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[ZH-HANT] [繁體中文]《Warframe: 1999》官方資訊站的嚴重翻譯問題 《Warframe: 1999》Official Page's Translation Is Extremely Problematic


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文章中提到有問題的所有內容至今都沒有修正 / 繁體中文翻譯組也沒有任何回應,因此只好再次整理第二篇,希望能讓DE重視繁體中文的翻譯問題,並著手調查。


Following up on my previous post from July 19th:
All issues mentioned in that post still remain unfixed and unresolved, and there has been no response from the Traditional Chinese translation team. As a result, I’ve decided to make a second report, hoping that Digital Extremes can take note of these concerns and maybe start investigating.




Throughout the entire Protoframe page, only one character's first name, "葵" (Aoi), was translated. All others were left untranslated.


“Match”「匹配」是中國簡體中文用語,台港澳用語為「配對」,可自行Google搜索「英雄聯盟 匹配 / 英雄聯盟 配對」來查證。

用來形容角色的常見俚語“a loose cannon”被翻譯成了「有機會爆炸的大砲」嚴重錯誤。
這句常見俚語是用來形容一個人「捉摸不定,難以預測 / 難以控制」的。
在此情境的正確翻譯為「不穩定要素 / 不穩定因素」

正確應為「"即使"跟妹妹發生衝突,他"仍然" / "還是"對妹妹異常忠誠。」


"Match" was translated as 「匹配」, which is a term used in Simplified Chinese (China). In Traditional Chinese (Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau), the correct term is 「配對」. You can verify this by Googling "英雄聯盟 匹配" and "英雄聯盟 配對."

The word "volatility" was mistranslated as 「揮發性」(evaporative) —which is a serious error. Would you ever describe someone by saying, "You are such an evaporative person"? The correct translation is 「情緒不穩」 (emotionally unstable).

The common slang "a loose cannon" was incorrectly translated as 「有機會爆炸的大砲」(a cannon that might explode) , another serious error. This idiom refers to someone who is unpredictable or hard to control, not literally explosive. A more appropriate translation would be 「不穩定要素 / 不穩定因素」 (an unstable element or factor).

The phrase 「即使跟妹妹發生衝突,但他對妹妹異常忠誠」(Even if he has conflicts with his sister, but he is still deeply loyal to her) contains serious grammatical errors.

In Chinese, 「即使」(even) is a concessive conjunction used to express contrast, where even though one thing happens or is assumed to happen, it does not affect another outcome. This is basic Chinese grammar.

When using 「即使」(even), it should be followed by 「還是」(still), 「仍然」(still), or occasionally 「也」(also) to maintain proper logic. However, the original sentence incorrectly used "但" (but), causing a contradiction and grammatical errors.

The correct translation should be:
「即使跟妹妹發生衝突,他仍然 / 還是對妹妹異常忠誠。」(Even if he has conflicts with his sister, he still remains deeply loyal to her.)



“Crowd Control”被翻譯成了「維持人群秩序」,在戰場上"Crowd Control"的意思為「控場 / 控制」的意思,也就是常說的"CC",控制戰局。
俚語"The heart to Arthur’s head.”被字面翻譯成了「亞瑟腦袋的「心」」。
“a matriarchal figure”被字面翻譯成了「母權人物」。此情境正確翻譯應為「母親般的人物 / 母親般的存在」。

"Crowd Control" was mistranslated as 「維持人群秩序」(maintaining crowd order). On the battlefield, "Crowd Control" refers to "控場 / 控制" (controlling the battle / enemies), commonly known as "CC".

"animating" was incorrectly translated as 「上演」(staging). The correct translation in this context should be 「動起來」(come to life or move).

The idiom "The heart to Arthur’s head" was incorrectly translated literally as 「亞瑟腦袋的「心」」(the heart of Arthur’s head). The correct translation should be 「亞瑟的良知」(Arthur’s conscience) or, for a more nuanced interpretation: 「比起理性的亞瑟,她則充滿了感性」(Compared to the rational Arthur, she is full of emotion).

