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Soma Needs More Recoil!


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Imagine this - Soma with 140 on radiation and 138 cold elemental and 20's in the missile damage mods, now put a 93% critical chance modifier on that with 150% critical damage and your hitting mobs at around 3-5K a bullet. thats my current build.. its rather OP sorry. needs a serious dose of nerfbattus. Bring the the accuracy down on the thing or give us mega recoil, we do have modifiers to lower that....


stop playing on venus.

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I propose that-


a.) spool up is removed, and fire rate is placed around the same level as the Braton or the point where it takes x seconds to empty clip.


b.) clip size is reduced to 40-50


c.) everything else stays the same, but maybe a reduction in reload time


Would this be a change people would accept?


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The sheer stupidity of "nerf this because x or y" threads is simply astounding.


Makes me wonder if people really want to just make every weapon deal 5 damage or something stupid like that, and then on top of that have nothing be able to kill an enemy higher than lvl 40.


Damn, you guys really are getting out of hand with your bullS#&$.


Want balance and realism to the tee? Go play in traffic, I'm sure you'll find all the balance and realism you could ever want.

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This ^.


Like I said, they keep crying to get things nerfed until we are left with nothing to get by on T3 Defense with (let alone in future updates if they add in more tiers). Look what they did to the Brakk with their whining: Like -anyone- wants any enemies near enough to the cyropod to even use the current version of the Brakk. Good non-use of critical thinking, getting a secondary weapon turned into a melee weapon that uses ammunition.


Myopic players are myopic - all focused on the low-level zones (where most of them reside, because they can't hack the 50+ stuff) and not towards the end-game or other high-end content.

Edited by thejynxed
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What are you even talking about, all those changes are good, Gorgon made no sense to have 100% accuracy at first couple of shots, Hek was a shotgun, Acrid was affected by damage 2.0, despair is fine, strun wraith is fine, Brakk was a shotgun, so damage falloff was added. . Synapse is restricted by range, galantine is a melee weapon, penta has too much ammo, so does ogris. 


If anything, you're just showing how illogical your meaning of balance is. 

You don't get it, right?

Every patch DE create something OP (or just poweful enough for T3).

Every patch something start discussion: "This gun is OP, give me a balance!"

After few patches DE nerfing this gun to the ground (Grogon was a high tier, now can't compete with Braton).

And after that DE create new OP weapon.


So, if they nerf Soma right now, they next gun will be OP anyway. They nerf every OP weapon in this game, but problem isn't solved.


Don't fight with guns. Fight with powercreep.


1) Synapse has a hard-capped SHORT range, so does Flux, Grakata is good CC (probably a mistake) but DPS is still subpar and ammo efficiency sucks. So if someone nerfs a bit Soma, now there is a place for a weapon that has lower DPS than Synapse but better range which could still be the Soma actually.

2) I said that the only way to make a gun better than Soma is making a Soma clone with higher DPS. No amount of buffing other weapons would make them more attractive than Soma because it is already the best in everything.

3) That armor scaling is still alive and still scales badly is another sad story, but making OP weapons is not the solution.

4) I personally endorse the idea of having most weapons able to reach Endgame with the right mods, without a clear winner, and for that to happen Soma needs to stop being the best in all categories.

5) The issue is that it manages to outdo in DPS all other weapons at a similar mod/potato/forma cost apart Synapse and Ogris, but does not have a hard-capped range at 20 meters or isn't shooting a slow rocket that can kill you. Instead it can snipe stuff because its spool-up accuracy is perfect, has a weak recoil and has the largest clip size in the game. Also comes pre-formad for your convenience.

What mods are used is.. irrelevant. The mod cost is the same yet it is so much better.

6) BIG Accuracy loss when in full auto (I'm autofiring headshots, it's... wrong!), reduced clip size to actually make sense as an attack rifle. But first shots should still be accurate. Still a Mastery 6 rifle after all.

1) Any logic here? If Soma still №2 for T3 - other guns still "useless".

