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Stop The Nerfs, Bring On The Buffs!


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Discriminating based on playtime.

Obviously this is what the community should be made of, toxic and entitled elitists who don't need no nerfs.

its not discrimination. its you have no idea what you're going over.


see i went through all your lovely content, filled with nothing but insults aimed at ANYONE who thinks differently than yourself. so maybe you should take a gander in the mirror and see who the elitest really is.


you've been playing now 13 days. thats not enough experience to be making calls for major changes.


just because you have an internet connection does not entitle you to casting input that will effect change that wont effect you.


dont call for a weapon nerf if you dont have it.

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I would also like to point out that you just called math stupid and how I used it to incorrectly justify myself. wow. your post is most likely rooted so far into confirmation bias, presumptions and irrelevant points you would ignore the actual topic in favor of hashing out sayings similar to "thats just your opinion" or "its all about you isn't it." or maybe even the stereotypical factually incorrect post that ignores the post before.


I mean hell, everything that is an actual argument is so obviously incorrect or unjust that I find it odd that you can really say those things in seriousness. I mean, if you want me to [more] respectfully list these at a later time I can, but you are gonna have to tone it down a bit first.


I mean, I just want a vague sense of balance, be it by tiering, or an equilibrium type. It would allow players to play how THEY want to without being overshadowed by somebody who is using max dps + blessing.



"you ALL need to stop acting as if taking away options is the way to go, and learn to let people play in a way they enjoy. because honestly, it seems like the ONLY people NOT having fun, are all of you lovely folks screaming for nerfs."


Hmm, maybe you need to stop acting like we are doing something when we are really doing something else entirely. We are advocating for either something that works better than what we have (tiering), or an actual sense of balance. This game is not exempt from balance just because it might nerf something you have. 


Now why don't you shove that strawman back into your list of arguments that should never be typed and respond with some actual things that make sense from either a mathematical, game design, or logistical standpoint.



Never once did I say I was opposed to buffs. On the contrary I (correctly) believe that you CANNOT balance a game effectively without buffs and nerfs no matter how small or big.

now then, if i came across as singling you out or angry, i apologize, as i didn't really type it out well thought last night.


i didnt say math is stupid, however maybe i should have been more clear.


using math in a way to instill a sense of fear and panic to effect a change you want but lot of others dont, is stupid.


you CANNOT put a mathematical equation on what will be fun for individual people, and thats the only defense nerfherders have, is math and how it "breaks" things in the game.


again, dont use it.


you say you wish for something resembling balance? yes, balance the way YOU feel it should be, not the way that can benefit EVERYONE.


you seem to love that straw man phrase a lot, so lets cut straight through the bullS#&$, and address the core issue yes?


someone said(and provided math) that fleeting expertise is too overpowered. ok, that i can maybe agree with.


is a nerf needed? not in my opinion. why? because it allows for niche build play styles.


does this need to be changed? maybe, i dont see a reason as i am nobody to tell them how to enjoy their game. if someone wants to build a nova with only amd and mol prime thats up to them, and it really doesn't bother me because im too busy enjoying my own content.


why am i opposed to nerfing things? because really i dont find taking tools away from my experience simply because someone ELSE doesn't like it. granted, there ARE situations where a nerf would be more beneficial than not, and nothing is ever going to be perfect so adjustments should be made according TO THE MAJORITY OF THE PLAYER BASE THAT HAS USED THE ITEM IN QUESTION AND WITH CONSTANT FEEDBACK BETWEEN THE TESTERS AND DEV'S


why am i so dead set against people using math as an arguement additive? because its USUALLY used in fear mongering tactics to relay the message "if this isn't fixed this game will break". Cwierz, you seem to forget you and i have butted heads numerous times. in fact i believe the entire reason i hassled you in your ideas about nova nerfs simply because of the rudeness you exhibited upon others who think differently than yourself.



again: if you dont like something, DO NOT USE IT. DONT take it away from someone who MIGHT LOVE IT. it is NOT your right to do so, so folks, think of maybe someone OTHER than yourselves before you make a post regarding possible changes to things you may/may not have.

Edited by ObviousLee
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so 125% dmg against a faction is bad?


Seems like 125% is higher then 100%.


But then again, I have no idea what i am talking about.


And light infestees are also considered flesh if i'm not mistaken.

Light infested are infested. It's a unique armor type. 

125% isn't bad. But it was 150% before. 

Not to mention armour now reduces slash damage, so using it on grineer is out. 

Which means the only use it has is on Crewman flesh, and most crewman are rather weak in the flesh department and strong in shielding to compensate. So that 125% is effectively useless. 

Infested also take no slashing damage. 


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I've never understood the desire to nerf things in a co-op game. It's not like someone is killing you every 2 seconds after you spawn. I suppose that ts possible some weapon may come along that is just too much but I haven't run across one I don't even think that one has ever been made for this game. I haven't been around since the beginning though so it's possible. I have however experienced mag being nerfed several times to my terrible dissapointment for reasons I've never understood. Well other than people whining (for reasons I never understood). I pretty well agree with the op and that's my 2 cents

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I've never understood the desire to nerf things in a co-op game. It's not like someone is killing you every 2 seconds after you spawn. I suppose that ts possible some weapon may come along that is just too much but I haven't run across one I don't even think that one has ever been made for this game. I haven't been around since the beginning though so it's possible. I have however experienced mag being nerfed several times to my terrible dissapointment for reasons I've never understood. Well other than people whining (for reasons I never understood). I pretty well agree with the op and that's my 2 cents

Exactly its a PVE game, how can a weapon be OP ?? I want one good reason just one...

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Because eventually being god gets boring and kills play time for the majority of people. 

kills play time what does that mean ??


I prefer being able to kill everything, what is gonna stop me from playing is not being able to kill anymore not the other way around, if a weapon is too op remove serration mod thats it :D

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