"a matriarchal figure" was mistranslated as 「母權人物」(a figure of maternal authority), which is very inappropriate. The correct translation should be 「母親般的人物 / 母親般的存在」(a mother-like figure or presence).

"protective" was literally translated as 「具保護性」(protective qualities). However, since this describes Aoi’s personality, a more appropriate translation would be 「保護欲較強 / 保護意識較強」(possessing a strong protective instinct or a heightened sense of protection).



“Distraction runner”應為「誘敵者 / 佯攻者」而不是奇怪的「引誘跑步者」。
"Spiritually receptive"被翻譯成了「性靈靈敏」嚴重錯誤,「性靈」是甚麼?
"but interacts better telepathically than physically." 被翻成 「但心靈感應的互動比物理上的互動更好」贅字感極重,而且無法準確表達原意。建議翻譯成:「但比起物理手段更擅長心靈手段」
"in a word: intimidating."被字面翻譯成了「一個詞語:具威嚇性。」。你要總結一件事情的時候會說「一個詞語:XXX」嗎?
這邊的翻譯應為:「簡而言之 / 總而言之:是個可怕的存在。」或「兩個字:可怕。」

"Technocyte" was left untranslated.

"Distraction runner" was very incorrectly translated as 「引誘跑步者」(someone who seduces runners). The correct translation should be 「誘敵者 / 佯攻者」(a decoy or feint attacker).

"Spiritually receptive" was mistranslated as 「性靈靈敏」(sexually sensitive spirit)—a serious error. What even is 「性靈」(sexual spirit)? The correct translation should be 「心靈感知敏銳」(having sharp spiritual perception).

"but interacts better telepathically than physically." was translated as 「但心靈感應的互動比物理上的互動更好」(the interaction through telepathy is better than physical interaction). Not only is it overly wordy, and it fails to accurately convey the original meaning.

A more appropriate translation would be: 「但比起物理手段更擅長心靈手段」(but is better at telepathic means than physical ones).

"in a word: intimidating." was literally translated as 「一個詞語:具威嚇性」(one term: intimidating). Which is very awkward and unnatural in Chinese. We wouldn’t say "one word: XXX" when summarizing something in Chinese. A more appropriate translation would be:
「簡而言之 / 總而言之:是個可怕的存在。」(In short: an intimidating presence.)
Or: 「兩個字:可怕。」(One word: terrifying.)

"Comrades" in this context should be translated as 「戰友」(comrades-in-arms) or 「同伴」(companions / friends). Simply translating "Comrades" as 「同志」 may confuse readers unfamiliar with the original text, as 「同志」 is commonly used in Chinese to refer to "gay".


“Often places bets on his own shots.”被翻譯成了「經常對自己的射擊眼光下注」,錯誤,莫名多了「眼光」兩字。
"Would be a leader with more self-awareness.”被翻譯成了「可成為一個更有自我意識的領導者。」,跟原句意思完全不一樣。正確翻譯應為「若更自覺 / 更有自知之明一點,完全有能力成為領袖。」

"Often places bets on his own shots." was mistranslated as 「經常對自己的射擊眼光下注」(often places bets on the wisdom of his shooting eyes). The addition of "眼光" (the insight or vision of his eyes) is unnecessary and completely off. The correct translation should be: 「經常對自己的射擊下注」(often places bets on his own shots).

"Would be a leader with more self-awareness." was mistranslated as 「可成為一個更有自我意識的領導者」(could become a leader with heightened awareness of his own existence). The correct translation should be: 「若更自覺 / 更有自知之明一點,完全有能力成為領袖」(He would be a leader if he had more self-awareness).

The noun "gunsmith" was mistranslated as the verb 「槍械製造」(the act of conjuring firearms into existence)—a baffling mistake. The correct translation should be: 「槍匠」(gunsmith).


