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Multiple GAMEBREAKING bugs with "on-death effects" on warframes in Deep Archimedea & Netracells

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1) Nidus, Wukong, Inaros and Sevagoth may get you on alot of occasions into a bugged "dead" state on death

You can't get revived, you can't revive yourself (unairu), you can't leave the mission because you can't access the menu and sometimes not even alt F4 works anymore
Sometimes you can still move but without animations (no jumping or parcour).
Sometimes you are frozen still and cannot even move
Rarely you can use Last Gasp, which completely breaks everything even further


Lets list em up...

On Nidus: 50% of the time the passive works just fine, the other 50% it skips the passive entirely and gets you into the afformentioned state

On Wukong: Nearly every time all 3 death saves are consumed at once if you die on Wukong, if you had less than 2 death saves up on his passive -> bugged death state

Same for Sevagoth and Inaros (In the Screenshot you can see Inaros being in a "dead" state)

Unairus Last Gasp can get you into an even weirder state that even locks you out of alt F4 and forces the game into the foreground constantly

I assume this might be connected to the passive of warframes counting as "ability cast" for "take damage on ability cast" thus cascading the effect since death saves tied to abilities and not to passives like Dagath works just fine (I haven't had the chance to test Voruna's 4th passive in EDA yet)


Anyway now let's move over to less gamebreaking but still very annoying bugs that have been reported on the forums multiple times (not just from me)

2) Talking about Voruna:

I've reported on this multiple times, tested it recently, it's still not working

3) Talking about Duviri:

I have also reported on this multiple times Mesas Peacemakers are also still not working after the "Kaithe Phase" in Duviri

Edited by NovaLP
Edited out a rant for a different post
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