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Bane, Expel, Cleanse, and Smite mods would benefit from auto matching and swapping for different enemy units

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I know most people don't like using bane type mods, not because they aren't strong but because its annoying to swap em around for each different enemy, and it could really benefit from having a toggle in settings or something to automatically match bane mods with the enemy faction you're fighting. In most situations they are better than just adding more damage on (aside from incarnon, which kill so fast it doesn't matter), but for a lot of weapons, epitaph or kuva nukor especially, they could have a nice QOL fix for auto matching if you have a mod, and using the highest level version it can without removing other mods, but until they do a change like that its annoying if you're someone like me who actually swaps them out for a lot of weapons, and I would prefer just a universal bane mod like rhino's roar but then people who leveled all primed bane/expel mods would be upset unless they could convert their endo back I dunno, but that's just how I feel about bane mods currently.

Edited by Marazel11
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On the same note, for bane mods there should be no issue with adding "mod merge" functionality. AFAIK there are no overlaps, so, it would not hurt any content to let you fuse two or more max-rank mods into a single combined one.

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30 minutes ago, kadlis12 said:

On the same note, for bane mods there should be no issue with adding "mod merge" functionality. AFAIK there are no overlaps, so, it would not hurt any content to let you fuse two or more max-rank mods into a single combined one.

I thought about that but it seemed like it would take the devs a lot more coding to do, but would much prefer that if possible, but I know they probably wouldn't cause there wouldn't be too many more things like that, but a drifter can dream.

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Honestly, it shouldn't be jsut the bane mods.

We should be able to denote Configs for each weapon individually, for what faction we want to use it against.

So, if we choose to make Config A vs Grineer, whenever we go on a mission vs Grineer, the config would automagically swap to Config A.
If we make Config B vs Infested, whenever we go on a mission vs Infested, the config would automagically swap to Config B.

This should have been a thing for years, and yet still isn't. Instead, we have to manually check and change our loadouts every, through the lazier, 2013 style method in navigation.

DE nerfing enemy resistances to be faction wide further reinforces the config autoswapping being an incredibly useful feature.


This would not only solve the Bane mods, but also just make loadouts and configs much more varied for most people.
I know I don't bother swapping my configs currently, it's just easier running Heat/Viral/Mag and not thinking about it than manually swapping every mission.

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