2) Gun with same DPS can compete with Soma. Your argument is invalid.

3) OP weapon = good weapon for endgame. Stop farming Venus.

4) Stupid. This is main reason for mastery system. There is always "better" stuff, what's why we all going to level up.

5) Wait Gorgon Wraith or Grakata Wraith, or Soma Prime.

6) "Reduce accuracy, reduce clip size... and this crits too... wow, we have second Grakata!"


P.S. Rank 20 is coming. "So OP, DE, nerf it now!"

Edited by letir
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stop playing on venus.


That doesn't change the fact that this gun out damages everything out there with no drawback. 


The sheer stupidity of "nerf this because x or y" threads is simply astounding.


Makes me wonder if people really want to just make every weapon deal 5 damage or something stupid like that, and then on top of that have nothing be able to kill an enemy higher than lvl 40.


Damn, you guys really are getting out of hand with your bullS#&$.


Want balance and realism to the tee? Go play in traffic, I'm sure you'll find all the balance and realism you could ever want.

You can kill stuff over level 40 without the Soma, you're over exaggerating, probably due to your overdose of Soma usage. I'm actually sick and tired of how Warframe's community is completely ignoring weapon balance. 


This ^.


Like I said, they keep crying to get things nerfed until we are left with nothing to get by on T3 Defense with (let alone in future updates if they add in more tiers). Look what they did to the Brakk with their whining: Like -anyone- wants any enemies near enough to the cyropod to even use the current version of the Brakk. Good non-use of critical thinking, getting a secondary weapon turned into a melee weapon that uses ammunition.


Myopic players are myopic - all focused on the low-level zones (where most of them reside, because they can't hack the 50+ stuff) and not towards the end-game or other high-end content.

You're saying this under the assumption that people complaining about the Soma play under level 50 mobs, which is completely wrong. The Brakk has a range much farther than melee, here you are over exaggerating the nerf. I'm assuming you have never played T3 defense with anyone not using the Soma?


You don't get it, right?

Every patch DE create something OP (or just poweful enough for T3).

Every patch something start discussion: "This gun is OP, give me a balance!"

After few patches DE nerfing this gun to the ground (Grogon was a high tier, now can't compete with Braton).

And after that DE create new OP weapon.


So, if they nerf Soma right now, they next gun will be OP anyway. They nerf every OP weapon in this game, but problem isn't solved.


Don't fight with guns. Fight with powercreep.

They're already aware of power creep, they haven't directly addressed weapon unbalance in the game. 


Soma have rank 6. It must be better then Braton (0) or Gorgon (3). So, the only problem right now it's Supra (7). Buff Supra base damage to 70 - problem solved.

No, that's not the problem here. 


Translation: I don't like to be rewarded for my hard work so want to nerf the soma instead of using Gorgon or Grakata

Translation: I'm totally ignoring the unbalance in the gun and recommend you to use something that's balanced. 

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Soma have rank 6. It must be better then Braton (0) or Gorgon (3). So, the only problem right now it's Supra (7). Buff Supra base damage to 70 - problem solved.

Agreed, the Supra needs a buff since it trades projectile travel time, accuracy, ammo capacity, polarities (even though it costs a forma), resource cost, and research time to be a less overall effective weapon than the Soma. 

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Question: why are nerfers so intent on having more or less all guns at the same power level ?

Don't they realize that Warframe is a gear progression game ?


Without gear progression, there is no game.

Without balance, there is no game either. Soma will still be powerful, it just has recoil. 

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Without balance, there is no game either.

You are mistaken, warframe is a fast-paced action shooter, not a rts where each and every unit need to be tweaked to the finest point.

Satisfaction in this game is instinctive, not intellectual.


Balance is secondary at best, detrimental at worst, without some spontaneity there really is no fun to have in warframe, the game is too shallow, its base mechanics are not dense enough for it to be any other way.

Get weapons, blast things with them, receive stuff to get different weapons, rinse, repeat.


