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Abyssal zone new arcanes (Defixio arcanes)


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With Dagath farm in Abyssal zone we pick up Defixios. They give us certain debuffs. We need to carry them to end of mission. I thought about making Defixios into arcanes.



Player pick Defixio and they bring it to Extract zone. On Extract, you get guaranteed arcane based on Defixio you pick (e.g. Phantom curse Defixio => Phantom curse arcane). With team you have chance to get arcane of other players.



All arcanes will be for frames. Temporary names would follow this system: curse => arcane curse (e.g. Phantom Curse => Arcane Phantom Curse). I'll post Defixio/Curse first then arcane later.

All arcanes have +1 revive on 3rd rank.

Arcanes are meant to give some detrimental (debuff) while giving you bigger bonus. It can give you e.g. more damage but only when you are in air but you take damage on ground.


Blood Curse     Your Health drains steadily. Killing enemies restores it.

Your health (bypass shield & overguard) is drained, killing enemies restore it. When health is full, restores shield (not on overguard).
1: 1 hp drain - 2 hp on kill
2: 2 hp drain - 4 hp on kill
5: 5 hp drain - 10 hp on kill



Exposure Curse     Your Shields get removed.

Converts percentage of your shield to 2-3x health.
1: 20%  conversion (e.g. from 100 shield takes 20, you still get 80 shield)
2: 40%  conversion
3: 60%  conversion
4: 80%  conversion
5: 100% conversion


Hunter Curse     Take damage as you move. Land jumps for a brief reprieve from this curse.

Moving (on ground: running/walking, rolling, sliding etc) damages you. Jumping stops the effect for the jump time & 2 seconds after landing and buffs your all damage by percentage & damage dealt (capped at 20 damage instances).
1: 1% of your shield+health+overguard is drained;   deals: damage dealt * 10 + 100% (so e.g. take 12% damage aka 12x damage instances, 12%*10 + 100 = 120%+100%=220%; MAX: 200%+100%=300% damage
2: 2% drained; Max: 2%*20*10=400%
3: 3% drained; Max: 3%*20*10=600%
4: 4% drained; Max: 4%*20*10=800%
5: 5% drained; Max: 5%*20*10=1000%
Maybe <damage dealt * 5 + 100%> if 1000% damage is too big; still I want player to take some damage BEFORE dealing it, so it's pros&cons


Weariness Curse     Your energy drains steadily.

Drain energy on yourself, all allies gain energy. When no allies are in exp range it stops draining (so you don't have to replace it if you want solo)
1: Drain 1% energy per second, all allies get 1% energy
5: Drain 5% energy per second, all allies get 5% energy
Simple "team arcane".


Echo Curse     Take damage when you cast Abilities.

Takes damage when you cast abilities. Abilities deal % of damage dealt from all sources in last 5 second in 10*Range. Abilities have +Strength.
1: Takes 100*ability-drain damage  (e.g. 25 energy spent = 25 damage, 100 energy spent = 100 damage); deals 10% damage; +10% strength
2: Takes 200*ability-drain damage; deals 20% damage; +20% strength
5: Takes 500*ability-drain damage; deals 50% damage; +50% strength


Scarcity Curse     Your Ammo depletes steadily. Battery weapons recharge slowly.

Depletes ammo & slow down battery weapon recharge. Converts ammo into flat status chance (applied before mods; or just convert it to big number) & multishot. Status chance capped at 60%. Multishot capped at 120%. 1 ammo converted to 1% status chane & 2% multishot
1: Depletes 1 ammo
2: Depletes 2 ammo
5: Depletes 5 ammo
So basically faster drain & faster status/multishot increase


Phantom Curse     Gravity is reduced. Parkour Velocity is reduced.

Gravity reduced (so you are falling slower). 75% bullet jump. Grants 50% damage evasion/reduction in air. Slams attacks creates damage field (e.g. toxic). +50% range. Only 1 field can be active at time. Lasts for 5 seconds. Any other field created replaces old one.
1: Field causes 1% of enemy max health
5: Field causes 5% of enemy max health


Shadow Curse     Your light source dims steadily. Melee kills brighten it.

