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Brakk Nerf Megathread - Post Your Thoughts!


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The main reason I like the nerf is because it deals with this "Brakk Fanboy"-esque mentality, whenever you want to compare two handguns, the answer is just "Why are you using that s&%^, just get a brakk" or "Brakk or nothing" attitude, I see it in quite a lot of places. It's like, I was on holiday during the event so didn't quite make the 100 missions, but hey ho, I'm happy with my Lex. It happened also with the Acrid; a ton of Acrid fanboyism around here as well as in the game, even comments on my video scathed me for not using the Acrid on a Wave 55 Io run.


This nerf has wiped this Brakk fanboyism, and I like it. There are other weapons in this game, so it's time to start using them.

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 I doubt you have a brakk and I know you never even tried rage+qt before u11 since you started playing November 13, 2013.

Maybe you should play the game for a full month before preaching to us about "balance".



So I need to possess something in order to comment on it? I've seen enough evidence from the people who used them online and from videos on the internet. This same type of behaviour occured when I used to play Planetside 2 as well. Everytime something got nerfed, people threw a big exaggerated fit about it. The most common complaint was "I bought Station Cash to get this weapon and now SOE nerfed it!", which is pretty synonymous with the current "I used forma on my Brakk and now DE nerfed it!" complaints.


The amount of time I've played this game is irrelevant and my point still stands; this not only applies to Warframe, but to other games as well, and life in general. Get over yourself.

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So I need to possess something in order to comment on it? I've seen enough evidence from the people who used them online and from videos on the internet. This same type of behaviour occured when I used to play Planetside 2 as well. Everytime something got nerfed, people threw a big exaggerated fit about it. 

Get used to it. You are gonna see that a lot here. :)


Oh nooo, the Brakk has fall off damage like shotguns. Noooo. What am I gonna do? The Brakk is useless now, because I'm unable to get closer to the enemies. Noooo, the end is nigh.

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Strun Wraith nerf now this, clearly they are telling us not to bother with events and theyre supposed special weapons... Ive seen hackers and others players of the playerbase kill games before, but damn, a games own company killing is out right baffling.

DE_Noob: "Hey, lets wait til they get comfortable with it and... *looks around* nerf it!"

Aaaand everyone in the DE office enjoy a good laughter at players expense...

I bet this is a running thing for them, to get giggles. Im wondering whats the next nerf because we all KNOW there will be one.... Before the year is out too.

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My reaction: HELL YES!


Now people might actually use other sidearms if they have the Brakk.


I still think it needs to be brought lower, honestly.  It was the king sidearm by a huge margin.

I have almost all sidearms. When i'm able to get Brakk for 100 annoying (let's face) missions and put some formas in it... why should it be nerfed? I deserve this weapon! Still, Brakk can't one-shot really high level enemy - you have to play smart anyway

And last. Why do you care which guns i'm using? GT*you know where* with your thoughts please.

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So I need to possess something in order to comment on it? I've seen enough evidence from the people who used them online and from videos on the internet. This same type of behaviour occured when I used to play Planetside 2 as well. Everytime something got nerfed, people threw a big exaggerated fit about it. The most common complaint was "I bought Station Cash to get this weapon and now SOE nerfed it!", which is pretty synonymous with the current "I used forma on my Brakk and now DE nerfed it!" complaints.


The amount of time I've played this game is irrelevant and my point still stands; this not only applies to Warframe, but to other games as well, and life in general. Get over yourself.


lol, does not even have it but played a role in screwing over any who did.




So they killed a grineer .003 seconds faster than you, does it hurt that much?


Go to the next event pick up an item for yourself.  I have the brakk and did not use because I was bouncing around items since the event and did not get around to the brakk, thank goodness I did not waste $4 to $5 bucks using forma on it and you have done well to show me that using forma on any item is likely just a waste of time as soon as you and the nerf crowd get DE listening to you.


Good on you, forcing change on a subject you don't even have part of.  Be proud.

Edited by Nickeltoe
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I have almost all sidearms. When i'm able to get Brakk for 100 annoying (let's face) missions and put some formas in it... why should it be nerfed? I deserve this weapon! Still, Brakk can't one-shot really high level enemy - you have to play smart anyway

Internet entitlement as it's best.

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Internet entitlement as it's best.


Sticking your nose in something that is none of your business and an issue between consumer and content provider at its best.

You feel entitled to push your opinion and game changes on others but the guy who spent 100 missions acquiring that item is a piece of S#&$ right?   I am sorry he had an item that was better than your free account items, but you could have acquire it to and will likely have a chance to acquire unique items at events in the future.  Why go to the event though when you can just get the reward nerfed for any participants?  It is like you won the game huh?