Look at the new damage system: overcomplicated, bothersome, a heavy weight trying to bring into the mix artificial depth.

To sum it up, an eyesore.

The devs are simply wrong to try to make of warframe what it is not: a rpg.

It's not a rpg, it's a shooter, and unless they entirely redo the game to slow its pace during actual gameplay then it can never be a rpg.


Balance is not important, what matters is that people find what they came to warframe for: fast and immediate entertainment.

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Variety is something that keeps the game alive too, and the Soma is up there with the Ogris for "weapons most commonly used in high level play."


I think it's a very cool weapon, but it does invalidate a lot of other weapons. Braton Prime? Latron Prime? Pointless compared to the Soma. The only reason why it hasn't been nerfed yet is because the devs love the weapon too.

Edited by NuLycan
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This conversation will literally go absolutely nowhere.


Some people keep coming up and saying " nerf becuz i haz no funz blah blah"


Yet the majority of people are perfectly fine with the weapons the way they are.

What you guys fail to realize is that out of the entire player community of Warframe that uses the forums, only a TINY TINY TINY minority actually go around asking for nerfs left and right.


The devs really shoulnd't be listening to these people, and stop handing out such crappy nerfs and damage systems like 2.2.

If they just left it at damage 2.0. and buffed a few weapons here and there, things would have been in a much much better place overall.

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No thanks. And recoil won't make you miss every shot. 




Negated by using critical mods, which isn't hard to do. 

been playing for months, and those "Easy to get critical mods" vital sense dropped once, point strike often, but hammershot is one of the hardest mods to get, not to mention split chamber, the amount of work needed to go into the soma to make it worthwhile is alot, 3-4 formas. the balance is the work needed, out of the box all the other guns even lower tier guns are better than the soma, not to mention the resources it needs to be made, also if you nerf soma atm whats the point in having it in game? it will just be another grakata at a higher mastery rank which makes it obsolete. with damage 2.0 you would need atleast 2 mod slots open for combo damage and with the amount of mods needed to bring just the base stats up on the soma to being respectable you want people to throw in a mod to improve accuracy, which in turn would or may cause a drop in dps as they might either need to remove a damage or part of their crit build, which is the whole point of the soma. also as someone else mention the game is tier and progression oriented, obviously you cant have weapon balance as then what is the point of having weapons tiered or progression oriented? whats the point in achieving higher mastery ranks if all weapons are balanced? and even atm i can make a grakata almost as effective as my soma and there is a huge difference in mastery and resources needed. as some one else said if you want to have fun go use a lower tiered weapon or try solo runs.

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been playing for months, and those "Easy to get critical mods" vital sense dropped once, point strike often, but hammershot is one of the hardest mods to get, not to mention split chamber, the amount of work needed to go into the soma to make it worthwhile is alot, 3-4 formas. the balance is the work needed, out of the box all the other guns even lower tier guns are better than the soma, not to mention the resources it needs to be made, also if you nerf soma atm whats the point in having it in game? it will just be another grakata at a higher mastery rank which makes it obsolete. with damage 2.0 you would need atleast 2 mod slots open for combo damage and with the amount of mods needed to bring just the base stats up on the soma to being respectable you want people to throw in a mod to improve accuracy, which in turn would or may cause a drop in dps as they might either need to remove a damage or part of their crit build, which is the whole point of the soma. also as someone else mention the game is tier and progression oriented, obviously you cant have weapon balance as then what is the point of having weapons tiered or progression oriented? whats the point in achieving higher mastery ranks if all weapons are balanced? and even atm i can make a grakata almost as effective as my soma and there is a huge difference in mastery and resources needed. as some one else said if you want to have fun go use a lower tiered weapon or try solo runs.

Balance does not mean weaken to other weapons. Get that out of your head. And those mods are quite easy to get, a player would have some of those by the time they're rank 6, they can sell other rare mods for plat and buy the ones they need with their gained plat. And the game is suppose to reward you for progress, not spoil you with it. 


