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Energy system or Cooldowns???


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Yes i know its been posted and talked about many times before but from what i've seen is no ones posted a solution anyone can agree on or such as people discuss from high energy costs and unable to use skills often enough to skills not even being useful? What about a cooldown system while scrapping the energy system as a whole it would make upgrading skills much easier for all you'd do is A. Make the Skill stronger/better or B. Reduce cooldowns as well as (Mods could help with this). Not only would this make skills more usefull but more situational and depending on the developers of course im sure they'd do a pretty good job balancing out cooldown times between skills.

^ just my idea plox comment thanks

also love this game so far would hope to see it become great

Edited by Lordkoser
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I think a cooldown or energy regen system could work, if implemented correctly. If going purely cooldown, i would hazard to suggest that activating an ability puts all abilities on cooldown. For example, say i use slashdash on Excalibur. it puts all my abilities on a short cooldown, and when that's up, i can cast any of them again. But if i was to use radial jav, it would put them on a longer cooldown, etc.

This could feed into cooldown reduction mods as was suggested, and maybe open up a different use for energy pickups. If you went a pure cooldown system, then collected energy from orbs could be used to supercharge the abilities. Expending all of it in a single use to provide a much more dramatic effect.

Another option would be a hybrid system of energy and cooldowns. Some characters, for example Volt, have immensely powerful final abilities. having these on a cooldown would make us more careful when using them, since using it at the wrong time could cripple us. Perhaps a long individual cooldown on abilities, that's sped up by energy collection, would be able to strike a balance between being able to spam these showstoppers, and making us overly cautious about their use. This would also make droughts in energy collection manageable, without cutting away the benefit of actually getting the orbs.

Edited by Strik1101
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Global cooldown system would bring this game too close to Mass Effect 3 multiplayer. Energy system offers different way to tac the power system.

As I stated/discussed with forumers in my thread, the overtime energy replenishment might hamper the overall pace of Warframe gameplay. It would be better if we have energy as a reward for aggressive action. Shooting/melee gives you a few point of energy every time we perform. Just like Trinity's power but on a smaller scale.

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Global cooldown system would bring this game too close to Mass Effect 3 multiplayer. Energy system offers different way to tac the power system.

As I stated/discussed with forumers in my thread, the overtime energy replenishment might hamper the overall pace of Warframe gameplay. It would be better if we have energy as a reward for aggressive action. Shooting/melee gives you a few point of energy every time we perform. Just like Trinity's power but on a smaller scale.

Im sorry I missed the other thread, you make a great point about pacing. Rewarding us for aggression and combat would fit in well with the established feel of the tenno. A more passive system could result in more passive play, and thats no fun. If youre familiar with mass effect multiplayer, perhaps you'll remember the firebase white geth farming? It was boring, formulaic, and influenced way too many balance decisions.

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It's not the power system but the map design and rather stupid pathetic Geth AI and BW buggy game that result in such overhaul in map design and mechanic. Even a BW fanboy like me disapprove of it.

Back to the topic.

Apart from ruin the pace of the game, global cooldown restrict power synergy within each frame. Right now we can use combination of powers in a fluid motion like using Volt's speed to bring you to middle of the crowd of Grineer and suddenly he's levitate and overload everything surrounding him. Global cooldown doesn't permit such thing - it's terribad compare to Warframe's energy system.

It's the problem of not having enough energy to do so that take the fun out of the 'caster' gameplay.

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I do think the energy points are better than having skill cooldowns, but like Lordkoser said, the energy points are so scarse that I find myself not even using my skills, or not having enough energy to do so. Maybe it'd be alittle more helpful if each squad member could grab a single exposed energy point instead of just one squad member taking the energy point and not even using their skills. I'll admit, sometimes I accidently pick up someone elses energy point, but that's how it is for now.

Maybe the energy points should be like mods, where every squad member can take it once until it disappears. Or at least lower the costs of the skills.

I don't think the the ratio of "energy points found" to "skills used" or "skills needed to be used" is quite fair right now.

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I don't like the idea of a global cooldown system as i enjoy chaining specials, for example using the Jump to get into a good position (up unto a bridge with a lot of shooting enemies for example) to follow up with a radial blind or slash&dash to clear them out.

I'm actually quiet happy with the current non-regen energy, as i can manage it myself and can decide if this situation is worth risking large amounts of energy, or if i should try another approach... with regen I'll probably camp out until my resources just refill by themselves and go all in every time i have the opportunity, cause there is no drawback in no doing it... making the cooldowns necesary in the first place to limit the ability spamming but in doing so also preventing nice combos. :(

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hmm i never stated anything about global cooldowns but thats always a possibility sure that ruins combinations of abilities within a single battle frame but that also encourages in a way better team play were if you co-ordinate your skills it will end with a better result and most of you would use your skills around the same time if in a tight spot. My original idea was individual cooldowns like the stronger or more effective the skill it will have abit longer cooldown than lets say a short distance movement skill or rhino's armor ability allowing him to tank more often. As for the energy system i'd rather have it removed completely if they were to implement cooldowns cause in a way aren't we an ancient warrior race?

Also as for Trinity if they were to remove energy they could make it so she reduces cooldowns instead in an area around her which in my opinion would be much more team affective as a support character. Of course this would not be done to a ridiculous proportion and this is all just an idea but ya just thinking of alternatives that allow us to better use our skills as the all powerful race that we are

Edited by Lordkoser
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Energy Regen eliminates one ability of the Trinity frame. Don't like it.

If it's a choice between having to make 1 new ability and not having enough energy to do Cool Things, I think the former is the better choice.

Anyways slow (or limited) regen would retain the usefulness of that ability while also letting people use their low-cost abilities more. Ubers would still be limited so Trinity would have a role.

Besides this also plays into my cries for more frame uniqueness.

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What about a cooldown system

Cooldowns have a big effect on deciding how much you get to rely on what abilities when.

This is a limitation, an constraint that blocks more creative, reactive use of powers.

Fixing the energy system and power effects is wiser overall.

We gain more but loose nothing.

Energy Regen eliminates one ability of the Trinity frame. Don't like it.

Energy regen through effective actions will promote active play, solve the issue of how long ranged attackers dont get orbs, and raises the uniqueness (through more common ability usage) to every other frame.

yes It may elimite some of the uniqueness of one ability on the trinity frame...

But honestly its much easier to go this route for the game overall and then find a solution for that one trinity abillity.

give it additional utility or something.

Edited by Ronyn
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I'm very unhappy with the current energy system, and confused by some replies. How does letting you use abilities more often slow down the gameplay!? The only variable to track would be how fast it would get. The current system has you relying on the randomness of energy drops, and makes you have to choose between saving your abilties or using them in the worst way - the unsure way where you don't know what is in the next room vs. using them strategically in a battle by battle basis.

Of course the abilities themselves would have to be changed, but at this stage we should be welcoming changes, and the energy system needs to change.

I saw comparions being drawn to Mass Effect 3 multiplayer as a negative, but that seems backwards as ME3 multiplayer is very enjoyable in no small part to its letting players have rapid power usage. (As a concept, dont go thinking I mean everything is fine with it.)

Edited by GenericBadGuy
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