Cannot damage enemies outside N meters. You can still causes status proc (they won't take damage from it) & CC (e.g. pull) Melee kills increases range via M for 5 seconds (does not stack). Deals 300% (final) more damage to enemies within range.
1: 10 meters + 1 meter on melee kill
2: 11 meters + 1.2 meter on melee kill
5: 15 meters + 2 meters on melee kill
So when you deal 100 modded damage, after arcane you would deal 400.

Edited by quxier
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I really like the idea, funnily enough I played an abyssal zone yesterday again after a while - there's really barely any replay value after you got everything - at most literally it's just the one special ressource for helminth.

adding arcanes would help the replay value tremendously

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Some interesting ideas over here Quix, though some also seems a bit... perplexing, since they would only work well on some weapons, but perhaps that's the right thing.

  • Blood Curse doesn't seem worth the try honestly, there's a lot of ways to heal ourselves already, from arcanes, abilities, mods or even pets or tools. Don't think the positives outweigh the negatives here, also, can it kill me?
  • Exposure's Curse just wouldn't work. Many frames do not have the armour to support their health and those that have do, come with little shields so they wouldn't gain a noticeable benefit from them, e.g. Qorvex/Grendel vs Yareli/Harrow.
  • Hunter's Curse I'm having a bit of a hard time understanding due to the phrasing more than anything. So I take damage by moving, this stops while I'm mid air and for 2 other seconds upon landing, so a mixture of Knifestep syndrome and Target Fixation. I guess then, I take 5% damage per step, so this should quickly ramp up, if it has a duration it could easily replace any weapon damage arcane, including Galvanized overload-types.
  • Weariness Curse would be negated by an ally on the squad also equipping it? I understand the idea of having some form of de-specialization from Styanax and frames with energy regen as such, but doesn't seem quite worth it, mostly because it also depends on energy max. An ally not using something to increase the maximum energy of their frame gains less. Energy isn't an issue nowadays thanks to all the good mods and sources we got to increase its intake.
  • Echoes' Curse is curseframe syndrome, and also sounds like it'd only be worth it if your ability itself deals damage, so that reduces its effective usage down to... I don't know, since it's only on cast I understand only on cast will the ability also deal the added damage, and I can't think of many abilities than on cast deal a lot of damage, which wouldn't take subsequent damage instanced provoked by the same, I imagine.
  • Scarcity Curse could make some weapons be constantly reloading and never be able to fire, or have extremely small mags due to the constant drain, so it'd only work on high-mag weapons such as rifles. If I get to shoot less times, even if I have one extra pellet / bullet and way more status chance, the pros won't make up for the cons in a lot of cases.
  • Phantom Curse could be extremely potent, so long as it also procs statuses.
    Otherwise, meeeeeh.
  • Shadow Curse is probably the most interesting and the one I see working well out of the bunch, would enforce some kind of berserker gameplay, though only increasing damage. Could be cool when combined with Exposure's Curse on a frame like Kullervo, were these to work differently.

Even if the arcanes are a bit all over the place, they are just concepts I know, the idea of having something else on the Dephixio could be an incentive to go back to those ships filled with whiny rail agents that are too scared to pick up a lantern that just gives a debuff, they literally do nothing more than that. And to be fair, given Dagath's absurd situation of needing a whole lab for herself, just because someone really liked a concept, and the resource only being used on her and the helminth, yeah...

No wonder syndicates need our help with people like this.

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11 minutes ago, (PSN)Pablogamer585 said:

Blood Curse doesn't seem worth the try honestly, there's a lot of ways to heal ourselves already, from arcanes, abilities, mods or even pets or tools. Don't think the positives outweigh the negatives here, also, can it kill me?

Those are early arcanes so I haven't gone extreme. Of course numbers are meant to be changed if neccessary. However you are meant to kill constantly to get HP.

They probably stops at 1hp, so won't kill you. At this point hp on kill effect should stop as well.

19 minutes ago, (PSN)Pablogamer585 said:
  • Exposure's Curse just wouldn't work. Many frames do not have the armour to support their health and those that have do, come with little shields so they wouldn't gain a noticeable benefit from them, e.g. Qorvex/Grendel vs Yareli/Harrow.

First you can always do <100% still having shield gate & shield.

