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Grineer/tenno Hybrid (Or My Take On It At Least)


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I wasn't sure whether this counted as "fan art" or a "fan concept" as I did it for fun despite spending a few hours taking reference (i.e. horribly plagiarizing) grineer armor/design/architecture found in game and in old obsolete concept art; even though I do think a playable grineer-augmented warframe would be the coolest thing ever. 


[Note: I at first was against making this a 'concept' due to how over-done this topic is, but I wanted to use the drawing for something, so I apologize in advance for the oncoming onslaught of stupidity]


What I was going for was essentially what I imagined would happen if the grineer tried to pull some kind of Zanuka rip-off of their own, but instead of doing what Alad V did (stapling warframe armor pieces on a robot) the grineer would, in that lovably pure, stupid and needlessly brutal grineer fashion, staple pieces of warframe armor and some of their own to a living human being (or neural sentry... whatever DE says the tenno are this week before they change it again). 


The result is a mangled, heavily armored and surgically-altered automaton kept in line by wires and hoses that snake in and out of it's exoskeleton. While it could be even more heavily armored, axes of rotation, joints and other anatomical features that allow it to move fluidly were left alone in order to retain it's "ninja-like" agility and movement. It has augmented legs that allow it to keep up with (at least with a Rhino or Frost) other tenno despite it's greatly increased weight from all the added armor and life support systems.


It's a rough pencil sketch, as I am both too lazy and ignorant to figure out how some of those really neat computer-art-design-thingies work. Also, it has no shading because I found that it made everything too smudgy. 


I didn't intend to make it a concept either, but if I had to guess how a grineer-type warframe would function in a group, my guess it would be some sort of support role - sort of like a slightly squishier Rhino, but with focuses on guns and ammunition rather than brute force and melee abilities.




NEVER STOP SHOOTING (or "LEAD WIND" or something): For a duration of time you and your allies gain increased magazine size and fire rate. Boosting this ability increases both mag size and FR.  


EAT LEAD ("LEAD EATER"?): For a duration of time your shield absorbs all projectile attacks and converts into ammunition (for all weapons). No damage is taken from absorbed shots. Boosting this ability increases the amount of ammo absorbed, it starts off at 100% and boosting it will increase it past that.  (This is supposed to make him great at tanking in grineer/corpus levels, but terrible in pure Infested maps or against sawmen/prod crew/etc.)


ROUND COMBUSTION: Upon activation, all the ammunition currently in enemy weapons explodes, dealing an incredible amount of explosion (bullet weapons)/Magnetic (energy weapons)/ Whatever the damage the weapon inflicts. I would try to base this off of whatever damage the weapon does, multiplied by the size of the magazine. This occurs in an area of effect radius, and boosting the ability will affect the power's range and the damage dealt by the explosions (which have their own radius). Also terrible in infested maps. 


HELLION JUMP: Similar to grineer Hellions, the rocket pack on the warframe's back (not pictured) throws the player forward  at great speed. This can be used in the upward direction. However, if you hit enemies while in-flight you will knock down yourself and whatever you hit. The trajectory of the jet pack will also have a chance to throw you in an unintended, random direction on occasion - similar to the jerky, unreliable, and seemingly unsafe flight paths the jet packs take when you shoot them off of grineer Hellions.





All of these are going to be rule of thumb. I frankly didn't put too much thought into them and I can't honestly feign any idea of what would be balanced for the warframe in regards to the metagame. 


ARMOR: Decently high. Lower than Frost or Rhino's but seeing how grineer all love their big bulky space marine armor, it would be a shame not to have a decent value on this stat. 


HEALTH: Significantly lower than Rhino or Frost. This is also to reflect the grineer in that they have excellent armor, but outside of it they are rather squishy and frail from genetic defects and etc. 


ENERGY: Moderate. Not great, just average, perhaps a little bit lower than what Excalibur has. Definitely more than the other bulky warframes have, but no values high enough to put it in competition with the "caster" warframes. 


SPEED: Slow - less than moderate: another grineer reference. Somewhere in the range equal to or greater than Rhino but slower than Excalibur.  



**EDIT** : Oh yeah, a name. Let's try "POLYPHEMOS" for now. You know - Grineer and their whole Greek mythology naming scheme. 


Is there anything else I should flesh out about this idea, or should I just stop now before it gets downright embarrassing?

Edited by Civilized_Barcode
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I like the Idea, DE maybe could integrate this into the lore like they did Valkyr  :D


It would also be very interesting to see a tenno/grineer Warframe with the aspect of Abilities and at the same time brutal


grineer style with the abilities.

Edited by Sudri
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no legs = not a suit/frame

but nice drawning btw


but this could be a enemy

Hm. Good point. It's not technically a suit. Oh well.


I kind of based this off the idea that the hostages you rescue are just tenno out-of-suit and that this is the result of some experiment where they amputated the legs, removed the original suit's armor until nothing was left but that weird bondage-slave-looking jumpsuit and then jammed wires into it's head. The point of leaving the hostage alive was so that it could use void powers and such since I think I recall that being what powered the warframes or something.


Besides, I think you're right - this looks more like an enemy rather than something DE would let us play as.  

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It's kind of funny that Grineer and Corpus slaughter each other by the thousands for even the slightest Tenno artifacts and pods. What's even stranger is that we don't see more Tenno based tech or equipment in use. Vor is the closest one to really useing Tenno stuff with his teleporting and bubble. Heck, that bubble isn't really sourced to any frame ether. We could really use a more Tenno based compilation of a boss.

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