This conversation will literally go absolutely nowhere.


Some people keep coming up and saying " nerf becuz i haz no funz blah blah"


Yet the majority of people are perfectly fine with the weapons the way they are.

What you guys fail to realize is that out of the entire player community of Warframe that uses the forums, only a TINY TINY TINY minority actually go around asking for nerfs left and right.


The devs really shoulnd't be listening to these people, and stop handing out such crappy nerfs and damage systems like 2.2.

If they just left it at damage 2.0. and buffed a few weapons here and there, things would have been in a much much better place overall.

Are you seriously suggesting that they should just buff weapons? If you have a weapon stronger than the Soma, holy hell there's just no point in using any other. The point being that you should give people a reason to use other weapons over the Soma in terms of stats, the Soma is well rounded for everything, adding recoil will just make it harder to handle, people who don't like that can trade it off for a weapon easier to aim, with less power.



You are mistaken, warframe is a fast-paced action shooter, not a rts where each and every unit need to be tweaked to the finest point.

Satisfaction in this game is instinctive, not intellectual.


Balance is secondary at best, detrimental at worst, without some spontaneity there really is no fun to have in warframe, the game is too shallow, its base mechanics are not dense enough for it to be any other way.

Get weapons, blast things with them, receive stuff to get different weapons, rinse, repeat.


Look at the new damage system: overcomplicated, bothersome, a heavy weight trying to bring into the mix artificial depth.

To sum it up, an eyesore.

The devs are simply wrong to try to make of warframe what it is not: a rpg.

It's not a rpg, it's a shooter, and unless they entirely redo the game to slow its pace during actual gameplay then it can never be a rpg.


Balance is not important, what matters is that people find what they came to warframe for: fast and immediate entertainment.

Are you saying that you support power creep as well as warframes with abilities that can wipe out an entire map with a push of a button? And that's FUN? 

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you have got to think about WHY it is so much more powerful than grakata and any lower tier level weapon(im taking supra out of the argument because its agreeable that it should be more powerful than soma).material wise the soma makes the grakatas material seem like spare change, 2 neurodes 400 alloy plates 900 salvage 100 polymer bundles and a handful of credits compared to 7 morphics 850 plastids 1200 rubedo 800 salvage and another handful of credits, there is no comparison the soma has to be more powerful to be worth the materials. mastery rank wise its grakata 0 soma 6 so again, its a weapon that can be picked up by anyone that comes in compared to a weapon that requires a player to obtain experience. Im not saying that soma should be the only go to weapon in the game, im just saying that due to the situation it has to be more powerful. As a rank 12 player ive seen many of these weapons come and go due to winers being unable to obtain higher level items and them screaming OP. If there are no more powerful weapons in this game i wouldnt be my rank right now because i dont want to work hard for a weapon that requires god know how many times the materials that is only a reskinned version of what i have without alot of extra damage to combat the enemies where i am at, HIGH LEVEL ENEMIES. now every grakata lover is gonna hate this but grakata is a low tier weapon and soma is a high tier weapon, deal with it its a fact and the reason why soma is standing alone as the god of all ARs is because every other one of its buddies were nerfed to dirt. If there was nobody continuously calling for nerfs we would actually have an arsenal that is worth using besides the soma. sorry to be the breaker of bad news but there will always be low tier weapons because if all weapons were balanced it would be like strapping on an ogris to every new player, everyone will get insane damage, nobody has to work to earn power and those that work hard get nothing special in return, similar to communism O.o not saying communism is bad or anything but it kinda fits what the OP wants weapons to be like 

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Are you saying that you support power creep as well as warframes with abilities that can wipe out an entire map with a push of a button? And that's FUN? 

Ah, the "I WIN" button fantasy; know what, it does not exist, nowhere in any game because devs are not dumb enough to create it.

The only who do so are amateurs who try to create the strongest character in Mugen, and even then it's more geeks trying to show how well they know PCs and can bypass the rules.

