmers.
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