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Phase 1: Melee Weapon Concept Submissions


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Well well.

I try it with my karagensu =)


Faction: Corpus


Name: Karagensu


Description: A high speed katana forged by the corpus to adapt the way of the tenno and their fighting style. Its a powerful weapon but also depends on how charged it is.

If you use normal attacks, it will slowly drain the energy. You can see how much you still have by looking at the orbs at

the sheath. 3 Normal attacks will drain one orb. The charged attack will not only hit the enemy you are targeting at, it will also launch a shockwave which knocks off enemies in front of you (similar to the charge attack of kogake)

The charged attack will drain 2 orbs at once.









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Name = Sepadan Sempurna

Faction = Tenno

Description = Double dagger style that can change to katana


                      Normal Mode (mash melee button) = Double dagger style

                                              Pros = light, easy to handle, increase the user slash speed

                                              Cons = small damage

                                              Qi-Rambeet - avatar hold using left hand

                                                                  - only activate when enemy is near

                                                                  - attack style multi-slash..insanely multi-slash per second

                                             Wahid Altanin Ain Dagger - avatar hold using right hand

                                                                                       - activate when enemy is far (long distant aim)

                                                                                       - attack style throwing, may paralyse the enemy for 5 sec 


                      Special Attack Mode (hold melee button) = katana style

                                                                                          Pro = huge damage

                                                                                          Con = took time to charge

                                              Furuba Sutoraion Gekido Katana - avatar hold with both hand







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1.Heavy Pika Axe.









from, for example: http://skyaion.mo-rpg.com/t61-aion-armas-actualizado




Might not be the right place to report stolen content  - I'm well aware that this thread is meant for contest submissions only. Felt the need to post this anyway :<

Edited by WEREsandrock
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фракция = тэнно

тип = нунчаку

описание = оружие ледяной урон быстрые атаки по окружаюшим мобам

                                                                                                                                                                                     http://museum.hikari.us/weapons/slides/nunchaku11.jpg                                                                                                      http://i41.servimg.com/u/f13/17/92/99/23/300px-10.gif



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Faction: Tenno

Name: Yaiken (Yaiba=blade Ken=fist in japanese)

Type: Fist/Blade Dual Mode Gauntlet

Description: Dual attack pattern fist-blade weapon. Have two mode of attacking - fist and blade. Fist mode loads out impact/puncture damage with normal attack. And the charge attack does average damage with small area AOE affects of short term stun (about 0.1s). Blade mode loads out slash damage with normal attack. It's charge attack does mid-high slash damage. Every mode has 3 combo with it's melee attack. After its third combo, it swap its form and change damage type.


The blocking is using the arming plate armed on tenno's arm to block enemy's attack.


Orginal Art:

Outlooking of the weapon


Attack pattern and mode change brief


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Faction: Grineer


Name: Skecta


Description: Heavy Lance, long range and high damage but at the price for slower attack speed (forward thrusting and downward slashes) 

would holster on the back of the frame like the (Vectis- sniper rifle)


Variation version

A Gunlance with two different modes, one mode is a powerful single shot cannon with 20ammo Max, 5 second reload time 

the other to melee using a new Lance style animation (forward thrusting and downward slashes) 

more or less how it works in MHFU 

to keep the balance it would replace either Melee+Primary slots or Melee+Secondary slots 

(while equipped it will replace the slot for either Primary or Secondary whiles being in equipped as an Melee weapon) 


I realize that it's a Melee weapon thread, but I might aswell give it a shot. This way I can't say I didn't try



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    The Protector an adaptation from the medieval shield, the protector can not only inflict damage, but deflect it as well. It may be big, and slow, but get hit with this and you won't need three strikes to know your out.

Faction: Tenno

Grip: onehanded





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the war machine named portens nimis lives up to its latin name as it is so powerful it has gained the power of conscience and can replicate the mind of its victim (fun effect) its faction is unknown yet it is without a doubt only for the experienced tenno who like to change the game (a replication of the Loki effect for you mischievous players)

 impact: 100

 puncture: 0 except on absorption = instakill (enemy must be on ground)

 slash: 0 except on soaring eagle/dive bomb = instakill/near instakill on weak enemies knockdown on strong enemies

 charged attack: 150 except while shield stance is equipped = deflection damage 

 throw attack: 75 accumulative descending (less damage from the first one hit to last one hit)

 attack speed: help me on this one cant be too fast obviously

 critical: 2x l 7.5%

 conclave 50 l 50


breakdown: portens nimis is a shield and an exo-skeleton for a warframe it requires a complete rework of animation though it will allow you glide, deflect damage, change the appearance of the weapon, surf the shield, use the shield as a cliffhanger,completely redefine the way you use the gameplay controls in a good way and test you creative limits


pictures coming soon...


a fellow tenno...

