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Brakk Nerf Megathread - Post Your Thoughts!


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Nerf all guns into the ground, screw any time anyone put into the game.  The people who pretend to have a "ethical highground" and spout bullS#&$ like, "it had to happen man, the thing was too powahfool" are just going to do it in whatever shines next.


Just don't spend money anymore on the game and de will get the messages that this PvE game needs to have flavor.  Or maybe they wont and the whiney little *@##$es who like to control everything will continue to mold warframe into a piece of junk where no item has any flavor.


Like damage 2.0.  All this "new options" is BS.  Every gun now has 1 build and that is it.  If gun has 2.3 slash damage (since a higher number would scare the mamary glands on the nerf crowd) and 2.0 impact dmg and 2.0 puncture the build a slash weapon with whatever elemental mixture you want.


When building warframe put #$&(% mods on first to ruin game experience, Flow, Focus, Streamline, Stretch and the Orokoin Vault versions of these stupid mods so you can spam 1-4 and never have to use your gun.  Yay you are a nerf wizard! Then if you want to play a "speed"y character ignore the 3 mods meant to make a fast warframe, those 3 mods are for *@##$es, just pop on Dual Zoren and Douchecopter your way past the pack by exploiting (no whiner nerf outcry here.)  After all is said and done the other 300 mods out there still have no use, but yo never hear about that, just a gun that kill enemies .003 seconds faster.


The nerf spammer really would make next generations best wives.  I wish they would just go find a man to control and stop helping DE sink their game's reputation and popularity.


''My weapon has no flavor if it doesn't outshine every single weapon in game times 2.''

''Why fix 1 weapon? buff all the other 99.9% weapons in game because that's how balancing is done.''

Tell me more please.I bet you have the solution for every problem in life.


How does "I'M SO HAPPY IT WAS NERFED" guys looks like:


funny considering the joke's on you.

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''My weapon has no flavor if it doesn't outshine every single weapon in game times 2.''

''Why fix 1 weapon? buff all the other 99.9% weapons in game because that's how balancing is done.''

Tell me more please.I bet you have the solution for every problem in life.


funny considering the joke's on you.



eharmony.com ma'am you can find someone to control there.  Screw the brakk and delete so you feel better about whatever you want in this game.  I know this concept will be ignored in your reply, but if you buy into something (anything) for your hard earned dollar and then after purchasing it they remove many of it's feature that is not only bullS#&$, but in some regulated places it is illegal and considered a crime of one sort or another.  Maybe not in China where you can steal anyone elses belongings, development or idea in the world and get a pat on the back.


The control freak nerf crowd got their brakk nerf, lets have them look at prime access next.  Anyone who spent $140 on it should be screwed over right now, take back half the stuff, make ember prime have 8 slots instead of 10, remove the gun altogether since people who can afford are not balanced with your account.


When you arbitrarily start removing anything form people in these games now where the DEVs are propped up by &#!-kissers to the point they think they are gods you just support someone getting less for money they already spent.  Soma is next, go for it ma'am you will be happy once that nerf hits and can feel good that people wasted money on it.

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while yeah the nerf maybe too much, its not the end of the world,


DE has "overnerfed" before and has even buffed weapons because of that, i can imagine damage 2.0 is somewhat complicated, and their are alot of problems they have to adress with it, (status procs are an example)


the brakk needed a nerf, yes


was it nerfed too much? maybe


but if you guys remember, soma and even acrid got HUGE nerfs when damage 2.0 originally came out, and they where both buffed again


granted, acrid ran into common damage 2.0 problems, status procs not happening enough, and toxin generally being inferior damage as of damage 2.0 since it no longer ignore armor, both of which are problems not even unique to acrid, but poison in general, saryn's venom is a great example


damage 2.0 is still really fresh, so buffs/nerfs to anything really really shouldnt surprise anyone at this point and people shouldnt be so mad about them. annoyed, yeah, but there definately needs to be less rage about it. DE is quite kind to use, and im sure if we actually give constructive criticism, they might actually go back and try and get it right next time. Im sure it will go much further than "OMG BRAKK IS TRASH TO THE GARBAGE PILE IT GOES QQ". weapons should be better, but not by the margin that brakk was, especially since its a weapon you cant even get anymore, an item shouldnt be considered useless if it isnt "leagues better than everything else"


that being said, 20m is way too short for such a serious damage falloff, and i think it will probably be adjusted, just give DE some time, remember, this was a quick hotfix, not a major update