"Skilled as a medic, but stuggles to connect with them emotionally."被翻譯成了「作為一名技術精湛的醫務人員,但很難在情感上跟他們建立連結。」,不止基礎中文文法嚴重錯誤,跟原文意思也不一樣,「作為...」是用來表示身份、角色或立場用的,後面卻在沒有進一步解釋角色與使用連接詞確立矛盾點的情況下立下直接銜接了「但...」,導致整句語法錯誤且邏輯自我矛盾。




"Skilled as a medic, but struggles to connect with them emotionally." was mistranslated as 「作為一名技術精湛的醫務人員,但很難在情感上跟他們建立連結。」(As a skilled medic, but struggles to establish emotional connections with them). This translation contains serious grammatical errors.

Using "作為..." (as a...) in Chinese indicates identity, role, or position, but it incorrectly leads into "但..." (but...) without properly explaining the role or establishing a logical connection, resulting in a contradictory statement.

If you must connect "作為..." and "但...", the correct structure would be: 「作為一名醫務人員,她雖然技術精湛,但卻很難在情感上與他們建立連結。」(As a medic, although she is skilled, she finds it hard to establish emotional connections with them.) However, this translation still does not accurately reflect the original meaning.

The correct translation should be: 「雖然有著高超的醫術,卻難以在情感上融入他們。」(Although she possesses exceptional medical skills, she still finds it hard to connect with them emotionally.)


“Often jiggling a leg or tapping a heel.”被翻譯成了「經常晃動一條腿或以腳跟輕敲。」
"jiggling a leg", "tapping a heel"就是「抖腳」跟「用腳跟敲地板」的意思,你看到有人在抖腳你會用中文說他在「晃動一條腿」嗎?翻譯中的「用腳跟輕敲」中文句子也不完整,輕敲甚麼?空氣?還是自己的腿?

“Either a liability, or a lucky rabbit’s foot.”被翻譯成了「一是掃把星,一是幸運星」除了”liability”錯誤翻譯成「掃把星」以外,文法也錯誤。

“Known to avoid the use of vehicles in favor of running.”被翻譯成了「已被眾人所知避免使用車輛而偏好跑步。」與原意完全不符,「眾人」哪來的?

The phrase "Often jiggling a leg or tapping a heel." was mistranslated as 「經常晃動一條腿或以腳跟輕敲。」(often swinging one leg or lightly tapping the heel to). The expressions "jiggling a leg" and "tapping a heel" refer to the actions of "抖腳" (shaking a leg) and "用腳跟敲地板" (tapping the floor with the heel). Would you describe someone shaking their leg as "晃動一條腿"(swinging one leg)? The phrase "用腳跟輕敲"(lightly tapping the heel to) is also incomplete in Chinese—lightly tapping the heel to what? The air? Or their own leg?

The phrase “Either a liability, or a lucky rabbit’s foot.” was translated as 「一是掃把星,一是幸運星」(one is a disaster star, one is a lucky star). This contains a significant error as "liability" is incorrectly translated as "掃把星" (disaster star), and the grammar is also incorrect.
The correct translation in this context should be: 「不是團隊的累贅就是幸運星。」(Either a burden to the team or a lucky star.) or 「可能會是團隊的累贅,也可能會是幸運星。」(Could be a liability to the team or a lucky star.)

The phrase “Known to avoid the use of vehicles in favor of running.” was translated as 「已被眾人所知避免使用車輛而偏好跑步。」(known by everyone to avoid using vehicles in favor of running), which misrepresents the original meaning. Where does "眾人" (everyone) come from?
The correct translation should be: 「比起搭乘載具更偏好跑步。」(prefers running over using vehicles).





"Protoframe" was mistranslated as 「原型Warframe」(Proto Warframe / Prototype Warframe)—a serious error. Where did the "War" even come from?