Secondly we could just increase multiplier so from 500 shield you can get 3000. You can mitigate armor with enough HP.

23 minutes ago, (PSN)Pablogamer585 said:

Hunter's Curse I'm having a bit of a hard time understanding due to the phrasing more than anything. So I take damage by moving, this stops while I'm mid air and for 2 other seconds upon landing,

Yes, that's correct.


so a mixture of Knifestep syndrome and Target Fixation.

Knifestep syndrome - yes, that's correct.

From Target fixation it's about 2 second "grace period". Damage comes from moving on the ground instead of hitting enemies with Tail wind.

I would like to think is mix of:

- knifestep syndrome - lose health

- Wisp's passive - invicible while being in the air + 2 second graice period

- plus, instead of being invicible you get more damage based on HP taken (more or less)

30 minutes ago, (PSN)Pablogamer585 said:

I guess then, I take 5% damage per step, so this should quickly ramp up, if it has a duration it could easily replace any weapon damage arcane, including Galvanized overload-types.

Yeah, but you get debuff as well. So it's not 1 to 1 situation.

34 minutes ago, (PSN)Pablogamer585 said:

Weariness Curse would be negated by an ally on the squad also equipping it?

I guess ally Wearing curse effect of teammate would be disabled. So you, having Weariness curse, get drained energy BUT your teammate, having Weariness cures, WON'T give you energy. Vice versa. Both of you would get constant energy drain like arcane specified.

37 minutes ago, (PSN)Pablogamer585 said:

I understand the idea of having some form of de-specialization from Styanax and frames with energy regen as such, but doesn't seem quite worth it, mostly because it also depends on energy max. An ally not using something to increase the maximum energy of their frame gains less. Energy isn't an issue nowadays thanks to all the good mods and sources we got to increase its intake.

Energy is not a problem later in game. It could be helpful for early-mid session (for allies) but later not so much.

For early-mid game you still would get like 5 energy per second on my 100 energy. That's pretty good amount if you don't have constantly energy.

For late game 5% may be not enough but could still be helpful if you e.g. go with melee/gun only mode so you support teams some way.

44 minutes ago, (PSN)Pablogamer585 said:

Echoes' Curse is curseframe syndrome, and also sounds like it'd only be worth it if your ability itself deals damage, so that reduces its effective usage down to... I don't know, since it's only on cast I understand only on cast will the ability also deal the added damage, and I can't think of many abilities than on cast deal a lot of damage, which wouldn't take subsequent damage instanced provoked by the same, I imagine.

It's based on damage from all (your) sources. So e.g. you kill few enemies in last 5 seconds and deal 1 000 000 damage. Xaku's Xata's whisper (buff) deals 500 000 damage. One thing it requires is timing. You just need to damage enemies within 5 second.

47 minutes ago, (PSN)Pablogamer585 said:
  • Scarcity Curse could make some weapons be constantly reloading and never be able to fire, or have extremely small mags due to the constant drain, so it'd only work on high-mag weapons such as rifles. If I get to shoot less times, even if I have one extra pellet / bullet and way more status chance, the pros won't make up for the cons in a lot of cases.

Good point. Now you need 60 ammo for full buff. So maybe buff conversion per ammo:

- from 1% status to 3%

- from 2% multishot to 6%

That would need 20 ammo for full effect. What do you think?

55 minutes ago, (PSN)Pablogamer585 said:

Phantom Curse could be extremely potent, so long as it also procs statuses.
Otherwise, meeeeeh.

It does 25% of enemy HP. Isn't it good? I mean, I don't want it to just melt enemies.

Sure, it can proc but I'm not sure what.

1 hour ago, (PSN)Pablogamer585 said:

Even if the arcanes are a bit all over the place, they are just concepts I know, the idea of having something else on the Dephixio could be an incentive to go back

Yeah, I've been responding to post about some grinds and how it has nothing to do after you get all gear. My experience were similar (solo runs to get next Dagath).

So I thought in this thread how they can make some arcanes to trade. Nothing special but you get 1+ arcane per few minutes. I guess that's pretty good incentivize (of course making arcanes interesting & good enough).


Thanks for the feedback, @(PSN)Pablogamer585!

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