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 Read further. Written for you as well.

I read it. And I don't care. Between this and ME3, I've seen enough people saying "Y U CARE WHAT I'M USING?!" that my eyes basically glaze over that saying. Because I don't care.

But when one gun is clearly a cut above not only every other weapon in the secondary category, but just about every other weapon in the game, it means that basically everyone will be using that weapon. A lack of variety isn't fun and is not balanced.


Sticking your nose in something that is none of your business and an issue between consumer and content provider at its best.

You feel entitled to push your opinion and game changes on others but the guy who spent 100 missions acquiring that item is a piece of S#&$ right?   I am sorry he had an item that was better than your free account items, but you could have acquire it to and will likely have a chance to acquire unique items at events in the future.  Why go to the event though when you can just get the reward nerfed for any participants?  It is like you won the game huh?

lmao, ok. sure. because you know i don't have a brakk? because you know what i have in my arsenal? and how long i've been playing? you really shouldn't make assumptions about things you don't have a clue about.

you know what? i never once said that the brakk should be nerfed. go ahead, do a forum search for it. i'll wait.  no, i just find it idiotic that there are people crying over the nerf as if it ruined the game.

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lol, does not even have it but played a role in screwing over any who did.




So they killed a grineer .003 seconds faster than you, does it hurt that much?


Go to the next event pick up an item for yourself.  I have the brakk and did not use because I was bouncing around items since the event and did not get around to the brakk, thank goodness I did not waste $4 to $5 bucks using forma on it and you have done well to show me that using forma on any item is likely just a waste of time as soon as you and the nerf crowd get DE listening to you.


Good on you, forcing change on a subject you don't even have part of.  Be proud.


So you're saying I somehow magically influenced DE to nerf the Brakk? Even though I've never said anything to anyone EVER regarding the Brakk, until now? I feel so special. My mere existence is enough to influence the design choices of people I've never talked to.


When you start playing a game like this, you're supposed to play with the understanding that the content IS subject to change. The fact that you and other people are throwing a fit about this (and some even going so far as to proclaim that the game is ruined) reveals the sense of entitlement you feel. DE never promised anyone that the Brakk, or any other piece of content in the game, would be immune to nerfs.

Edited by Laraso
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When you start playing a game like this, you're supposed to play with the understanding that the content IS subject to change. The fact that you and other people are throwing a fit about this (and some even going so far as to proclaim that the game is ruined) reveals the sense of entitlement you feel. DE never promised anyone that the Brakk, or any other piece of content in the game, would be immune to nerfs.

I like this part.

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I wouldn't MIND if it had just been a straight numbers nerf.


But damage dropoff is the most RIDICULOUS way of nerfing a shotgun/hand-cannon in existance, Fast moving projectiles DO NOT magically lose penetrating power at such short distances! TEN METERS wouldn't make a bullet drop any significant amount and is nowhere near enough for friction and wind resistance to slow it down any! And 10 meters my shiny metal &#!. I was no more than 5 meters away from those damn corpus drones and then were tanking my shots.


Whats next for shotguns and hand cannons? @(*()$ turning them into CoD shotguns and having the bullets arbitrarily @(*()$ vanish instead?


Yes, I'm bloody well furious. Thanks for turning the only @(*()$ secondary I liked into something that cant kill anything past punching distance.

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Dissapointing, expected - but disappointing.  I am in general anti-nerf because it does little good. it angers those that love the gun the way it was, while making the nerf herd happy.  When the nerf herd does not get it's way, they get mad - the anti-nerfers are happy. there is no winning.  The nerf war was what in the end really made me lose interest in Mass Effect 3.


As far as exclusivity goes - people need to wise up. seriously.  In the real world you EARN things. That may be a foreign concept because credit is so easy (or was) to come by that society in general is used to getting the reward before they do the labor.  This "it shouldn't be exclusive" or "Nerf it cause I can't have the powerful gun" mentality - it's misguided.  Think it through - it's only the most powerful side arm in the game until the next event with a powerful side arm comes along. 


I put a lot of forma in it- forma I paid for.  So if I am going to really shame anyone - I am going to say Shame on DE for not balancing it properly to begin with, and shame on the people who think they are entitled to everything because fairness is apparently a new universal law. 