[DE]Rebecca, director of Warframe, explicitly stated during Devstream 178 that Protoframe and Warframe are completely different. This translation is not only seriously incorrect but also very misleading.



活動頁面 / Event Page:



常用俚語"Get Hype"「嗨起來 / 興奮起來」,被翻譯成了「投入狂熱」...
“plus a Protokol Longsword Skin as a free gift!”被翻譯成了嚴重錯誤的「獲取免費獲取長劍協定外觀作為禮物」

The common slang "Get Hype" was mistranslated as 「投入狂熱」(immerse yourself in fanaticism). The correct translation should be 「嗨起來 / 興奮起來」(get excited / get hyped).

The word "Demo" was correctly translated as 「試玩版」(playable demo) the first time, but very incorrectly translated to 「演示」(presentation) the second time.

The phrase “plus a Protokol Longsword Skin as a free gift!” was mistranslated as 「獲取免費獲取長劍協定外觀作為禮物」("acquire a free acquire" longsword protocol skin as a gift.) With big grammar error in Chinese. The correct translation should be: 「還會免費贈送一把長劍協定外觀作為您的禮物!」(plus, a Protokol Longsword Skin will be given to you for free as a gift!).

原子摩托1999 MK III / Atomicycle 1999 MK III Page:



Atomicycle、ZeViLa沒翻,便條紙上的(Benevolently)被翻譯成了(有善地)嚴重錯誤 / 錯字,正確應是(「友」善地)

“borne from ZeViLa's wealth of real-world experience marrying proven knowledge with cutting-edge technology — all the way from the racetrack to the production line.”

"real-world experience"翻譯成了「實際經驗」,應是「實戰經驗」,因ZeViLa是賽車手

“all the way from”被翻譯成了「的整個過程」,嚴重錯誤,這段是與前段呼應,應是「完整地」


The terms "Atomicycle" and "ZeViLa" were left untranslated.

The word (Benevolently) on the sticky note was translated as (有善地) (have kindness), which is a serious translation error / typo error. The correct translation should be (友善地) (benevolently).

The sentence:
“borne from ZeViLa's wealth of real-world experience marrying proven knowledge with cutting-edge technology — all the way from the racetrack to the production line.”

The term "real-world experience" was translated as 「實際經驗」 (actual experience), but it should be 「實戰經驗」 (practical experience), since ZeViLa is a racer.

The word "technology" was mistranslated as 「技術」 (skill). But it should be "科技" since It's refering to Atomicycle’s "科技" (technology) instead of technical skills.

The phrase "all the way from" was translated as 「的整個過程」 (the entire process), which is a serious error. This phrase is meant to connect with the previous part, so the correct translation should be 「完整地」 (completely).

The entire passage should be translated as:
「透過ZeViLa豐富的實戰經驗,將成熟的知識與尖端科技結合,完整地從賽道搬至生產線上。」(Through ZeViLa’s wealth of real combat experience, marrying proven knowledge with cutting-edge technology, completely transitioning from the racetrack to the production line.)


"The result is a stellar new form that performs as well on the track as it does drifting through the city"中的"The result is a stellar new form"被拆成了獨立的一句並翻譯成「出來的結果是一種傑出的新形式」
這邊的new form並不是指「新形式」而是指原子摩托的這款「新款式」
"more intuitively and with significantly less fatigue for operators"
"more intuitively"被翻譯成「更直接」,這邊指的是操作「更直觀」
"A must-feel for both pro-riders and amateurs alike."
“A must-feel”被翻譯成了「不可或缺」,屬於錯誤翻譯,就算以不可或缺作為句尾,後面也少了一個「的」字來讓句子從形容詞結構轉為描述性質的完整句子,這是很基礎的中文文法。


The sentence "The result is a stellar new form that performs as well on the track as it does drifting through the city" was incorrectly translated. The phrase "The result is a stellar new form" was broken into an independent sentence and translated as 「出來的結果是一種傑出的新形式」(The outcome is a remarkable new form. "form, as a none physically metaphor.). "new form" here does not refer to a "新形式" (new form as a none physically metaphor) but rather to the "新款式" (new model) of the Atomicycle. The entire sentence should be translated as:
「成品就是無論在賽道上或在城市中漂移都同樣出色的新款式。」(The result is a new model that performs equally well on the racetrack and while drifting through the city.)