Edited by HillsAndTheSea
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You know Nickeltoe, for someone who's in the game for quite a long time, you are crying way too much over something we all knew was coming. You are acting like a 10 year old kid whose mom doesn't want to buy him a toy he wants. Get a grip.


If there's one gun that's better than any other in the game, it's bad for the game itself.

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I do not agree with the nerf.

At the moment anything that is to be considered an end game weapon is to be nerfed.

It is difficult to trust de and forma weapons because they will get nerfed.

Acrid, torid, brakk all gone to hell. Saryn too. That's at least 20 forma and a lot of time wasted for me.

Makes me not wanna play. Especially since it was not a minor adjustment but a weapon just destroyed. Same goes for saryn acrid and torid.

Here also comes the fact that we do not receive a reasoning for weapon changes from de, very often they are ninja fixes that are not mentioned. I despise this practice.

Edited by HollowExistence
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eharmony.com ma'am you can find someone to control there.  Screw the brakk and delete so you feel better about whatever you want in this game.  I know this concept will be ignored in your reply, but if you buy into something (anything) for your hard earned dollar and then after purchasing it they remove many of it's feature that is not only bullS#&$, but in some regulated places it is illegal and considered a crime of one sort or another.  Maybe not in China where you can steal anyone elses belongings, development or idea in the world and get a pat on the back.


The control freak nerf crowd got their brakk nerf, lets have them look at prime access next.  Anyone who spent $140 on it should be screwed over right now, take back half the stuff, make ember prime have 8 slots instead of 10, remove the gun altogether since people who can afford are not balanced with your account.


When you arbitrarily start removing anything form people in these games now where the DEVs are propped up by &#!-kissers to the point they think they are gods you just support someone getting less for money they already spent.  Soma is next, go for it ma'am you will be happy once that nerf hits and can feel good that people wasted money on it.

Yes this is all a big conspiracy !

Your problem is called bad investment.It's part of everyday life and the only at fault is you.It was a masively overpowered gun and you should've expected this much.Deal with it.


What are you 12 years old? geez

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eharmony.com ma'am you can find someone to control there.  Screw the brakk and delete so you feel better about whatever you want in this game.  I know this concept will be ignored in your reply, but if you buy into something (anything) for your hard earned dollar and then after purchasing it they remove many of it's feature that is not only bullS#&$, but in some regulated places it is illegal and considered a crime of one sort or another.  Maybe not in China where you can steal anyone elses belongings, development or idea in the world and get a pat on the back.


The control freak nerf crowd got their brakk nerf, lets have them look at prime access next.  Anyone who spent $140 on it should be screwed over right now, take back half the stuff, make ember prime have 8 slots instead of 10, remove the gun altogether since people who can afford are not balanced with your account.


When you arbitrarily start removing anything form people in these games now where the DEVs are propped up by &#!-kissers to the point they think they are gods you just support someone getting less for money they already spent.  Soma is next, go for it ma'am you will be happy once that nerf hits and can feel good that people wasted money on it.

Never knew you could jump the shark with a forum post. The more you know I guess. Also I really doubt this "nerf" or "balance" was arbitrary by any means.

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I've yet to use the Brakk post-nerf, but as a practical matter, I'm not entirely sure this will adversely affect me. I run my Brakk with a focus/reliance on elemental damage, and it's still doing the same elemental damage, and more impact. Honestly, that might actually be more effective in the orokin void, against all the tough shielded enemies.


