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The Lotus Eaters: Known Issues ×

Update doesn't have anything in it.

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I understand how story makes a game stand out, but I want to have something in gameplay too. Either a new weapon, mod, or frame. I know we got sevagoth prime, alongside epitaph prime, but I think a single weapon and essentially a frame reskin is not enough. Especially sense I don't play sevagoth, and a single prime weapon isn't enough things to farm for until next update.

Technically I watched someone else play the update, but I still want more than just one weapon. Even two would have been good, but not just one.

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inb4 you get a torrent of replies saying "you got nautilus prime with verglas prime".
Yeah, I'd get it if there was a ton of easter eggs hinting at 1999 along with it, but there don't seem to be any.

Edited by MouthfulOJoules
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I agree. It was too short haha. I was expecting to play WF1999 a bit it after the call. But it's just a sneak peak of the mall again. This is just for those new/old players who missed hanging out in the mall hehehe. But yea, still a prelude for WF1999. It just needs a bit more..

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I was honestly hoping that we'd at least get access to the AX-52 since I misread the time for the tennocon stream and joined like an hour late to actually receive it. Sucks since that's one of very few things I need for MR atm. I figure we'll get it in 1999, but it really feels like we're being strung along with this non-quest that gives almost nothing story-wise and less than nothing gameplay-wise. 

As was said elsewhere on the forums by at least one person, why not just make this the opening to 1999? By changing the subtitle of the game to "The Lotus Eaters", you assume that there'll be some degree of content added, right? Anytime they've changed the subtitle previously it's at least added SOMETHING gameplay-wise. Even minor things like Dagath's boring missions had CONTENT. You have things like Deimos Arcana that didn't add any new frames, but they added variant game modes (the arcana bounties), new weapons, and the second of two Necramechs (even if Bonewidow is underwhelming, but whatever).

Prior to this update I was hypothesizing about what the name might mean in my discord with friends. Could the name be referring to something happening to Lotus? Could it be referring to Greek mythology, something about us (or maybe even the Lotus for a double meaning) being coerced into a trap? Turns out the name means almost nothing! 🤡 I'm so glad I spent any time thinking about what this might mean, and that this wasn't the most nothing update the game has received in years. 

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