In the phrase "more intuitively and with significantly less fatigue for operators," the part "more intuitively" was mistranslated as 「更直接」(more directly). In this context, it should refer to 「操作更直觀」 (operating more intuitively). The entire sentence should be translated as:
「不止大幅降低駕駛員的疲勞,且操作更直觀。」(Not only significantly reducing operator fatigue but also operating more intuitively.)

The phrase "A must-feel for both pro-riders and amateurs alike.", "A must-feel" was incorrectly translated as 「不可或缺」(indispensable). ; even if "不可或缺" were suitable as a conclusion, it still lacks the particle "的" to convert the phrase from an adjectival structure into a descriptive complete sentence, which make this a basic Chinese grammar mistake. The correct translation should be:
「不管你是職業還是業餘賽車手,這種體驗都不容錯過。」(Whether you are a professional or amateur racer, this experience is one you cannot miss.)


"to guarantee the same vertical load at up to 37 kg at 300 km/h."
「以保證在 300 公里/小時時高達 37 公斤的相同垂直負載。」
"at up to"在這裡的意思是「不超過」
翻譯應是:「以確保在時速 300 公里時維持相同且不超過 37 公斤的垂直負載。」

The phrase "to guarantee the same vertical load at up to 37 kg at 300 km/h." was mistranslated as 「以保證在 300 公里/小時時高達 37 公斤的相同垂直負載。」(to guarantee the same vertical load exceeding maximum of 37 kg at 300 km/h). This translation is a serious error that conveys the opposite meaning. Did you even read the the original text and proofread the translated result?

The phrase "at up to" here means "not exceeding". The correct translation should be:
「以確保在時速 300 公里時維持相同且不超過 37 公斤的垂直負載。」(to guarantee the same vertical load at up to 37 kg at 300 km/h.)


On-lyne粉絲網站 / On-lyne fan site


On-lyne、Harddrive、Zeke、Drillbit、Packet、DJ ROM、Hӧllvanian沒有翻譯


The correct classifier for bands in Chinese is 「支」, not 「個」, this is a very basic Chinese grammar rule.

Additionally, the following names were left untranslated:
On-lyne, Harddrive, Zeke, Drillbit, Packet, DJ ROM, and Hӧllvanian.




Yo、On-lyne沒有翻譯, 常見俚語"radical"被翻譯成「前衛的」。
“Radical”是常見的流行文化俚語,意思是「超酷 / 超炫 / 超棒」等


“Yo” and “On-lyne” were left untranslated.
Additionally, the common slang "radical" was incorrectly translated as 「前衛的」(avant-garde).
"radical" is slang for "super cool," "awesome," or "fantastic" and should be translated accordingly as 「超酷 / 超炫 / 超棒」(super cool / awesome / fantastic).



“Radical” and “Rad” are even used in a lot of video games.




The term 「免提」(hands-free) is the term used by Simplified Chinese (China). In Traditional Chinese (Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau), the correct term is 「擴音」(speakerphone). You can easily verify this by checking your own mobile phones in Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.


“Whenever things get tough”被翻譯成「每當生活遇上艱難時」,屬於情境與語法錯誤。


The phrase 「女孩子」 (girl) is missing a comma after it, basic Chinese grammar error.

The expression “Whenever things get tough” was translated as 「每當生活遇上艱難時」 (Whenever life encounters difficulties). This translation contains both contextual and grammatical errors. In Chinese, the term 「艱難」 (difficult) is used to describe environments or long-term states, and it cannot be appropriately used after 「遇上」 (encounter).