That said, I do agree the sometimes the nerfs go too far, and I think this was an overnerf in this case. But at least Elemental Damage wasn't touched, so there's still that.

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I've yet to use the Brakk post-nerf, but as a practical matter, I'm not entirely sure this will adversely affect me. I run my Brakk with a focus/reliance on elemental damage, and it's still doing the same elemental damage, and more impact. Honestly, that might actually be more effective in the orokin void, against all the tough shielded enemies.


That said, I do agree the sometimes the nerfs go too far, and I think this was an overnerf in this case. But at least Elemental Damage wasn't touched, so there's still that.

go and test it out

imo i think it's still too powerful but w/e

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While I'm okay with Brakk nerf, I'm not okay with the fact that DE always left old ones behind.

I'm talking about stuff like Hek, Mitter, Strun, Grakata, all the longswords (if not all melee except for Galatine, lol).

Hell, I'm kinda sick of the fact that Gorgon got nerfed in it's glory days. And guess what? We have all the stolen traits on Soma.

What's even worse, weapon that actually in game simply got retired to put a big rod on further fixes.

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The problem is that DE prefers to nerf the ever-loving S#&$ out of anything that performs well enough in high-end content. Instead they should be looking at older weapons and buffing them to create choice, but Steve himself said he wanted Tiers and those new Tiered weapons will always be better than before (Power Creep) and always up on the market first because hey, DE needs to eat or whatever dumb-&#! reason the apologists will come up with next.


Also, when you charge just over $50.00 USD for a pack of a couple skins and weapons (What Stalker? to be exact) or $15.00 on the Soma, $25 for Nekros pre-built, etc, you don't get to call your game a goddamn beta anymore. Price-gouging-that-would-make-OPEC-tell-you-to-be-less-greedy sure, but not Beta.

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Having just read the very first pinned entry in this forum section entitled "Dont Even Nerf Thread........",  I suggest some folk re-read what got said there.

It is very applicable to all the recent draconian nerfs that have been occurring lately - including the most recent to the hard earned special event award Brakk.


"The point is, please, before you nerf thread, nerf your nerf threads. Think about it a while. Ponder it over some pie. Eat the entire pie. Think about it a bit longer. Come back to it later. i guarantee that if it truly is OP you'll know by then, and if it isn't, you just saved yourself some forum rage, kapish? Because I don't want to shoot cotton candy out of my gun just because your ego got a little boo-boo."


Please DE stop nerfing decent weapons.
Please DE  stop pandering to the selfish "I think it makes the game too easy and since I don't want it, no one else can have it either" playground attitude.


If players think a weapon is OP on their Apollodorus mission on Mercury - then don't use it!

If a player thinks it makes the game too easy, then don't build it!

If a player wants to be macho, then remove all the weapons  mods!

Or now with Dam 2, get even more creative and put in precisely the wrong mods for the faction you are fighting so they have resistance.


But please DE quit punishing the rest of us who actually want (and work for) powerful end game weapons just to appease some misplaced machismo gamer attitude. 

Thank you

Edited by Asynaptic2
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I have tested the new Brakk solo, on Pluto, rescue mission level 30-35 vs Corpus.


It is still devastating at close range. It's good like that. A weapon devastating at all ranges and vs all factions kills the diversity. DE did the right thing.

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A weapon devastating at all ranges and vs all factions kills the diversity. DE did the right thing.


you mean like the soma?

nerf that too?

or synapse that just cuts through everything?

Or Vortex that makes all infested missions a walk in the park?

Or Blessing that can make you invicible forever and you can solo everything in the game?

Or vectis that kills everything with one shot?

Or the dual zoren exploit?

etc etc etc




but brakk.. that we must nerf!

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Strun Wraith nerf now this, clearly they are telling us not to bother with events and theyre supposed special weapons... Ive seen hackers and others players of the playerbase kill games before, but damn, a games own company killing is out right baffling.

DE_Noob: "Hey, lets wait til they get comfortable with it and... *looks around* nerf it!"