You can be as excessive in your blatantly exagerrated affirmations as you want, in the end the "I WIN" button won't happen, because devs despise obsoleting their own content, it gives them more work.


And I do not care at all about power creep, it could be a power stampede it would be the same as long as the game feel fun.

But you do not seem to care about fun, only about boringness.

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Balance does not mean weaken to other weapons. Get that out of your head. And those mods are quite easy to get, a player would have some of those by the time they're rank 6, they can sell other rare mods for plat and buy the ones they need with their gained plat. And the game is suppose to reward you for progress, not spoil you with it. 


Are you seriously suggesting that they should just buff weapons? If you have a weapon stronger than the Soma, holy hell there's just no point in using any other. The point being that you should give people a reason to use other weapons over the Soma in terms of stats, the Soma is well rounded for everything, adding recoil will just make it harder to handle, people who don't like that can trade it off for a weapon easier to aim, with less power.



Are you saying that you support power creep as well as warframes with abilities that can wipe out an entire map with a push of a button? And that's FUN? 

quite easy? me and 4 of my friends have run nightmare mode i have run it hundreds if not over 1000 times and guess how many times hammershot drop? same with split chamber except it dropped 1 time more than hammershot, ps only i was lucky to get splitchamber and vital sense, the one other person who has vital sense bought it by topping up plat, i dunno if you bother to look at trade and see the watered down prices people offer you for your mods thanks to people willing to sell anything for 5 quick plat, and the op prices people want for these mods, also at the rate things are going soon trade will be almost dead when the people with plat reach a point where they dont need to buy mods so who will trade for further newer people to get plat to buy these very rare mods? buying mods should never factor into the amount of work you put into a weapon or frame, as that is a  privilege  not everyone has. how does a soma spoil you? yes its good as a potential end game atm gun, not everyone who has one rates it as the best, also look at the resources needed the amount of mastery needed and the work you have to put into it, 3-4 formas, i see you completely ignored how out of the box every other weapon is better than the soma, not to mention to really utilize a soma you would more than likely need to potato it unless you are willing to forma it 6 times, which other gun needs that amount of work to get decent to good output if you dont potato it or have all the rare and even "uncommon" mods that drop even less than a rare?

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you have got to think about WHY it is so much more powerful than grakata and any lower tier level weapon(im taking supra out of the argument because its agreeable that it should be more powerful than soma).material wise the soma makes the grakatas material seem like spare change, 2 neurodes 400 alloy plates 900 salvage 100 polymer bundles and a handful of credits compared to 7 morphics 850 plastids 1200 rubedo 800 salvage and another handful of credits, there is no comparison the soma has to be more powerful to be worth the materials. mastery rank wise its grakata 0 soma 6 so again, its a weapon that can be picked up by anyone that comes in compared to a weapon that requires a player to obtain experience. Im not saying that soma should be the only go to weapon in the game, im just saying that due to the situation it has to be more powerful. As a rank 12 player ive seen many of these weapons come and go due to winers being unable to obtain higher level items and them screaming OP. If there are no more powerful weapons in this game i wouldnt be my rank right now because i dont want to work hard for a weapon that requires god know how many times the materials that is only a reskinned version of what i have without alot of extra damage to combat the enemies where i am at, HIGH LEVEL ENEMIES. now every grakata lover is gonna hate this but grakata is a low tier weapon and soma is a high tier weapon, deal with it its a fact and the reason why soma is standing alone as the god of all ARs is because every other one of its buddies were nerfed to dirt. If there was nobody continuously calling for nerfs we would actually have an arsenal that is worth using besides the soma. sorry to be the breaker of bad news but there will always be low tier weapons because if all weapons were balanced it would be like strapping on an ogris to every new player, everyone will get insane damage, nobody has to work to earn power and those that work hard get nothing special in return, similar to communism O.o not saying communism is bad or anything but it kinda fits what the OP wants weapons to be like 

Why are you even comparing communism to balancing weapons. Who cares about the building costs, if you didn't know, the building requirements for weapons in this game doesn't really make sense. Take a look at any of the infested clan tech, they require an absurd amount of resources, yet most of them are mediocre. 