For example:

「他在艱難的環境中生活。」(He lives in a difficult environment.)
「在經歷了那段艱難的歲月之後。」(After experiencing those difficult years.)
In this context, the correct word should be 「困難」 (hard / tough).




"Zeke"標題有翻成「齊克」, 但內文沒有翻譯。
「總顧及 粉絲」缺少副詞,中文語法錯誤,讀起來也很怪,應該是「總是顧及著粉絲」,但個人認為在此情境中「總是為粉絲著想」更適合。
"Zeke is real"被翻譯成「Zeke很真實」,中文用詞錯誤,「真實」一詞是用來形容事物貼近客觀事實的程度,不會用來形容人的個性。應為「真誠」。
"Zeke has sex appeal because he knows how to wear sexy clothes."被翻譯成了「Zeke 十分性感全因他懂得怎樣穿出性感衣裳的味道」,屬於翻譯錯誤,以及中文文法錯誤。


"Zeke" was translated as 「齊克」, but the name was left untranslated everywhere else.
「總顧及 粉絲」(always consider fans) is missing an adverb, resulting in a Chinese grammatical error that makes the sentence sound awkward. It should be 「總是顧及著粉絲」, though 「總是為粉絲著想」(is all about the fans) would be more appropriate in this context.

"Zeke is real" was translated as 「Zeke 很真實」(Zeke is really real), which is incorrect in Chinese. 「真實」(real) in Chinese describes the degree to which something aligns with objective reality and is not suitable for describing a person’s personality. A more appropriate translation would be 「真誠」(real / sincere).

"Zeke has sex appeal because he knows how to wear sexy clothes." was very incorrectly translated as 「Zeke 十分性感全因他懂得怎樣穿出性感衣裳的味道」(Zeke is very sexy entirely because he knows how to bring out the smell of his sexy clothes), which contains both translation and grammatical errors.

「十分性感」(very sexy) is missing a comma after it, basic Chinese grammar error. 「因他懂得怎樣穿出性感衣裳的味道」(because he knows how to bring out the smell of his sexy clothes), I can't even understand what this means or how it was translated.
A more appropriate translation would be: 「齊克很有魅力(或:齊克很性感),因為他懂得如何穿出性感的服裝搭配」(Zeke is charming—or Zeke is sexy—because he knows how to style sexy clothes).



俚語"DRILLBIT gets to the heart of the other bandmates."被字面翻譯成「DRILLBIT 能觸碰其他樂團成員的 心房 。」非常不準確。
"gets to the heart of XX"這句俚語的意思是「十分了解XX的想法」,跟「觸碰」與「心房」沒有關係。
"Sometimes it feels like he speaks directly to the fans."被翻譯成「有時感覺他就像是直接跟粉絲說話的那樣。」語法 / 用詞錯誤。

"heartbeat" was mistranslated as 「心臟」(heart), which is a serious error. The correct translation should be 「心跳」(heartbeat).

"DRILLBIT gets to the heart of the other bandmates." was incorrectly translated as 「DRILLBIT 能觸碰其他樂團成員的心房。」(DRILLBIT can touch the atrium of other bandmates), which is very inaccurate.
"gets to the heart of XX" means "deeply understands XX’s thoughts" and has nothing to do with "touching" or "atrium."
The correct translation should be: 「DRILLBIT 十分了解其他樂團成員們的想法。」(DRILLBIT deeply understands the thoughts of the other bandmates).

"Sometimes it feels like he speaks directly to the fans." was mistranslated as 「有時感覺他就像是直接跟粉絲說話的那樣。」
This translation contains both grammatical errors and word choice issues. 「的那樣」 describes a state rather than an action, making the sentence overly wordy and awkward.
A more appropriate translation would be: 「有時他就像是直接在跟粉絲們說話一樣。」(Sometimes it feels like he’s speaking directly to the fans).



