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Mirror defence this week in Elite deep archimedian is awfully modified.

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Can you make it without Limbo?


My squad got #*!%ed up just in 10 sec. We couldn't gather even 10 glyphs because of god damn health curse, and bome suicide limbs.


3 weeks in a row there were mirror defenses. they were terrbile but this week's one is the worst.


If deep archimedian forces choosing warframes or gears, modules should be okay with anything. Why is it so #*!%ing hard without limbo like warframes?


it should be easy with them, not almost impossible without.


Fixes have to done I think.



Edited by Weird-light
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Mirror defence in any EDA run is horrid. Mirror defence on it's own is a terrible gamemode. Players rarely play defence missions so DE added a new, longer, non-speedable version of the gamemode, while only improving basic defence missions in Duviri, not normal ones (duviri defence missions are 3 waves only, with more numerous enemies per wave. It's faster, and has higher stakes due to this).

EDA is just horribly done. DE know this, they've had tons of feedback telling them the random loadouts suck, and that random debuffs ontop of random debuffs isn't fun or intuative.
They aren't gonna change it. DE want it that way, they keep it that way.
They had the exact same feedback with Duviri for the random loadouts. At least we got the option to pick our own configs with Duviri, despite the fact we STILL can't modify them when in Teshins Cave.

It's also why Nullifiers are still in the game. DE want them, and think they are great design, when the vast majority of players hate them and want them removed.


As for completing the MD in EDA, it is possible, but it's exceptionally hard and obnoxious. You have to focus so damn hard on no enemies getting near the defence target AT ALL, that you basically need 1 person to take setup JUST for that mission.
Last week, I had Volt, and I had to spend the entire mission, zooming around in a circle with my Bo Incarnon just to stop things getting close, as no-one else in the group had any level of large scale group clearing and stunning.
Safe to say, it was absolute agony on my hand, and I hated every second of it.

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Il y a 1 heure, Weird-light a dit :

Can you make it without Limbo?


My squad got #*!%ed up just in 10 sec. We couldn't gather even 10 glyphs because of god damn health curse, and bome suicide limbs.


3 weeks in a row there were mirror defenses. they were terrbile but this week's one is the worst.


If deep archimedian forces choosing warframes or gears, modules should be okay with anything. Why is it so #*!%ing hard without limbo like warframes?


it should be easy with them, not almost impossible without.


Fixes have to done I think.



I think you have these 4 annoying debuffs. Just like mine. I have energy exhaustion, Knifestep symdrome, ammo deficit and Lethargic shields. This is the worst debuff in the game. I'm going to let EDA die for good.

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Yeah it’s awful. We managed to do it after 4 tries with me playing frost with the 4 Augment


other frames were Wisp, Mesa and Nidus. 

Could have done with a Stynax to rally point the enemies away from the defence objective. 

we literally had to be as far away from it as possible to avoid it getting 1 shot. 

Edited by Chubbybearursa
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23 hours ago, Eclipse2024Qc said:

I think you have these 4 annoying debuffs. Just like mine. I have energy exhaustion, Knifestep symdrome, ammo deficit and Lethargic shields. This is the worst debuff in the game. I'm going to let EDA die for good.

Everyone has the same debuffs. Only the loadouts are personal

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