Ah, the "I WIN" button fantasy; know what, it does not exist, nowhere in any game because devs are not dumb enough to create it.

The only who do so are amateurs who try to create the strongest character in Mugen, and even then it's more geeks trying to show how well they know PCs and can bypass the rules.

You can be as excessive in your blatantly exagerrated affirmations as you want, in the end the "I WIN" button won't happen, because devs despise obsoleting their own content, it gives them more work.


And I do not care at all about power creep, it could be a power stampede it would be the same as long as the game feel fun.

But you do not seem to care about fun, only about boringness.

You don't care about power creep? Or balance? You don't belong in this thread, why are you even arguing here, might as well make your own thread to have the game focused more on being an arcade, than being on something you can progress through, ergo something that requires balance to give your feel of proper progression and achievement.


quite easy? me and 4 of my friends have run nightmare mode i have run it hundreds if not over 1000 times and guess how many times hammershot drop? same with split chamber except it dropped 1 time more than hammershot, ps only i was lucky to get splitchamber and vital sense, the one other person who has vital sense bought it by topping up plat, i dunno if you bother to look at trade and see the watered down prices people offer you for your mods thanks to people willing to sell anything for 5 quick plat, and the op prices people want for these mods, also at the rate things are going soon trade will be almost dead when the people with plat reach a point where they dont need to buy mods so who will trade for further newer people to get plat to buy these very rare mods? buying mods should never factor into the amount of work you put into a weapon or frame, as that is a  privilege  not everyone has. how does a soma spoil you? yes its good as a potential end game atm gun, not everyone who has one rates it as the best, also look at the resources needed the amount of mastery needed and the work you have to put into it, 3-4 formas, i see you completely ignored how out of the box every other weapon is better than the soma, not to mention to really utilize a soma you would more than likely need to potato it unless you are willing to forma it 6 times, which other gun needs that amount of work to get decent to good output if you dont potato it or have all the rare and even "uncommon" mods that drop even less than a rare?

Any other gun that you will forma 6 times with a catalyst will never be good as the Soma. Hammer shot, some people obtain it in few runs, some many, you're just unlucky, and with that you feel that no one should touch your Soma due to the troubles you ran through to get a mod for it. Too biased to give any input here. 

Edited by DesuEx
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You don't care about power creep? Or balance? You don't belong in this thread, why are you even arguing here, might as well make your own thread to have the game focused more on being an arcade, than being on something you can progress through, ergo something that requires balance to give your feel of proper progression and achievement.

Hum, no, not gonna happen, I'm going to post in this thread as much as is needed.

As little as I care about it I still care far more about balance than you do, because you only care about flattening the game into chess, or majong.

What you call "balance" is simple mediocrity, it is having the same thing over and over and over, basically destroying the content from the inside by nullifying its purpose.

That's why I do belong in this thread, and will still post in this thread, that you want it or not.


Now, tell me, how can one progress through gear if all gear is "balanced" to be exactly the same ?

No progression at all, more like swimming in an ocean of boringness.

At least, snails and turtles will think they go somewhere with such a system.

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Don't fight with guns. Fight with powercreep.


1) Any logic here? If Soma still №2 for T3 - other guns still "useless".

2) Gun with same DPS can compete with Soma. Your argument is invalid.

3) OP weapon = good weapon for endgame. Stop farming Venus.

4) Stupid. This is main reason for mastery system. There is always "better" stuff, what's why we all going to level up.

5) Wait Gorgon Wraith or Grakata Wraith, or Soma Prime.

6) "Reduce accuracy, reduce clip size... and this crits too... wow, we have second Grakata!"


P.S. Rank 20 is coming. "So OP, DE, nerf it now!"