“being the youngest”被翻譯成了「做排行最小的」屬於嚴重錯譯。

"being the youngest" was mistranslated as 「做排行最小的」(being the last in rank), which is a serious mistranslation. The correct translation should be 「作為年紀最小的」(as the youngest).




"People" should be translated as 「人們」(people) , not 「人」(a human).

The phrase 「帶給人比他們渴望的還要多的東西。給予他們的夢想。」(bring people more stuffs than they want, giving their dreams to them.) is excessively wordy. A more appropriate translation would be: 「帶給人們超乎所求,讓他們夢想成真。」(bring people more than they desire, making their dreams come true).




官方推出的幾個繁體中文的1999改版網站,幾乎每一個段落,每一個需要翻譯的地方都出現了無法忽視的大小問題,包括不翻譯、翻譯錯誤、中文語法錯誤、俚語照字面意思翻譯 / 錯譯、用詞不一致 / 不使用詞彙表(Glossary)等,這樣的品質甚至難以相信是出自人類之手,同樣的問題也不斷出現在近期大量新聞與新版本網站上。這些問題不僅嚴重影響了玩家們的理解和遊戲體驗,也可能會降低玩家們對遊戲品質的好感度。

因此,我懇請Digital Extremes開始重視這些問題,並積極採取行動來改善繁體中文翻譯的品質,以確保未來的翻譯能達到正常水準,並且符合玩家們的期望。





The official launch of several Traditional Chinese 1999 websites has revealed undeniable issues in nearly every paragraph and every translation segment. These include untranslated terms, translation errors, basic grammatical mistakes, literal translations of slang, inconsistent terminology, and a failure to utilize the glossary. Such quality is hard to believe as being produced by human hands. Similar problems have also repeatedly appeared in recent news and new version websites such as Jade Shadows and Koumei and the Five Fate. These issues not only severely impact players' understanding and gaming experience but may also diminish players' perception of the game's quality.

Therefore, I sincerely urge Digital Extremes to begin addressing these issues and take proactive measures to improve the quality of Traditional Chinese translations, ensuring that future translations meet acceptable standards and align with players' expectations.


Thanks for reading.


More to come.



Edited by AnJetCat
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老實說我希望DE這次不會再把陳述事實與霸凌混為一談,過去繁中用戶的使用者之所以看起來沒什麼意見並不是因為問題不存在,而是因為已經完全放棄溝通的可能性 (畢竟沒人想因為陳述事實而被懲罰,當然我知道DE不會這麼做...大概)


在體會過Warframe在過去的翻譯有多麼的優秀以後看到如今的狀況也會讓人想知道翻譯團隊發生了什麼事,但這並非是指責而是關心 (當然我知道在切身體會過如此大的落差後有些人可能會講得過於直接,但其實這也是人之常情)

To be honest, I hope DE won't confuse stating facts with bullying this time. The reason Traditional Chinese users seemed to have no opinions in the past is not that the problems didn't exist, but that they've completely given up on the possibility of communication. (After all, no one wants to be punished for stating facts, though I know DE probably wouldn't do that.)

AnJetCat just happened to be the whistleblower. Even if he didn’t say anything, someone else would have spoken up eventually.

After experiencing how excellent Warframe’s translations were in the past, seeing the current situation naturally makes one wonder what happened to the translation team. But this comes from a place of concern, not blame. (Of course, I understand that after personally experiencing such a significant gap, some people might speak a bit too directly, but that's understandable.)

Edited by RainPU2
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您好 AnJetCat,









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23 hours ago, [DE]Becky said:



繁體中文玩家及使用者們需要的不只是對單篇新聞或資訊站的小修小補,而是一個長期全面的承諾與改變,你們能向繁體中文的玩家及使用者們承諾會自行校對與修正以前有問題的新聞 / 網站,並保證以後推出的內容都不會再出現這些問題,翻譯時會真正站在玩家的角度考量,並用心做好每一份翻譯嗎?



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