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Faction - Tenno


Name - Dragon


Description - An updated Tenno version of the classic nunchaku weapon, the Dragon is comprised of twin high density hollowed metal rods attached by a high-tensile strength nano-fiber weave cord. The open ended rods make for an eerie whistle as the nunchaku are spun about in combat.


While the weapons' base damage is fairly low compared to other melee weapons, it makes up for this with a high attack speed and decent crowd control: the weapons offer a good chance to stun/stagger enemies with normal strikes, and slide attacks offer a large chance for knockdown.


The charge attack for the weapon would be similar to how Hate spins about the Tenno user, with a nunchaku kata being performed as the weapon is primed for a power strike (example depicted below).



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I'm not overly familiar with all the melee weapons in warframe but I thought it would be nice to see a tonfa type weapon (see this page for grip type http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonfa) in the game. I guess they would be much like the dual zoran (short range and high attack speed) but perhaps feature a stab mechanic with the charge attack for increased range or high puncture damage (rather than slash damage). The design I've gone for I would say makes it a tenno weapon.


Another thought I had was to do with the introduction of stances for the warframes and it's application for different weapon types (although this would probably be a long way off yet). A lot of the weapons in warframe seem to be swords and axes that are wielded (loosely) in a kendo or bushido type manner; has it been considered to maybe have a fist weapon wielded in a wing chun type manner or perhaps a whip weapon wielded in a capoeira type manner and the ability to change the way a melee weapon is wielded? (like how you can change stance) Just a random thought ;)

Edited by Chizzelbizzel
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Faction: Tenno




Brief description: This is a polearm made it by a Bo and a Gram, the move are like the bo and orthos but with more damage and long range, attack multiple enemies fast but you warframe sacrifice move speed, the jump attack is deadly and make and expansive wave when hit the ground, the defense is slow and not much effective.










Wikipedia attack: 
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A bisentō (眉尖刀 brow blade) was a pole weapon used in feudal Japan. The bisentō has various descriptions, "a double-edged long sword with a thick truncated blade, a spear-like weapon with a blade at the end that resembles a scimitar a polearm resembling a glaive, with a long, heavy half and a heavy, curved blade". The bisentō is said to have been used by NINJA and peasants.



Sorry my bad english and i hope you like my work! Thank you for you up vote :)

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Faction: Tenno
Grip: 2 Handed (2x Single Handed). The weapon would be held identical to the 'DUAL ZOREN'
Description: Modeled after the 'Kusarigama', the 'VERSO' is a deadly short and long ranged melee weapon, offering quick slashing attacks at close range. Not only is this a brutal close range weapon, the tether attaching the two scythes can be extended to increase the length, and offering the Tenno a deadly long range charged throw of the offhand scythe.
Because of the nature of the weapon the Tenno could spin his/her body a lot in momentum to add flair to the exotic nature of the weapon.



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Faction: Tenno


Brief Description: A Bladed Whip created by the Tenno.


Original Artwork:



Author's note: I got lazy and did not finish the grip. Oh well, I'll leave that to DE artists for interpretation. (That is, if my submission make it.)

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Faction: Tenno

Name: Fear Spear

Grip Type: Two Handed Pole Arm / Spear


Story: The Fear Spear has massive advantages to ensure the safety of the Tenno. The spear can be thrust  <>----<> Forward and reverse, the Spear having medium size blades and a thick handle can be spun for sufficient blocking. The Fear Spear can be effectively used 360 degrees, vertically and horizontally. The Fear Spear can be used to slash, hack, knock down, stab, and slice and more making it a very versatile weapon. Now for the greatest feature, the (CHARGED) attack. The (serrated) blades are spring loaded and are charged once the blades are buried in the side of an enemy and they swing open in reverse violently tearing the enemies organs apart from the inside out like a reverse bear trap. There is no chance of survival with the damage inflicted. Finally the blade can be left spread open for a pick axe type weapon or closed up tight for a stabbing weapon. Warframe enemies will tremble in Fear when attacked by a Fear Spear wielding Tenno...



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Weapon Name: UMBRA
Handle Type: Two-handed Sword
Faction: Tenno
Weapon Focuses into Attack speed and Critical Damage.
Description: This weapon was designed to take out multiple enemies as quickly as possible with a flurry of stinging blows. Its keen sharpness allows it to eliminate enemies silently with one hidden slash of its blade.
I cant get the image thing to work so here are urls;



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