1) You keep ignoring that I say "buff other guns too"

2) Sure, because being hard-capped to 20-25 meters (pistol range) and causing insta-suicide AoE and slow projectiles can be disregarded. Hell, I use Ogris and Flux man, it's NOT as easy as run and shoot with Soma. With Soma I'm @(*()$ autofiring headshots from half the map.

3) Stop this crap. I want more than 3 weapons to be able to be used on Endgame. Besides, Endgame is broken due to armor scaling (again).

4) and the reason why we level stuff up? The reason we add Catalysts and Formas and re-level the item?

5) I want fun weapons, not to hurry and get the Next Best Weapon to be able to run Endgame while everything else is outclassed HARD.

6) It is a rifle damnit, not a SMG. First burst is accurate, then if you keep autofiring the recoil adds up. And the @(*()$ clip in the 3D model is open and you can count the bullets in it, they are less than 40. You know how to count? You don't care, you just want something to play Endgame on easymode.



Soma have rank 6. It must be better then Braton (0) or Gorgon (3). So, the only problem right now it's Supra (7). Buff Supra base damage to 70 - problem solved.

My &#!. It's better than all research weapons too (that require mastery 6+ to make) (apart Lanka) because it has top DPS without any drawback like tavel time, suicide-AoE or capped range.

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Why are you even comparing communism to balancing weapons. Who cares about the building costs, if you didn't know, the building requirements for weapons in this game doesn't really make sense. Take a look at any of the infested clan tech, they require an absurd amount of resources, yet most of them are mediocre. 


You don't care about power creep? Or balance? You don't belong in this thread, why are you even arguing here, might as well make your own thread to have the game focused more on being an arcade, than being on something you can progress through, ergo something that requires balance to give your feel of proper progression and achievement.


Any other gun that you will forma 6 times with a catalyst will never be good as the Soma. Hammer shot, some people obtain it in few runs, some many, you're just unlucky, and with that you feel that no one should touch your Soma due to the troubles you ran through to get a mod for it. Too biased to give any input here. 

you keep missing  the  obvious point, you dont need to forma or potato other guns right away to use it, the soma you must, and all of that is part of the work put into the gun, the same way you say i am biased for saying leave it alone because of all the time farming and work i put into mines, isnt it the same i can invalidate your opinion by you saying its easy because some people get it in a few runs? none of the points you put forward have any solid ground to be considered as the converse to them disprove your points just as much a you try to disprove others. like i and others said before if you want a gun like the soma thats not as effective go use a grakata or play solo or use non formaed and potatoed weapons, and some many? hammershot is one of the rarest mods to get, an unranked one goes for 40plat+ and you expect everyone to have 40 plat that inst starter or gifted to spend on a hammershot if they want it, like i told you before you cant count obtaining items by trade to say something is easy, that is a luxury not everyone has. tbh it just seems every single weapon out once it performs better in some cases than another you would want it nerfed, when that gets nerfed you would want  the  next best gun nerfed and so on, like i told you before the game is progressive when you have progressive and tier oriented systems there is nothing like balancing or complaining a high tier gun is better as that is the obvious point of having such a system.

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This conversation will literally go absolutely nowhere.


Some people keep coming up and saying " nerf becuz i haz no funz blah blah"


Yet the majority of people are perfectly fine with the weapons the way they are.

What you guys fail to realize is that out of the entire player community of Warframe that uses the forums, only a TINY TINY TINY minority actually go around asking for nerfs left and right.


The devs really shoulnd't be listening to these people, and stop handing out such crappy nerfs and damage systems like 2.2.

If they just left it at damage 2.0. and buffed a few weapons here and there, things would have been in a much much better place overall.

Did you just try to say that because nerfers are the minority they are wrong?


I am @(*()$ done.

Ill give you some advice you should really know, Balance cannot under any circumstances be effectively achieved without nerfs and buffs, trying to ignore one or the other is detrimental to the game. 

Edited by Cwierz
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