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MR 24 hour restriction

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I just genuinely cannot fathom why the 24 hour time restriction exists for MR rank tests. I mean sure if it was only given when you complete one that would be fine but restricting you from even attempting it for a ludicrous 24 hours if you fail it, especially given the stressful design and nature of most of them, is just downright heinous. I really would like to see some change made to this feature like maybe reducing the time to at least 12 hours or something or only making it when you complete a MR rank up test, at least something that would make this ludicrous feature less annoying.


Edit: Sorry, it's my first post and I put it under the wrong tag.

Edited by (XBOX)InsaneBlade3652
I must inform people of my mistake
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33 minutes ago, Katchowzki said:

I think the 24 hour time restriction should at least be removed from the beginning mastery ranks. Seeing that cool down as a new player after failing kills motivation

I can get behind this. Removed or dropped to like an hour or so. But at higher ranks, sure they might be more difficult tests, but you can practice the test as much as you want as it is. That being the case it's kind of on the player for failing the test assuming some sort of bug/glitch didn't happen. If you don't want to wait 24 hours then just give it a few practice runs to make sure your load out is good for it. It's better to run it 3-5 times and pass than to go into it blind and fail. 

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I honestly think it should stay because I like the stress of a consequence of an important test I failed, like a driver's test. also you have the option to practice an infinite amount of times before do the test, so... like if you fail a test? wouldn't that mean you are unprepared for it and need to practice?

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2 hours ago, BurstDaVoir said:

I honestly think it should stay because I like the stress of a consequence of an important test I failed, like a driver's test. also you have the option to practice an infinite amount of times before do the test, so... like if you fail a test? wouldn't that mean you are unprepared for it and need to practice?

I agree with you and it's why I'd say only the first 2 or 3 should have no or reduced cooldown. When a new player fails a test, that failing motivation will cause them to quit and like with most free games, forget about it the next day and move on to something familiar

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