DE, if you want me to keep investing in your game - keep this in mind.  I used the Brakk, I got it to level 30, understood it - and then I spent platinum for forma to upgrade it.  I may have done this several times (My Ignis has been polarized 5 times now)  you nerf something I have put that much effort into - you make me not want to put that much effort into it in the future, meaning possibly I'm giving you less/none of my hard earned cash.  no Free Lunch... every decision has consequences - and letting those few who ground out the 100 missions keep their toys hurt no one.  (though, I must admit - I had no desire to buy a new side arm for a while.)

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DE please ffs stop before you give me an aneurysm. I loathe it with every drop of blood in my body.


Not because of min-max, not because of dps, or whatever. I hate it because it is annoying to shoot. Being 1 or 2 meters from fall off and seeing 1's is the most annoying thing to experience in a twitch shooter game. If you want to nerf a shotguns range you do what every other dam video game on the face of the planet and make the spread larger. And if you absolutely must do fall off make an equation that applies at every meter rather than at 10 and 20 meters. 


So whichever DE employee who thought it was a good idea give brakk fall off and every other shotgun in the game i just wanted to let you know you are actively making warframe worst with your uninspiring, blood clotting, and aneurysm endusing ideas.


Sorry i needed to get this off my chest, fall off damage has been an issue of great annoyance for me since its inception especially when there are much better ways to nerf shotgun range all of which are more universally excepted and feel better for the player. You can downvote me for having an opinion now. 

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I don't think you understand the meaning of the word "nerf" used in the context of videogames...

Item in videogame had its attributes reduced. That is known as a nerf. Are you disputing that?


Oh, and falloff at ranges like that is just ridiculous. Just because Call of Duty decides that all shotguns have a spread that covers an entire hallway 3 feet from the muzzle of the gun and that all the pellets turn into marshmallows after 15 feet, does not mean it's a good idea.


I don't want to get into the whole realism thing, but the Brakk is a handgun firing shotgun shells. With a barrel that short, what about putting the falloff back where it was and just nerfing the overall damage a bit? It makes logical sense, anyway.

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Dissapointing, expected - but disappointing.  I am in general anti-nerf because it does little good. it angers those that love the gun the way it was, while making the nerf herd happy.  When the nerf herd does not get it's way, they get mad - the anti-nerfers are happy. there is no winning.  The nerf war was what in the end really made me lose interest in Mass Effect 3.


As far as exclusivity goes - people need to wise up. seriously.  In the real world you EARN things. That may be a foreign concept because credit is so easy (or was) to come by that society in general is used to getting the reward before they do the labor.  This "it shouldn't be exclusive" or "Nerf it cause I can't have the powerful gun" mentality - it's misguided.  Think it through - it's only the most powerful side arm in the game until the next event with a powerful side arm comes along. 


I put a lot of forma in it- forma I paid for.  So if I am going to really shame anyone - I am going to say Shame on DE for not balancing it properly to begin with, and shame on the people who think they are entitled to everything because fairness is apparently a new universal law. 


DE, if you want me to keep investing in your game - keep this in mind.  I used the Brakk, I got it to level 30, understood it - and then I spent platinum for forma to upgrade it.  I may have done this several times (My Ignis has been polarized 5 times now)  you nerf something I have put that much effort into - you make me not want to put that much effort into it in the future, meaning possibly I'm giving you less/none of my hard earned cash.  no Free Lunch... every decision has consequences - and letting those few who ground out the 100 missions keep their toys hurt no one.  (though, I must admit - I had no desire to buy a new side arm for a while.)

This so hard.


I'm actually so disappointed in this that I'm probably not going to buy the Prime Access pack that I was planning on.


I hate nerfing. Seriously. Stop it.


If you want to make the game harder buff the goddamn enemies instead. Leave the stuff we worked for alone.

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I put a lot of forma in it- forma I paid for.  So if I am going to really shame anyone - I am going to say Shame on DE

Wait a second. You say you were EXPECTING the nerf and then you say shame on DE for nerfing it because you spent platinum on forma? 


I'm sorry, what?


If you were expecting the nerf (everyone should've expected it sooner or later) and still put forma into it, then it's your own fault.


Why do you refuse to learn, people? Why? /facepalm



and shame on the people who think they are entitled to everything because fairness is apparently a new universal law. 


DE, if you want me to keep investing in your game - keep this in mind.  I used the Brakk, I got it to level 30, understood it - and then I spent platinum for forma to upgrade it.  I may have done this several times (My Ignis has been polarized 5 times now)  you nerf something I have put that much effort into - you make me not want to put that much effort into it in the future, meaning possibly I'm giving you less/none of my hard earned cash.  

I'm speechless. You shame people who think they are entitled to everything and then you threaten DE to not invest in the game in the future if they keep nerfing the stuff you like?


Wow. I don't even...

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