Aaaand everyone in the DE office enjoy a good laughter at players expense...

I bet this is a running thing for them, to get giggles. Im wondering whats the next nerf because we all KNOW there will be one.... Before the year is out too.


So a game company nerfing two weapons, which the majority felt needed it, is killing their own game? Just because your favourite weapon was nerfed, that's killing the game? Get over it.

So patching up all these bugs, fixing the user interfaces, introducing trading, making sure people don't get scammed from it, watching for spam in chat, listening to the majority feedback and fixing the problems that arouse in the game, you've forgotten all of that, and apparently they're killing the game by nerfing two exclusive weapons, which shouldn't be the hands down best in the game. After all, if you joined the game after the event, does that mean you obviously don't deserve it?

Get over yourself.

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There is a massive inconsistency in your balancing decision of Brakk



The damage fall off essentially makes Brakk a close ranged weapon.

What enemies do you fight in close range? Infested


The damage was slanted to impact.

What enemies are (supposedly) weak against impact? Corpus

What range do you fight Corpus at? Long


What type of damage is strong against infested? Slash


As you can see your balancing made some really contradictory changes. The weapon that's effective range enforces close encounters for some reason is relatively ineffective against close range enemies (aka infested)


Therefore I ask the damage to be changed to favor slashing instead of impact so as to emphasize Brakk's now (seemingly) intended role as infested killer





This is not a un-nerf Brakk thread. Please discuss that in threads dedicated to un-nerfing of Brakk. Do note however that Hive Fleet Nefherder is the only force of inflence on the forums. This thread is dedicated to consistency within weapon design and how I perceive the lack of it in Brakk's rebalancing




Edit: Feel free to express your opinions and reasoning if you agree/disagree. Gonna bump this thread on Monday when DEvs come back to work 

Edited by WhisperByte
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About the range, you can't be serious can you?
90% of the time we are close not to mention certain warframes like rhino, loki, ash, or anything else really.


I do agree about the impact should be removed and in favour of slash or piercing, and those 2 being compensated.

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Falloff needs to fall off of shotguns in general.  If damage is too great, then it seems like simple math would suggest subtraction of base damage may yield a smaller overall number.


But then I think that multiple simultaneous impacts (such as those from a single shotgun blast) should only face a single armor reduction, rather than each pellet rolling against armor individually.  That would balance out the lower overall damage numbers.


If it's good, people who don't have it and "q.q, I no can has, NERF into ground plox" should be ignored.  I'm heartless about that.  If you don't have the exclusive content, you shouldn't get a call on it.  I worked for my Brakk, and I Forma'd twice.  I want my formas back.  The gun can go to hell.


Really, the problem with the community as of right now is that many of us use the "this is too good, NERF" method of feedback when we SHOULD be asking for other gear to see buffs to a similar level of quality.  I wish I'd read a single thread about "Brakk is so~oo good, please buff other gear to match".  I haven't posted enough lately.


To be blunt, damage falloff to me is a pansy method of applying a damage debuff where it's needed.  Frankly, I don't use melee weapons that need ammo, so why would I EVER use something with damage falloff?  If I'm that close, I have more fun with melee (which is probably more viable, to boot).


P.S.  WTS Brakk + all the Shotguns~~~Used paperclip or best offer.

Edited by Cytobel
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About the range, you can't be serious can you?

90% of the time we are close not to mention certain warframes like rhino, loki, ash, or anything else really.


I do agree about the impact should be removed and in favour of slash or piercing, and those 2 being compensated.

I am serious. Maybe that's just my personal experience but I found that staying within close range to anything but infested due to the amount of knockdowns (grineer) and burst dps (corpus) enemies have is quite deadly. Infested at least allow keeping them at Brakk's effective distance due to kiting while the rest of the enemies are better off engaged in mid to long ranges. I always attempt to stay at these distances so it's more like 20% of the time I'm in close range against non-infested enemies (especially against Corpus)

Edited by WhisperByte
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